@mastersthesis{Schneider07Thesis, author = {Thomas Schneider}, month = {July 10,}, school = {Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-N\"urnberg, Germany}, title = {{Secure Task Migration and Interprocess Communication in Reconfigurable, Distributed, Embedded Systems}}, type = {{B}achelor's thesis}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/S07Thesis.pdf}, year = {2007} }
@inproceedings{KS08UC, abstract = {We consider general secure function evaluation (SFE) of {\em private functions} (PF-SFE). Recall, privacy of functions is often most efficiently achieved by general SFE [Yao82,Yao86,LP04] of a Universal Circuit (UC).\\ Our main contribution is a new simple and efficient UC construction. Our circuit $UC_k$, universal for circuits of $k$ gates, has size $\sim 1.5 k \log^2 k$ and depth $\sim k \log k$. It is up to $50\%$ smaller than the best UC (of Valiant [Valiant76], of size $\sim 19k\log k$) for circuits of size up to $\approx 5000$ gates.\\ Our improvement results in corresponding performance improvement of SFE of (small) private functions. Since, due to cost, only small circuits (i.e. $<5000$ gates) are practical for PF-SFE, our construction appears to be the best fit for many practical PF-SFE.\\ We implement PF-SFE based on our UC and Fairplay SFE system [MNPS04].}, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {12. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'08)}, month = {January 28-31,}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/FairplayPF}}, pages = {83-97}, publisher = {Springer}, puburl = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-85230-8_7}, rate = {$19.1\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{A Practical Universal Circuit Construction and Secure Evaluation of Private Functions}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KS08UC.pdf}, volume = {5143}, weburl = {http://fc08.ifca.ai}, year = {2008}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-85230-8_7}, rank = {A}, address = {Cozumel, Mexico} }
@mastersthesis{Schneider08Thesis, abstract = {This thesis focuses on practical aspects of general two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE). We give a new SFE protocol that allows free evaluation of XOR gates and is provably secure against semi-honest adversaries in the random oracle model. Furthermore, the extension of SFE to private functions (PF-SFE) using universal circuits (UC) is considered. Based on our new practical UC construction, FairplayPF is implemented as extension of the well-known Fairplay SFE system to demonstrate practicability of UC-based PF-SFE. Also new protocols for SFE and PF-SFE of functions alternatively represented as Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD) are given.}, author = {Thomas Schneider}, month = {February 27,}, school = {Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-N\"urnberg, Germany}, title = {{Practical Secure Function Evaluation}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/S08Thesis.pdf}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{S08, author = {Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {Fachwissenschaftlicher Informatik-Kongress (Informatiktage 2008)}, month = {March 14,}, pages = {37-40}, publisher = {GI}, puburl = {http://www.gi.de/service/publikationen/lni/mehr-zur-schriftenreihe/seminars/gi-edition-seminars-s-6.html}, series = {LNI}, title = {{POSTER: Practical Secure Function Evaluation}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/S08Abstract.pdf}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/S08Poster.pdf}, volume = {S-6}, year = {2008}, address = {Bonn, Germany} }
@inproceedings{KSS08, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Thomas Schneider and Volker Strehl}, booktitle = {8. Kryptotag (crypto day matters)}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f\"ur Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO}, month = {April 11,}, volume = {WSI-2008-02}, title = {{Practical Secure Function Evaluation (Abstract)}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS08.pdf}, year = {2008}, address = {T\"ubingen, Germany} }
@inproceedings{KS08XOR, abstract = {We present a new garbled circuit construction for two-party secure function evaluation (SFE). In our one-round protocol, XOR gates are evaluated ``for free'', which results in the corresponding improvement over the best garbled circuit implementations (e.g. Fairplay [MNPS04]).\\ We build permutation networks [Waksman68] and Universal Circuits (UC) [Valiant76] almost exclusively of XOR gates; this results in a factor of up to $4$ improvement (in both computation and communication) of their SFE. We also improve integer addition and equality testing by factor of up to $2$.\\ We rely on the Random Oracle (RO) assumption. Our constructions are proven secure in the semi-honest model.}, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {35. International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'08)}, month = {July 6-13,}, pages = {486-498}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-70583-3_40}, rate = {$30\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Improved Garbled Circuit: Free XOR Gates and Applications}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KS08XOR.pdf}, volume = {5126}, weburl = {http://www.ru.is/icalp08/}, year = {2008}, rank = {A}, address = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
@inproceedings{SS08, abstract = {Secure Evaluation of Private Functions (PF-SFE) allows two parties to compute a private function which is known by one party only on private data of both. It is known that PF-SFE can be reduced to Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) of a Universal Circuit (UC). Previous UC constructions only simulated circuits with gates of $d=2$ inputs while gates with $d>2$ inputs were decomposed into many gates with $2$ inputs which is inefficient for large $d$ as the size of UC heavily depends on the number of gates.\\ We present generalized UC constructions to efficiently simulate any circuit with gates of $d \ge 2$ inputs having efficient circuit representation. Our constructions are non-trivial generalizations of previously known UC constructions.\\ As application we show how to securely evaluate private functions such as neural networks (NN) which are increasingly used in commercial applications. Our provably secure PF-SFE protocol needs only one round in the semi-honest model (or even no online communication at all using non-interactive oblivious transfer) and evaluates a generalized UC that entirely hides the structure of the private NN. This enables applications like privacy-preserving data classification based on private NNs without trusted third party while simultaneously protecting user's data and NN owner's intellectual property.}, author = {Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {11. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC'08)}, month = {December 3-5,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2008/453}}, pages = {336-353}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-00730-9_21}, rate = {$19.8\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Generalized Universal Circuits for Secure Evaluation of Private Functions with Application to Data Classification}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SS08.pdf}, volume = {5461}, year = {2008}, address = {Seoul, South Korea} }
@inproceedings{BBKSST09, abstract = {Efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are basic building blocks of many practical cryptographic applications such as identification schemes, group signatures, and secure multiparty computation. Currently, first applications that critically rely on ZK-PoKs are being deployed in the real world. The most prominent example is Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA), which was adopted by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and implemented as one of the functionalities of the cryptographic Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip.\\ Implementing systems using ZK-PoK turns out to be challenging, since ZK-PoK are, loosely speaking, significantly more complex than standard crypto primitives, such as encryption and signature schemes. As a result, implementation cycles of ZK-PoK are time-consuming and error-prone, in particular for developers with minor or no cryptographic skills.\\ In this paper we report on our ongoing and future research vision with the goal to bring ZK-PoK to practice by making them accessible to crypto and security engineers. To this end we are developing compilers and related tools that support and partially automate the design, implementation, verification and secure implementation of ZK-PoK protocols.}, author = {Endre Bangerter and Stefania Barzan and Stephan Krenn and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Joe-Kai Tsay}, booktitle = {17. International Workshop on Security Protocols (SPW'09)}, month = {April 1-3,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/211}}, title = {{Bringing Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge to Practice}}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7028}, pages = {51-62}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-36213-2_9}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BBKSST09.pdf}, year = {2009}, address = {Cambridge, UK} }
@misc{BCKSS09, abstract = {Efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are basic building blocks of many practical cryptographic applications such as identification schemes, group signatures, and secure multiparty computation. Currently, first applications that critically rely on ZK-PoKs are being deployed in the real world. The most prominent example is Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA), which was adopted by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and implemented as one of the functionalities of the cryptographic chip Trusted Platform Module (TPM).\\ Implementing systems using ZK-PoK turns out to be challenging, since ZK-PoK are, loosely speaking, significantly more complex than standard crypto primitives, such as encryption and signature schemes. As a result, implementation cycles of ZK-PoK are time-consuming and error-prone, in particular for developers with minor or no cryptographic skills.\\ In this paper we report on our ongoing and future research vision with the goal to bring ZK-PoK to practice by automatically generating sound ZK-PoK protocols and make them accessible to crypto and security engineers. To this end we are developing protocols and compilers that support and automate the design and generation of secure and efficient implementation of ZK-PoK protocols.}, author = {Endre Bangerter and Jan Camenisch and Stephan Krenn and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, howpublished = {28. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'09 Poster Session}, month = {April 26-30,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2008/471}}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCKSS09Poster.pdf}, rate = {$33\%$ for papers and posters}, title = {{POSTER: Automatic Generation of Sound Zero-Knowledge Protocols}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCKSS09Abstract.pdf}, weburl = {http://www.iacr.org/conferences/eurocrypt2009/}, year = {2009}, rank = {A*}, address = {Cologne, Germany} }
@inproceedings{PSS09, abstract = {Two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) is a very useful cryptographic tool which allows two parties to evaluate a function known to both parties on their private (secret) inputs. Some applications with sophisticated privacy needs require the function to be known only to one party and kept private (hidden) from the other one. However, existing solutions for SFE of private functions (PF-SFE) deploy Universal Circuits (UC) and are still very inefficient in practice.\\ In this paper we bridge the gap between SFE and PF-SFE with SFE of what we call {\em semi-private functions} (SPF-SFE), i.e., one function out of a given class of functions is evaluated without revealing which one.\\ We present a general framework for SPF-SFE allowing a fine-grained trade-off and tuning between SFE and PF-SFE covering both extremes. In our framework, semi-private functions can be composed from several privately programmable blocks (PPB) which can be programmed with one function out of a class of functions. The framework allows efficient and secure embedding of constants into the resulting circuit to improve performance. To show practicability of the framework we have implemented a compiler for SPF-SFE based on the Fairplay SFE framework.\\ SPF-SFE is sufficient for many practically relevant privacy-preserving applications, such as privacy-preserving credit checking which can be implemented with our framework and compiler as described in the paper.}, author = {Annika Paus and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {7. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'09)}, month = {June 2-5,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/124}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/FairplaySPF}}, pages = {89-106}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-01957-9_6}, rate = {$21.3\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Practical Secure Evaluation of Semi-Private Functions}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSS09.pdf}, weburl = {https://www.di.ens.fr/david.pointcheval/Events/ACNS09/}, volume = {5536}, year = {2009}, rank = {B}, address = {Paris-Rocquencourt, France} }
@inproceedings{KSS09SPEED, abstract = {We show how two existing paradigms for two-party secure function evaluation (SFE) in the semi-honest model can be combined securely and efficiently - those based on additively homomorphic encryption (HE) with those based on garbled circuits (GC) and vice versa.\\ Additionally, we propose new GC constructions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison functions. Our circuits are approximately two times smaller (in terms of garbled tables) than previous constructions. This implies corresponding computation and communication improvements in SFE of functions using the above building blocks (including the protocols for combining HE and GC).\\ Based on these results, we present efficient constant-round protocols for secure integer comparison, and the related problems of minimum selection and minimum distance, which are crucial building blocks of many cryptographic schemes such as privacy preserving biometric authentication (e.g., face recognition, fingerprint matching, etc).}, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {1. International Workshop on Signal Processing in the EncryptEd Domain (SPEED'09)}, month = {September 10,}, title = {{How to Combine Homomorphic Encryption and Garbled Circuits -- Improved Circuits and Computing the Minimum Distance Efficiently}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS09SPEED.pdf}, year = {2009}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland} }
@inproceedings{BFKLSS09SPEED, abstract = {We describe a privacy-preserving system where a server can classify an ElectroCardioGram (ECG) signal without learning any information about the ECG signal and the client is prevented from gaining knowledge about the classificationalgorithm used by the server. The system relies on the concept of Linear Branching Programs (LBP) and a recently proposed cryptographic protocol for secure evaluation of private LBPs. We study the trade-off between signal representation accuracy and system complexity both from practical and theoretical perspective. We show how the overall system complexity can be strongly reduced by modifying the original ECG classification algorithm. Two alternatives of the underlying cryptographic protocol are implemented and their corresponding complexities are analyzed to show suitability of our system in real-life applications for current and future security levels.}, author = {Mauro Barni and Pierluigi Failla and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Riccardo Lazzeretti and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {1. International Workshop on Signal Processing in the EncryptEd Domain (SPEED'09)}, month = {September 10,}, title = {{Combining Signal Processing and Cryptographic Protocol Design for Efficient ECG Classification}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFKLSS09SPEED.pdf}, year = {2009}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland} }
@inproceedings{BBHKSS09, abstract = {Efficient-knowledge proofs knowledge (ZK-PoK) are basic building blocks of many practical cryptographic applications such as identification schemes, group signatures, and secure multi-party computation (SMPC). Currently, first applications that essentially rely on ZK-PoKs are being deployed in the real world. The most prominent example is the Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) protocol, which was adopted by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and implemented as one of the functionalities of the cryptographic chip Trusted Platform Module (TPM).\\ Implementing systems using ZK-PoK turns out to be challenging, since ZK-PoK are significantly more complex than standard crypto primitives (e.g., encryption and signature schemes). As a result, the design-implementation cycles of ZK-PoK are time-consuming and error-prone.\\ To overcome this, we present a compiler with corresponding languages for the automatic generation of sound and efficient ZK-PoK based on $\Sigma$-protocols. The protocol designer using our compiler formulates the goal of a ZK-PoK proof in a high-level protocol specification language, which Abstracts away unnecessary technicalities from the designer. The compiler then automatically generates the protocol implementation in Java code; alternatively, the compiler can output a description of the protocol in \LaTeX\ which can be used for documentation or verification.}, author = {Endre Bangerter and Thomas Briner and Wilko Henecka and Stephan Krenn and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {6. European Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and Infrastructures (EUROPKI'09)}, month = {September 10-11,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, rate = {$45.0\%$}, volume = {6391}, pages = {67-82}, title = {{Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BBHKSS09.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-16441-5_5}, year = {2009}, rank = {B}, address = {Pisa, Italy} }
@inproceedings{BFKLSS09, abstract = {Diagnostic and classification algorithms play an important role in data analysis, with applications in areas such as health care, fault diagnostics, or benchmarking. Branching programs (BP) is a popular representation model for describing the underlying classification/diagnostics algorithms. Typical application scenarios involve a client who provides data and a service provider (server) whose diagnostic program is run on client's data. Both parties need to keep their inputs private.\\ We present new, more efficient privacy-protecting protocols for remote evaluation of such classification/diagnostic programs. In addition to efficiency improvements, we generalize previous solutions - we securely evaluate private linear branching programs (LBP), a useful generalization of BP that we introduce. We show practicality of our solutions: we apply our protocols to the privacy-preserving classification of medical ElectroCardioGram (ECG) signals and present implementation results. Finally, we discover and fix a subtle security weakness of the most recent remote diagnostic proposal, which allowed malicious clients to learn partial information about the program.}, author = {Mauro Barni and Pierluigi Failla and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Riccardo Lazzeretti and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {14. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'09)}, month = {September 21-25,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/195}}, pages = {424-439}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-04444-1_26}, rate = {$19.1\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Secure Evaluation of Private Linear Branching Programs with Medical Applications}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFKLSS09.pdf}, volume = {5789}, weburl = {http://conferences.telecom-bretagne.eu/esorics2009/EN/home.php}, year = {2009}, rank = {A}, address = {Saint Malo, France} }
@inproceedings{BKSST09, abstract = {Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) play an important role in many cryptographic applications. Direct anonymous attestation (DAA) and the identity mixer anonymous authentication system are first real world applications using ZK-PoK as building blocks. But although being used for many years now, design and implementation of sound ZK-PoK remains challenging. In fact, there are security flaws in various protocols found in literatur. Especially for non-experts in the field it is often hard to design ZK-PoK, since a unified and easy to use theoretical framework on ZK-PoK is missing.\\ With this paper we overcome important challenges and facilitate the design and implementation of efficient and sound ZK-PoK in practice. First, Camenisch et al. have presented at EUROCRYPT 2009 a first unified and modular theoretical framework for ZK-PoK. This is compelling, but makes use of a rather inefficient 6-move protocol. We extend and improve their framework in terms of efficiency and show how to realize it using efficient 3-move $\Sigma$-protocols. Second, we perform an exact security and efficiency analysis for our new protocol and various protocols found in the literature. The analysis yields novel - and perhaps surprising - results and insights. It reveals for instance that using a 2048 bit RSA modulus, as specified in the DAA standard, only guarantees an upper bound on the success probability of a malicious prover between $1/24$ and $1/224$. Also, based on that analysis we show how to select the most efficient protocol to realize a given proof goal. Finally, we also provide low-level support to a designer by presenting a compiler realizing our framework and optimization techniques, allowing easy implementation of efficient and sound protocols.}, author = {Endre Bangerter and Stephan Krenn and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Joe-Kai Tsay}, booktitle = {ECRYPT workshop on Software Performance Enhancements for Encryption and Decryption and Cryptographic Compilers (SPEED-CC'09)}, month = {October 12-13,}, title = {{On the Design and Implementation of Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BKSST09.pdf}, weburl = {http://www.hyperelliptic.org/SPEED/}, year = {2009}, address = {Berlin, Germany} }
@inproceedings{KSS09SPEEDCC, abstract = {We consider generic Garbled Circuit (GC)-based techniques for Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) in the semi-honest model.\\ We describe efficient GC constructions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison functions. Our circuits for subtraction and comparison are approximately two times smaller (in terms of garbled tables) than previous constructions. This implies corresponding computation and communication improvements in SFE of functions using our efficient building blocks. The techniques rely on recently proposed ``free XOR'' GC technique.\\ Further, we present concrete and detailed improved GC protocols for the problem of secure integer comparison, and related problems of auctions, minimum selection, and minimal distance. Performance improvement comes both from building on our efficient basic blocks and several problem-specific GC optimizations. We provide precise cost evaluation of our constructions, which serves as a baseline for future protocols.}, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {ECRYPT workshop on Software Performance Enhancements for Encryption and Decryption and Cryptographic Compilers (SPEED-CC'09)}, month = {October 12-13,}, title = {{Improved Garbled Circuit Building Blocks and Applications to Auctions and Computing Minima}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS09SPEEDCC.pdf}, weburl = {http://www.hyperelliptic.org/SPEED/}, year = {2009}, address = {Berlin, Germany} }
@misc{SS09, author = {Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, howpublished = {Section Days of Ruhr-University Bochum Research School}, month = {November 6,}, note = {(Poster prize awarded)}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SS09Poster.pdf}, title = {{POSTER: Ask Your E-Doctor Without Telling: Privacy-Preserving Medical Diagnostics}}, weburl = {http://www.research-school.rub.de/section_days.html}, year = {2009}, address = {Bochum, Germany} }
@inproceedings{SSW09, abstract = {Automatic recognition of human faces is becoming increasingly popular in civilian and law enforcement applications that require reliable recognition of humans. However, the rapid improvement and widespread deployment of this technology raises strong concerns regarding the violation of individuals' privacy. A typical application scenario for privacy-preserving face recognition concerns a client who privately searches for a specific face image in the face image database of a server.\\ In this paper we present a privacy-preserving face recognition scheme that substantially improves over previous work in terms of communication- and computation efficiency: the most recent proposal of Erkin et al. (PETS'09) requires $\mathcal{O}(\log M)$ rounds and computationally expensive operations on homomorphically encrypted data to recognize a face in a database of $M$ faces. Our improved scheme requires only $\mathcal{O}(1)$ rounds and has a substantially smaller online communication complexity (by a factor of $15$ for each database entry) and less computation complexity.\\ Our solution is based on known cryptographic building blocks combining homomorphic encryption with garbled circuits. Our implementation results show the practicality of our scheme also for large databases (e.g., for $M = 1000$ we need less than $13$ seconds and less than $4$ MByte online communication on two 2.4GHz PCs connected via Gigabit Ethernet).}, author = {Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Immo Wehrenberg}, booktitle = {12. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC'09)}, month = {December 2-4,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/507}}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-14423-3_16}, rate = {$19.8\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Efficient Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SSW09.pdf}, volume = {5984}, pages = {229-244}, year = {2009}, address = {Seoul, South Korea} }
@inproceedings{BFKLPSS09, abstract = {We describe a privacy-preserving system where a server can classify an ElectroCardioGram (ECG) signal without learning any information about the ECG signal and the client is prevented from gaining knowledge about the classification algorithm used by the server. The system relies on the concept of Linear Branching Programs (LBP) and a recently proposed cryptographic protocol for secure evaluation of private LBPs. We study the trade-off between signal representation accuracy and system complexity both from practical and theoretical perspective. As a result, the inputs to the system are represented with the minimum number of bits ensuring the same classification accuracy of a plain implementation. We show how the overall system complexity can be strongly reduced by modifying the original ECG classification algorithm. Two alternatives of the underlying cryptographic protocol are implemented and their corresponding complexities are analyzed to show suitability of our system in real-life applications for current and future security levels.}, author = {Mauro Barni and Pierluigi Failla and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Riccardo Lazzeretti and Annika Paus and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {1. {IEEE} International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security ({IEEE} WIFS'09)}, month = {December 6-9,}, pages = {91-95}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/WIFS.2009.5386475}, rate = {$32.5\%$}, title = {{Efficient Privacy-Preserving Classification of ECG Signals}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFKLPSS09.pdf}, year = {2009}, address = {London, UK} }
@inproceedings{PSSW09, abstract = {Secure multi-party computation has been considered by the cryptographic community for a number of years. Until recently it has been a purely theoretical area, with few implementations with which to test various ideas. This has led to a number of optimisations being proposed which are quite restricted in their application. In this paper we describe an implementation of the two-party case, using Yao's garbled circuits, and present various algorithmic protocol improvements. These optimisations are analysed both theoretically and empirically, using experiments of various adversarial situations. Our experimental data is provided for reasonably large circuits, including one which performs an AES encryption, a problem which we discuss in the context of various possible applications.}, author = {Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Nigel P. Smart and Stephen C. Williams}, booktitle = {15. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT'09}, month = {December 6-10,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/314}}, pages = {250-267}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-10366-7_15}, rate = {$13.7\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Secure Two-Party Computation is Practical}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSSW09.pdf}, volume = {5912}, weburl = {https://www.iacr.org/conferences/asiacrypt2009/}, year = {2009}, rank = {A}, address = {Tokyo, Japan} }
@inproceedings{KSS09, abstract = {We consider generic Garbled Circuit (GC)-based techniques for Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) in the semi-honest model.\\ We describe efficient GC constructions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison functions. Our circuits for subtraction and comparison are approximately two times smaller (in terms of garbled tables) than previous constructions. This implies corresponding computation and communication improvements in SFE of functions using our efficient building blocks. The techniques rely on recently proposed ``free XOR'' GC technique.\\ Further, we present concrete and detailed improved GC protocols for the problem of secure integer comparison, and related problems of auctions, minimum selection, and minimal distance. Performance improvement comes both from building on our efficient basic blocks and several problem-specific GC optimizations. We provide precise cost evaluation of our constructions, which serves as a baseline for future protocols.}, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {8. International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS'09)}, month = {December 12-14,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/411}}, pages = {1-20}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-10433-6_1}, rate = {$29.4\%$}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Improved Garbled Circuit Building Blocks and Applications to Auctions and Computing Minima}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS09.pdf}, volume = {5888}, weburl = {http://www.rcis.aist.go.jp/cans2009/}, year = {2009}, rank = {B}, address = {Kanazawa, Japan} }
@inproceedings{JKSS10TOKEN, abstract = {We consider Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) in the client-server setting where the server issues a secure token to the client. The token is not trusted by the client and is {\em not} a trusted third party.\\ We show how to take advantage of the token to drastically reduce the communication complexity of SFE and computation load of the server.\\ Our main contribution is the detailed consideration of design decisions, optimizations, and trade-offs, associated with the setting and its strict hardware requirements for practical deployment. In particular, we model the token as a computationally weak device with small constant-size memory and limit communication between client and server.\\ We consider semi-honest, covert, and malicious adversaries. We show the feasibility of our protocols based on a FPGA implementation.}, author = {Kimmo J\"arvinen and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {14. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'10)}, month = {January 25-28,}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2009/591}}, publisher = {Springer}, rate = {$14.6\%$}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {6052}, pages = {207-221}, title = {{Embedded SFE: Offloading Server and Network using Hardware Tokens}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/JKSS10TOKEN.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-14577-3_17}, weburl = {http://fc10.ifca.ai}, year = {2010}, rank = {A}, address = {Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain} }
@inproceedings{SSW10, abstract = {Secure outsourcing of computation to an untrusted (cloud) service provider is becoming more and more important. Pure cryptographic solutions based on fully homomorphic and verifiable encryption, recently proposed, are promising but suffer from very high latency. Other proposals perform the whole computation on tamper-proof hardware and usually suffer from the same problem. Trusted computing (TC) is another promising approach that uses trusted software and hardware components on computing platforms to provide useful mechanisms such as attestation allowing the data owner to verify the integrity of the cloud and its computation. However, on the one hand these solutions require trust in hardware (CPU, trusted computing modules) that are under the physical control of the cloud provider, and on the other hand they still have to face the challenge of run-time attestation. \\ In this paper we focus on applications where the latency of the computation should be minimized, i.e., the time from submitting the query until receiving the outcome of the computation should be as small as possible. To achieve this we show how to combine a trusted hardware token (e.g., a cryptographic coprocessor or provided by the customer) with Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) to compute arbitrary functions on secret (encrypted) data where the computation leaks no information and is verifiable. The token is used in the setup phase only whereas in the time-critical online phase the cloud computes the encrypted function on encrypted data using symmetric encryption primitives only and without any interaction with other entities.}, author = {Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Marcel Winandy}, booktitle = {3. International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (TRUST'10) - Workshop on Trust in the Cloud}, month = {June 21-23,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {417-429}, volume = {6101}, title = {{Token-Based Cloud Computing -- Secure Outsourcing of Data and Arbitrary Computations with Lower Latency}}, weburl = {http://www.trust2010.org/workshop-cloud.html}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-13869-0_30}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SSW10.pdf}, year = {2010}, address = {Berlin, Germany} }
@misc{BKSS10, author = {Endre Bangerter and Stephan Krenn and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, howpublished = {19. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'10) Poster Session}, month = {August 11-13,}, title = {{POSTER: YACZK: Yet Another Compiler for Zero-Knowledge}}, abstract = {Automatic generation of cryptographic protocols is an emerging field of research which aims to bring complex protocols into practice. In this work we discuss the desired properties of a compiler for automatic generation of zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (ZKPoK) protocols. We evaluate and compare existing approaches with respect to these properties: In particular, it seems to us that the authors of the paper accepted for {USENIX} Security 2010 (ZKPDL: A Language-Based System for Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Electronic Cash) were not aware of our previous work done within the European project ``Computer Aided Cryptography Engineering'' (CACE). We hope that this poster stimulates scientific debates and exchange in this field of research.}, weburl = {http://www.usenix.org/events/sec10/poster.html}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BKSS10Poster.pdf}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BKSS10Abstract.pdf}, year = {2010}, rank = {A*}, address = {Washington, DC, USA} }
@inproceedings{JKSS10OTP, abstract = {The power of side-channel leakage attacks on cryptographic implementations is evident. Today's practical defenses are typically attack-specific countermeasures against certain classes of side-channel attacks. The demand for a more general solution has given rise to the recent theoretical research that aims to build provably leakage-resilient cryptography. This direction is, however, very new and still largely lacks practitioners' evaluation with regard to both efficiency and practical security. A recent approach, One-Time Programs (OTPs), proposes using Yao's Garbled Circuit (GC) and very simple tamper-proof hardware to securely implement oblivious transfer, to guarantee leakage resilience.\\ Our main contributions are (i) a generic architecture for using GC/OTP modularly, and (ii) hardware implementation and efficiency analysis of GC/OTP evaluation. We implemented two FPGA-based prototypes: a system-on-a-programmable-chip with access to hardware crypto accelerator (suitable for smartcards and future smartphones), and a stand-alone hardware implementation (suitable for ASIC design). We chose AES as a representative complex function for implementation and measurements. As a result of this work, we are able to understand, evaluate and improve the practicality of employing GC/OTP as a leakage-resistance approach.}, title = {{Garbled Circuits for Leakage-Resilience: Hardware Implementation and Evaluation of One-Time Programs}}, author = {Kimmo J\"arvinen and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {12. International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES'10)}, month = {August 17-20,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {6225}, pages = {383-397}, year = {2010}, rate = {$27.8\%$}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2010/276}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/JKSS10OTP.pdf}, weburl = {https://iacr.org/workshops/ches/ches2010/start.html}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15031-9_26}, rank = {A}, address = {Santa Barbara, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{SS10, abstract = {Die rasant fortschreitende Modernisierung des Gesundheitswesens durch neuartige elektronische Dienste wie die elektronische Patientenakte und medizinische online Dienste erlaubt es, medizinische Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Andererseits birgt die digitale Verarbeitung sensibler Patientendaten Risiken und Gefahren hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes und des Missbrauchs.\\ Klassische kryptographische und IT sicherheitstechnische Methoden erlauben die sichere Verteilung und Speicherung medizinischer Daten. Allerdings erfordert die Verarbeitung der Daten deren Entschl\"usselung. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt kann auf die Daten im Klartext (z.B. durch Systemadministratoren) zugegriffen und die Vertraulichkeit verletzt werden. Um dies zu verhindern, sollten Daten in verschl\"usselter Form verarbeitet werden. F\"ur ebendieses ``Rechnen unter Verschl\"usselung'' wurden in den vergangenen 25 Jahren verschiedene kryptographische Verfahren vorgeschlagen.\\ Die Ziele dieser Arbeit sind folgende: 1) Der aktuelle Stand der Forschung im Bereich des effizienten Rechnens unter Verschl\"usselung wird zusammengefasst. 2) Ein Werkzeug wird vorgestellt, das es erlaubt, effiziente Protokolle zum Rechnen unter Verschl\"usselung abstrakt und ohne detaillierte kryptographische Kenntnisse zu beschreiben und automatisch zu generieren. 3) Es wird gezeigt, wie das vorgestellte Werkzeug exemplarisch zum Generieren eines medizinischen Web-Services verwendet werden kann, der EKG Daten in verschl\"usselter Form klassifiziert.}, booktitle = {Workshop Innovative und sichere Informationstechnologie f\"ur das Gesundheitswesen von morgen (perspeGKtive'10)}, title = {{Verschl\"usselt Rechnen: Sichere Verarbeitung verschl\"usselter medizinischer Daten am Beispiel der Klassifikation von EKG-Daten}}, author = {Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, series = {LNI}, volume = {P-174}, pages = {11-25}, month = {September 8,}, year = {2010}, publisher = {Bonner K\"ollen Verlag}, puburl = {http://www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/gi-edition-proceedings-2010/gi-edition-lecture-notes-in-informatics-lni-p-174.html}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SS10.pdf}, address = {Darmstadt, Germany} }
@inproceedings{ABBKSS10, abstract = {Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are important building blocks for numerous cryptographic applications. Although ZK-PoK have a high potential impact, their real world deployment is typically hindered by their significant complexity compared to other (non-interactive) crypto primitives. Moreover, their design and implementation are time-consuming and error-prone.\\ We contribute to overcoming these challenges as follows: We present a comprehensive specification language and a compiler for ZK-PoK protocols based on $\Sigma$-protocols. The compiler allows the fully automatic translation of an Abstract description of a proof goal into an executable implementation. Moreover, the compiler overcomes various restrictions of previous approaches, e.g., it supports the important class of exponentiation homomorphisms with hidden-order co-domain, needed for privacy-preserving applications such as DAA. Finally, our compiler is certifying, in the sense that it automatically produces a formal proof of the soundness of the compiled protocol for a large class of protocols using the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover.}, title = {{A Certifying Compiler for Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge Based on Sigma-Protocols}}, author = {Jos\'e Bacelar Almeida and Endre Bangerter and Manuel Barbosa and Stephan Krenn and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {15. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'10)}, month = {September 20-22,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {151-167}, volume = {6345}, rate = {$20.9\%$}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15497-3_10}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ABBKSS10.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2010/339}}, rank = {A}, address = {Athens, Greece} }
@inproceedings{HKSSW10, abstract = {Secure two-party computation allows two untrusting parties to jointly compute an arbitrary function on their respective private inputs while revealing no information beyond the outcome. Existing cryptographic compilers can automatically generate secure computation protocols from high-level specifications, but are often limited in their use and efficiency of generated protocols as they are based on either garbled circuits or (additively) homomorphic encryption only.\\ In this paper we present TASTY, a novel tool for automating, i.e., describing, generating, executing, benchmarking, and comparing, efficient secure two-party computation protocols. TASTY is a new compiler that can generate protocols based on homomorphic encryption and efficient garbled circuits as well as combinations of both, which often yields the most efficient protocols available today. The user provides a high-level description of the computations to be performed on encrypted data in a domain-specific language. This is automatically transformed into a protocol. TASTY provides most recent techniques and optimizations for practical secure two-party computation with low online latency. Moreover, it allows to efficiently evaluate circuits generated by the well-known Fairplay compiler.\\ We use TASTY to compare protocols for secure multiplication based on homomorphic encryption with those based on garbled circuits and highly efficient Karatsuba multiplication. Further, we show how TASTY improves the online latency for securely evaluating the AES functionality by an order of magnitude compared to previous software implementations. TASTY allows to automatically generate efficient secure protocols for many privacy-preserving applications where we consider the use cases for private set intersection and face recognition protocols.}, title = {{TASTY: Tool for Automating Secure Two-partY computations}}, author = {Wilko Henecka and Stefan K\"ogl and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Immo Wehrenberg}, booktitle = {17. {ACM} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'10)}, month = {October 4-8,}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {2010}, pages = {451-462}, rate = {$17.2\%$}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2010/365}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/TASTY}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HKSSW10.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/1866307.1866358}, weburl = {http://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2010/}, rank = {A*}, address = {Chicago, IL, USA} }
@incollection{JKSS10Full, author = {Kimmo J\"arvinen and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {Towards Hardware Intrinsic Security: Foundation and Practice}, editor = {Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and David Naccache}, publisher = {{Springer}-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Information Security and Cryptography}, title = {{Efficient Secure Two-Party Computation with Untrusted Hardware Tokens}}, year = {2010}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-14452-3_17}, pages = {367-386}, isbn = {978-3-642-14452-3} }
@phdthesis{Schneider11Thesis, title = {{Engineering Secure Two-Party Computation Protocols -- Advances in Design, Optimization, and Applications of Efficient Secure Function Evaluation}}, author = {Thomas Schneider}, month = {February 9,}, year = {2011}, school = {Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany}, abstract = {Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows two mutually mistrusting parties to compute an arbitrary function on their inputs without revealing any information beyond the result. We give advances in the design, optimization and application of efficient SFE.\\ We optimize SFE protocols by reducing the size of Boolean circuits with cheap XOR gates and give efficient circuits for standard functionalities.\\ Secure hardware reduces the communication of SFE protocols and allows to evaluate arbitrary functions in a side-channel resistant way.\\ Efficient SFE protocols can be modularly modeled as sequence of operations on encrypted data; TASTY (Tool for Automating Secure Two-partY computations) allows to describe, automatically generate, and execute them.\\ As applications we improve protocols for secure auctions and face recognition, and give a hardware-assisted protocol to securely outsource data and arbitrary computations to an untrusted (cloud) provider.}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/S11Thesis.pdf} }
@inproceedings{FPSSV11, abstract = {Secure set intersection protocols are the core building block for a manifold of privacy-preserving applications.\\ In a recent work, Hazay and Lindell ({ACM} CCS 2008) introduced the idea of using trusted hardware tokens for the set intersection problem, devising protocols which improve over previous (in the standard model of two-party computation) protocols in terms of efficiency and secure composition. Their protocol uses only a linear number of symmetric-key computations and the amount of data stored in the token does not depend on the sizes of the sets. The security proof of the protocol is in the universal composability model and is based on the strong assumption that the token is trusted by \emph{both} parties.\\ In this paper we revisit the idea and model of hardware-based secure set intersection, and in particular consider a setting where tokens are not necessarily trusted by both participants to additionally cover threats like side channel attacks, firmware trapdoors and malicious hardware. Our protocols are very efficient and achieve the same level of security as those by Hazay and Lindell for trusted tokens. For untrusted tokens, our protocols ensure privacy against malicious adversaries, and correctness facing covert adversaries.}, title = {{Secure Set Intersection with Untrusted Hardware Tokens}}, author = {Marc Fischlin and Benny Pinkas and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Ivan Visconti}, booktitle = {11. Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference (CT-RSA'11)}, year = {2011}, month = {February 14-18,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {6558}, pages = {1-16}, weburl = {http://ct-rsa2011.di.uoa.gr}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-19074-2_1}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/FPSSV11.pdf}, rate = {$29.9\%$}, rank = {B}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA} }
@misc{BNSS11WCSC, author = {Sven Bugiel and Stefan N\"urnberger and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, abstract = {Cloud computing promises a more cost effective enabling technology to outsource storage and computations. Existing approaches for secure outsourcing of data and arbitrary computations are either based on a single tamper-proof hardware, or based on recently proposed fully homomorphic encryption. The hardware based solutions are not scaleable, and fully homomorphic encryption is currently only of theoretical interest and very inefficient.\\ In this paper we propose an architecture for secure outsourcing of data and arbitrary computations to an untrusted commodity cloud. In our approach, the user communicates with a trusted cloud (either a private cloud or built from multiple secure hardware modules) which encrypts and verifies the data stored and operations performed in the untrusted commodity cloud. We split the computations such that the trusted cloud is mostly used for security-critical operations in the less time-critical setup phase, whereas queries to the outsourced data are processed in parallel by the fast commodity cloud on encrypted data.}, title = {{Twin Clouds: An Architecture for Secure Cloud Computing (Extended Abstract)}}, year = {2011}, howpublished = {Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Clouds (WCSC'11)}, month = {March 15-16,}, weburl = {https://cachin.com/cc/csc2011/program.html}, address = {Zurich, Switzerland} }
@inproceedings{Schneider11, author = {Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Reden ist Silber - Schweigen ist Gold: Datensparsamkeit durch effizientes Rechnen unter Verschl\"usselung}}, abstract = {Wo immer sensible Daten gespeichert werden zeigt die Praxis, dass es lediglich eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis diese durch ein Sicherheitsleck an unerw\"unschte Personen gelangen. Die einzige M\"oglichkeit, um dies zuverl\"assig zu vermeiden ist Datensparsamkeit, die Daten also erst gar nicht zu speichern. In vielen F\"allen werden die Daten jedoch trotzdem f\"ur Berechnungen ben\"otigt.\\ Dieser Beitrag gibt einen \"uberblick \"uber Methoden des effizienten Rechnens unter Verschl\"usselung und zeigt, wie diese erm\"oglichen, beliebige Berechnungen auf sensiblen, verschl\"usselten Daten durchzuf\"uhren, ohne dass diese im Klartext gespeichert oder zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt im Klartext vorliegen m\"ussen. Insbesondere wird hierbei auf Erweiterungen durch sichere Hardware auch im Kontext des Rechnens in der ``Cloud'', sowie die Unterst\"utzung durch Werkzeuge eingegangen. Als m\"ogliche Anwendungen werden Systeme zur Gesichtserkennung und Klassifikation medizinischer Daten betrachtet, welche die Privatsph\"are erhalten.}, booktitle = {12. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI: Sicher in die digitale Welt von morgen}, year = {2011}, month = {May 10-12,}, publisher = {SecuMedia-Verlag}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/S11.pdf}, pages = {191-198}, isbn = {978-3-922746-96-6}, puburl = {http://buchshop.secumedia.de/buchshop/index.php?page=detail&match=LISA_NR2=BSI2011}, address = {Bonn, Germany} }
@article{BFLSS11, abstract = {Privacy protection is a crucial problem in many biomedical signal processing applications. For this reason particular attention has been given to the use of secure multi party computation techniques for processing biomedical signals, whereby non-trusted parties are able to manipulate the signals although they are encrypted.\\ This paper focuses on the development of a privacy preserving automatic diagnosis system whereby a remote server classifies a biomedical signal provided by the client without getting any information about the signal itself and the final result of the classification. Specifically, we present and compare two methods for the secure classification of ElectroCardioGram (ECG) signals: the former based on Linear Branching Programs (a particular kind of decision tree) and the latter relying on Neural Networks.\\ The paper faces with all the requirements and difficulties related to working with data that must stay encrypted during all the computation steps, including the necessity of working with fixed point arithmetic with no truncation while guaranteeing the same performance of a floating point implementation in the plain domain. A highly efficient version of the underlying cryptographic primitives is used, ensuring a good efficiency of the two proposed methods, from both a communication and computational complexity perspectives.\\ The proposed systems prove that carrying out complex tasks like ECG classification in the encrypted domain efficiently is indeed possible in the semi-honest model, paving the way to interesting future applications wherein privacy of signal owners is protected by applying high security standards.}, author = {Mauro Barni and Pierluigi Failla and Riccardo Lazzeretti and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving ECG Classification with Branching Programs and Neural Networks}}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)}, pages = {452-468}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, month = {June}, year = {2011}, weburl = {http://www.signalprocessingsociety.org/publications/periodicals/forensics/}, doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2011.2108650}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFLSS11.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, rank = {A} }
@inproceedings{BNPSS11, abstract = {Cloud Computing is an emerging technology promising new business opportunities and easy deployment of web services.\\ Much has been written about the risks and benefits of cloud computing in the last years. The literature on clouds often points out security and privacy challenges as the main obstacles, and proposes solutions and guidelines to avoid them. However, most of these works deal with either malicious cloud providers or customers, but ignore the severe threats caused by unaware users.\\ In this paper we consider security and privacy aspects of \emph{real-life} cloud deployments, independently from malicious cloud providers or customers. We focus on the popular Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and give a detailed and systematic analysis of various crucial vulnerabilities in publicly available and widely used Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and show how to eliminate them.\\ Our Amazon \underline{I}mage \underline{A}ttacks (AmazonIA) deploy an automated tool that uses only publicly available interfaces and makes \emph{no} assumptions on the underlying cloud infrastructure. We were able to extract highly sensitive information (including passwords, keys, and credentials) from a variety of publicly available AMIs. The extracted information allows to (i) start (botnet) instances worth thousands of dollars per day, (ii) provide backdoors into the running machines, (iii) launch impersonation attacks, or (iv) access the source code of the entire web service. Our attacks can be used to completely compromise several real web services offered by companies (including IT-security companies), e.g., for website statistics/user tracking, two-factor authentication, or price comparison. Further, we show mechanisms to identify the AMI of certain running instances.\\ Following the maxim ``security and privacy by design'' we show how our automated tools together with changes to the user interface can be used to mitigate our attacks.}, author = {Sven Bugiel and Stefan N\"urnberger and Thomas P\"oppelmann and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{AmazonIA: When Elasticity Snaps Back}}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {18. {ACM} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'11)}, month = {October 17-21,}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2011/}, doi = {10.1145/2046707.2046753}, rate = {$14.0\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BNPSS11.pdf}, pages = {389-400}, rank = {A*}, address = {Chicago, IL, USA}, note = {Info: \url{https://encrypto.de/AMID}} }
@inproceedings{BNSS11, abstract = {Cloud computing promises a cost effective enabling technology to outsource storage and massively parallel computations. However, existing approaches for provably secure outsourcing of data and arbitrary computations are either based on tamper-proof hardware or fully homomorphic encryption. The former approaches are not scaleable, while the latter ones are currently not efficient enough to be used in practice.\\ We propose an architecture and protocols that accumulate slow secure computations over time and provide the possibility to query them in parallel on demand by leveraging the benefits of cloud computing. In our approach, the user communicates with a resource-constrained Trusted Cloud (either a private cloud or built from multiple secure hardware modules) which encrypts algorithms and data to be stored and later on queried in the powerful but untrusted Commodity Cloud. We split our protocols such that the Trusted Cloud performs security-critical pre-computations in the setup phase, while the Commodity Cloud computes the time-critical query in parallel under encryption in the query phase.}, author = {Sven Bugiel and Stefan N\"urnberger and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Twin Clouds: Secure Cloud Computing with Low Latency}}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {12. Communications and Multimedia Security Conference (CMS'11)}, month = {October 19-21,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7025}, pages = {32-44}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BNSS11.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-24712-5_3}, rate = {$21.2\%$}, note = {\textbf{Best Paper Award}}, rank = {C}, venues = {Ghent, Belgium} }
@inproceedings{ALSS12, abstract = {The diversity of computing platforms is increasing rapidly. In order to allow security applications to run on such diverse platforms, implementing and optimizing the same cryptographic primitives for multiple target platforms and heterogeneous systems can result in high costs. In this paper, we report our efforts in developing and benchmarking a platform-independent Crypto Tools Library (CTL). CTL is based on a dataflow programming framework called Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC), which was recently standardized by ISO/IEC for building complicated reconfigurable video codecs. CTL benefits from various properties of the RVC framework including tools to 1) simulate the platform-independent designs, 2) automatically generate implementations in different target programming languages (e.g., C/C++, Java, LLVM, and Verilog/VHDL) for deployment on different platforms as software and/or hardware modules, and 3) design space exploitation such as automatic parallelization for multi- and many-core systems. We benchmarked the performance of the SHA-256 implementation in CTL on single-core target platforms and demonstrated that implementations automatically generated from platform-independent RVC applications can achieve a run-time performance comparable to reference implementations manually written in C and Java. For a quad-core target platform, we benchmarked a 4-adic hash tree application based on SHA-256 that achieves a performance gain of up to 300\% for hashing messages of size 8 MB.}, author = {Junaid Jameel Ahmad and Shujun Li and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {16. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'12)}, month = {February 27 - March 2,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{CTL: A Platform-Independent Crypto Tools Library Based on Dataflow Programming Paradigm}}, weburl = {http://fc12.ifca.ai}, year = {2012}, rate = {$26.1\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ALSS12.pdf}, volume = {7397}, pages = {299-313}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2011/679}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-32946-3_22}, rank = {A}, address = {Bonaire} }
@misc{patentUC, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Thomas Schneider}, abstract = {An exemplary method enables implementation of a universal circuit capable of emulating each gate of a circuit designed to calculate a function. A first selection module receives inputs associated with the function. It generates outputs that are an ordered series of the inputs. A universal module receives these outputs and generates another set of outputs. A second selection module receives the outputs from the universal module and generates final function outputs that are an ordered series inputs received from the universal module. The selection modules and universal module themselves are also aspects of the present invention.}, howpublished = {U.S. patent no 8175854 (applied 07/14/2008; issued 05/08/2012)}, title = {{Universal Circuit for Secure Function Evaluation}}, month = {May 8,}, year = {2012}, puburl = {http://www.google.com/patents/US20090140767} }
@book{Schneider12Book, author = {Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Engineering Secure Two-Party Computation Protocols: Design, Optimization, and Applications of Efficient Secure Function Evaluation}}, publisher = {{Springer}-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-30041-7}, puburl = {http://www.springer.com/computer/security+and+cryptology/book/978-3-642-30041-7}, year = 2012, pages = {138}, month = {August 4,}, note = {\url{https://thomaschneider.de/engineeringSFEbook}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-30042-4} }
@techreport{PBS12, title = {{The Design and Implementation of a Two-Party Protocol Suite for SHAREMIND 3}}, author = {Pille Pullonen and Dan Bogdanov and Thomas Schneider}, institution = {CYBERNETICA Institute of Information Security}, note = {T-4-17}, year = {2012}, url = {http://research.cyber.ee/reports/T-4-17-The-design-and-implementation-of-a-two-party-protocol-suite-for-Sharemind-3.pdf} }
@inproceedings{SZ12, author = {Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, booktitle = {17. Kryptotag (crypto day matters)}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f\"ur Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO}, month = {December 7,}, title = {{Efficient Secure Two-Party Computation (Abstract)}}, year = {2012}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SZ12.pdf}, address = {Heidelberg, Germany} }
@article{KSS13, abstract = { General two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows mutually distrusting parties to correctly compute any function on their private input data, without revealing the inputs. Two-party SFE can benefit almost any client-server interaction where privacy is required, such as privacy-preserving credit checking, medical classification, or face recognition. Today, SFE is a subject of immense amount of research in a variety of directions and is not easy to navigate.\\ In this article, we systematize the most practically important works of the vast research knowledge on general SFE. We argue that in many cases the most efficient SFE protocols are obtained by combining several basic techniques, e.g., garbled circuits and (additively) homomorphic encryption.\\ As a valuable methodological contribution, we present a framework in which today's most efficient techniques for general SFE can be viewed as building blocks with well-defined interfaces that can be easily combined into a complete efficient solution. Further, our approach naturally allows automated protocol generation (compilation) and has been implemented partially in the TASTY framework. In summary, we provide a comprehensive guide in state-of-the-art SFE, with the additional goal of extracting, systematizing and unifying the most relevant and promising general SFE techniques. Our target audience are graduate students wishing to enter the SFE field and advanced engineers seeking to develop SFE solutions. We hope our guide paints a high-level picture of the field, including most common approaches and their trade-offs and gives precise and numerous pointers to formal treatment of its specific aspects.}, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, month = {January}, number = {2}, volume = {21}, pages = {283-315}, title = {{A Systematic Approach to Practically Efficient General Two-Party Secure Function Evaluation Protocols and their Modular Design}}, journal = {Journal of Computer Security (JCS)}, doi = {10.3233/JCS-130464}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS13.pdf}, year = {2013}, publisher = {IOS Press}, weburl = {http://www.iospress.nl/journal/journal-of-computer-security/}, note = {Preliminary version: \url{https://ia.cr/2010/079}}, rank = {B} }
@misc{KSS13_short, title = {{Automatic Protocol Selection in Secure Two-Party Computations (Short Talk)}}, author = {Florian Kerschbaum and Thomas Schneider and Axel Schr\"opfer}, howpublished = {20. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'13) Short Talk}, month = {February 24-27,}, year = {2013}, weburl = {http://www.internetsociety.org/events/ndss-symposium-2013}, url = {https://www.ndss-symposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/automatic-protocol-selection-in-secure-two-party-computations.pdf}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{SZ13, abstract = {Secure two-party computation is a rapidly emerging field of research and enables a large variety of privacy-preserving applications such as mobile social networks or biometric identification. In the late eighties, two different approaches were proposed: Yao's garbled circuits and the protocol of Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW). Since then, research has mostly focused on Yao's garbled circuits as they were believed to yield better efficiency due to their constant round complexity.\\ In this work we give several optimizations for an efficient implementation of the GMW protocol. We show that for semi-honest adversaries the optimized GMW protocol can outperform today's most efficient implementations of Yao's garbled circuits, but highly depends on a low network latency. As a first step to overcome these latency issues, we summarize depth-optimized circuit constructions for various standard tasks. As application scenario we consider privacy-preserving face recognition and show that our optimized framework is up to 100 times faster than previous works even in settings with high network latency.}, author = {Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{GMW vs. Yao? Efficient Secure Two-Party Computation with Low Depth Circuits}}, booktitle = {17. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'13)}, year = {2013}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7859}, pages = {275-292}, month = {April 1-5,}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SZ13.pdf}, weburl = {http://fc13.ifca.ai}, rate = {$12.5\%$ for regular papers}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39884-1_23}, rank = {A}, address = {Okinawa, Japan} }
@inproceedings{HS13, abstract = {Secure two-party computation is used as the basis for a large variety of privacy-preserving protocols, but often concerns about the low performance hinder the move away from nonprivate solutions.\\ In this paper we present an improved implementation of Yao's garbled circuit protocol in the semi-honest adversaries setting which is up to 10 times faster than previous implementations. Our improvements include (1) the first multi-threaded implementation of the base oblivious transfers resulting in a speedup of a factor of two, (2) techniques for minimizing the memory footprint during oblivious transfer extensions and processing of circuits, (3) compilation of sub-circuits into files, and (4) caching of circuit descriptions and network packets. We implement improved circuit building blocks from the literature and present for the first time performance results for secure evaluation of the ultra-lightweight block cipher PRESENT within 7 ms online time.}, author = {Wilko Henecka and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Faster Secure Two-Party Computation with Less Memory}}, booktitle = {8. {ACM SIGSAC} Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'13)}, month = {May 7-10,}, year = {2013}, publisher = {ACM}, rate = {$16.2\%$ for full papers}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HS13.pdf}, pages = {437-446}, doi = {10.1145/2484313.2484369}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/me-sfe}}, rank = {A}, address = {Hangzhou, China} }
@misc{patentXOR, author = {Vladimir Kolesnikov and Thomas Schneider}, abstract = {An embodiment of the present invention provides a method that minimizes the number of entries required in a garbled circuit associated with secure function evaluation of a given circuit. Exclusive OR (XOR) gates are evaluated in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention without the need of associated entries in the garbled table to yield minimal computational and communication effort. This improves the performance of SFE evaluation. Another embodiment of the present invention provides a method that replaces regular gates with more efficient constructions containing XOR gates in an implementation of a Universal Circuit, and circuits for integer addition and multiplication, thereby maximizing the performance improvement provided by the above.}, howpublished = {U.S. patent no 8443205 (applied 10/24/2008; issued 05/14/2013; EXPIRED 06/21/2021)}, title = {{Secure Function Evaluation Techniques for Circuits Containing XOR Gates with Applications to Universal Circuits}}, month = {May 14,}, year = {2013}, puburl = {http://www.google.com/patents/US8443205} }
@inproceedings{ADNRSSS13, abstract = { Mobile smart devices and services have become an integral part of our daily life. In this context there are many compelling scenarios for mobile device users to share resources. A popular example is tethering. However, sharing resources also raises privacy and security issues. In this paper, we present CrowdShare, a complete framework and its (Android) implementation for secure and private resource sharing among nearby devices. CrowdShare provides pseudonymity for users, accountability of resource usage, and the possibility of specifying access control in terms of social network relationships. Further, CrowdShare preserves secure connectivity between nearby devices even in the absence of the mobile infrastructure. We have implemented CrowdShare on Android devices and report good performance results.}, author = {N. Asokan and Alexandra Dmitrienko and Marcin Nagy and Elena Reshetova and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Stanislaus Stelle}, title = {{CrowdShare: Secure Mobile Resource Sharing}}, booktitle = {11. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'13)}, month = {June 25-28,}, year = {2013}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7954}, pages = {432-440}, weburl = {http://acns2013.cpsc.ucalgary.ca}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ADNRSSS13.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-38980-1_27}, note = {Short paper. Full version: \url{https://encrypto.de/papers/ADNRSSS13_TR.pdf}}, rank = {B}, address = {Banff, Alberta, Canada} }
@inproceedings{ALSZ13, abstract = { Protocols for secure computation enable parties to compute a joint function on their private inputs without revealing anything but the result. A foundation for secure computation is oblivious transfer (OT), which traditionally requires expensive public key cryptography. A more efficient way to perform many OTs is to extend a small number of base OTs using OT extensions based on symmetric cryptography.\\ In this work we present optimizations and efficient implementations of OT and OT extensions in the semi-honest model. We propose a novel OT protocol with security in the standard model and improve OT extensions with respect to communication complexity, computation complexity, and scalability. We also provide specific optimizations of OT extensions that are tailored to the secure computation protocols of Yao and Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson and reduce the communication complexity even further. We experimentally verify the efficiency gains of our protocols and optimizations. By applying our implementation to current secure computation frameworks, we can securely compute a Levenshtein distance circuit with 1.29 billion AND gates at a rate of 1.2 million AND gates per second. Moreover, we demonstrate the importance of correctly implementing OT within secure computation protocols by presenting an attack on the FastGC framework.}, author = {Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{More Efficient Oblivious Transfer and Extensions for Faster Secure Computation}}, booktitle = {20. {ACM} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'13)}, month = {November 4-8,}, year = {2013}, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {535-548}, doi = {10.1145/2508859.2516738}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ALSZ13.pdf}, rate = {$19.8\%$}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2013/552}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/OTExtension}}, rank = {A*}, address = {Berlin, Germany} }
@inproceedings{DSZ13, author = {Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, booktitle = {19. Kryptotag (crypto day matters)}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f\"ur Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO}, month = {November 14-15,}, title = {{Hardware-Assisted Ad-Hoc Secure Two-Party Computation on Smartphones (Abstract)}}, year = {2013}, address = {Stuttgart, Germany} }
@inproceedings{KSS14, abstract = {Performance of secure computation is still often an obstacle to its practical adaption. There are different protocols for secure computation that compete for the best performance.\\ In this paper we propose {\em automatic protocol selection} which selects a protocol for each operation resulting in a mix with the best performance so far. Based on an elaborate performance model, we propose an optimization algorithm and an efficient heuristic for this selection problem. We show that our mixed protocols achieve the best performance on a set of use cases. Furthermore, our results underpin that the selection problem is so complicated and large in size, that a programmer is unlikely to manually make the optimal selection. Our proposed algorithms nevertheless can be integrated into a compiler in order to yield the best (or near-optimal) performance.}, author = {Florian Kerschbaum and Thomas Schneider and Axel Schr\"opfer}, title = {{Automatic Protocol Selection in Secure Two-Party Computations}}, booktitle = {12. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'14)}, month = {June 10-13,}, year = {2014}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {8479}, pages = {566-584}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2014/200}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-07536-5_33}, rate = {$22.4\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS14.pdf}, rank = {B}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland} }
@inproceedings{SS14, abstract = {Protocols for secure comparison are a fundamental building block of many privacy-preserving protocols such as privacy-preserving face recognition or privacy-preserving fingerprint authentication. So far, all existing secure comparison protocols that have been used in practical implementations require interaction.\\ In recent work, Hsu et al. ({IEEE} Transactions on Image Processing 2012) propose protocols for privacy-preserving computation of the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) in the encrypted domain. Their fundamental building block is a new protocol for performing secure comparisons under additively homomorphic encryption that requires no interaction.\\ In this paper we present potential for optimization and shortcomings of their secure comparison protocol. More specifically, we show that it 1) allows optimizations by shifting computation from the server to the user, 2) removes the gain that the user has in outsourcing computations to the server, and most importantly is 3) either computationally intractable for the server or insecure. As alternatives we propose to use either interactive comparison protocols or non-interactive somewhat or fully homomorphic encryption.}, author = {Matthias Schneider and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Notes on Non-Interactive Secure Comparison in ``Image Feature Extraction in the Encrypted Domain with Privacy-Preserving SIFT''}}, booktitle = {2. {ACM} Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH\&MMSEC'14)}, month = {June 11-13,}, year = {2014}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://ihmmsec.org}, rate = {$37.5\%$}, doi = {10.1145/2600918.2600927}, pages = {432-440}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SS14.pdf}, rank = {C}, address = {Salzburg, Austria} }
@inproceedings{BCFPSZ14, abstract = {At WAHC'13, Bringer et al. introduced a protocol called SHADE for secure and efficient Hamming distance computation using oblivious transfer only. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the SHADE protocol, called GSHADE, that enables privacy-preserving computation of several distance metrics, including (normalized) Hamming distance, Euclidean distance, Mahalanobis distance, and scalar product. GSHADE can be used to efficiently compute one-to-many biometric identification for several traits (iris, face, fingerprint) and benefits from recent optimizations of oblivious transfer extensions. GSHADE allows identification against a database of 1000 Eigenfaces in 1.28 seconds and against a database of 10000 IrisCodes in 17.2 seconds which is more than 10 times faster than previous works.}, author = {Julien Bringer and Herv\'e Chabanne and M\'elanie Favre and Alain Patey and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{GSHADE: Faster Privacy-Preserving Distance Computation and Biometric Identification}}, booktitle = {2. {ACM} Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH\&MMSEC'14)}, month = {June 11-13,}, year = {2014}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://ihmmsec.org}, rate = {$37.5\%$}, pages = {187-198}, doi = {10.1145/2600918.2600922}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCFPSZ14.pdf}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/GSHADE}}, rank = {C}, address = {Salzburg, Austria} }
@inproceedings{PSZ14, abstract = {Private set intersection (PSI) allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets without revealing any information about items that are not in the intersection. It is one of the best studied applications of secure computation and many PSI protocols have been proposed. However, the variety of existing PSI protocols makes it difficult to identify the solution that performs best in a respective scenario, especially since they were not all implemented and compared in the same setting.\\ In this work, we give an overview on existing PSI protocols that are secure against semi-honest adversaries. We take advantage of the most recent efficiency improvements in OT extension to propose significant optimizations to previous PSI protocols and to suggest a new PSI protocol whose runtime is superior to that of existing protocols. We compare the performance of the protocols both theoretically and experimentally, by implementing all protocols on the same platform, and give recommendations on which protocol to use in a particular setting.}, author = {Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{Faster Private Set Intersection based on OT Extension}}, booktitle = {23. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'14)}, month = {August 20-22,}, year = {2014}, publisher = {USENIX}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity14}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2014/447}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/PSI}}, rate = {$19.1\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSZ14.pdf}, pages = {797-812}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{DSZ14, abstract = {Secure two-party computation allows two mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute an arbitrary function on their private inputs without revealing anything but the result. An interesting target for deploying secure computation protocols are mobile devices as they contain a lot of sensitive user data. However, their resource restrictions make this a challenging task.\\ In this work, we optimize and implement the secure computation protocol by Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW) on mobile phones. To increase performance, we extend the protocol by a trusted hardware token (i.e., a smartcard). The trusted hardware token allows to pre-compute most of the workload in an initialization phase, which is executed locally on one device and can be pre-computed independently of the later communication partner. We develop and analyze a proof-of-concept implementation of generic secure two-party computation on Android smart phones making use of a microSD smartcard. Our use cases include private set intersection for finding shared contacts and private scheduling of a meeting with location preferences. For private set intersection, our token-aided implementation on mobile phones is up to two orders of magnitude faster than previous generic secure two-party computation protocols on mobile phones and even as fast as previous work on desktop computers.}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{Ad-Hoc Secure Two-Party Computation on Mobile Devices using Hardware Tokens}}, booktitle = {23. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'14)}, month = {August 20-22,}, year = {2014}, publisher = {USENIX}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity14}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2014/467}}, rate = {$19.1\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DSZ14.pdf}, pages = {893-908}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{DHS14, abstract = {Private Information Retrieval (PIR) allows to privately request a block of data from a database such that no information about the queried block is revealed to the database owner. With the rapid rise of cloud computing, data is often shared across multiple servers, making multi-server PIR a promising privacy-enhancing technology.\\ In this paper, we introduce RAID-PIR, an efficient and simple multi-server PIR scheme, which has similar approach to RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) systems. Each server stores only a part of the database, its computational complexity depends only on this part, and multiple blocks can be queried efficiently in parallel. RAID-PIR improves efficiency over known PIR protocols, using only very efficient cryptographic primitives (pseudo-random generator). We demonstrate that RAID-PIR is practical and well-suited for cloud deployment as it reduces the communication as well as the computational workload per server.}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Amir Herzberg and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{RAID-PIR: Practical Multi-Server PIR}}, booktitle = {6. {ACM} Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW'14)}, month = {November 7,}, year = {2014}, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {45-56}, weburl = {http://digitalpiglet.org/nsac/ccsw14/}, rate = {$33.3\%$}, doi = {10.1145/2664168.2664181}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DHS14.pdf}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/RAID-PIR}}, address = {Scottsdale, AZ, USA} }
@inproceedings{DSZ15, abstract = {Secure computation enables mutually distrusting parties to jointly evaluate a function on their private inputs without revealing anything but the function's output. Generic secure computation protocols in the semi-honest model have been studied extensively and several best practices have evolved.\\ In this work, we design and implement a mixed-protocol framework, called \emph{ABY}, that efficiently combines secure computation schemes based on \underline{A}rithmetic sharing, \underline{B}oolean sharing, and \underline{Y}ao's garbled circuits and that makes available best practice solutions in secure two-party computation. Our framework allows to pre-compute almost all cryptographic operations and provides novel, highly efficient conversions between secure computation schemes based on pre-computed oblivious transfer extensions. ABY supports several standard operations and we perform benchmarks on a local network and in a public intercontinental cloud. From our benchmarks we deduce new insights on the efficient design of secure computation protocols, most prominently that oblivious transfer-based multiplications are much more efficient than multiplications based on homomorphic encryption. We use ABY to construct mixed-protocols for three example applications - private set intersection, biometric matching, and modular exponentiation - and show that they are more efficient than using a single protocol.}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{ABY -- A Framework for Efficient Mixed-Protocol Secure Two-Party Computation}}, booktitle = {22. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'15)}, month = {February 8-11,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Internet Society}, weburl = {http://www.internetsociety.org/events/ndss-symposium-2015}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/ABY}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DSZ15.pdf}, rate = {$18.4\%$}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{ARSTZ15, abstract = {Designing an efficient cipher was always a delicate balance between linear and non-linear operations. This goes back to the design of DES, and in fact all the way back to the seminal work of Shannon. Here we focus, for the first time, on an extreme corner of the design space and initiate a study of symmetric-key primitives that minimize the multiplicative size and depth of their descriptions. This is motivated by recent progress in practical instantiations of secure multi-party computation (MPC), fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), and zero-knowledge proofs (ZK) where linear computations are, compared to non-linear operations, essentially ``free''. We focus on the case of a block cipher, and propose the family of block ciphers ``LowMC'', beating all existing proposals with respect to these metrics by far. We sketch several applications for such ciphers and give implementation comparisons suggesting that when encrypting larger amounts of data the new design strategy translates into improvements in computation and communication complexity by up to a factor of 5 compared to AES-128, which incidentally is one of the most competitive classical designs. Furthermore, we identify cases where ``free XORs'' can no longer be regarded as such but represent a bottleneck, hence refuting this commonly held belief with a practical example.}, title = {{Ciphers for MPC and FHE}}, author = {Martin Albrecht and Christian Rechberger and Thomas Schneider and Tyge Tiessen and Michael Zohner}, booktitle = {34. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'15}, month = {April 26-30,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {9056}, pages = {430-454}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46800-5_17}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ARSTZ15.pdf}, weburl = {https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/eurocrypt_2015/}, rate = {$29.4\%$}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2016/687}}, rank = {A*}, address = {Sofia, Bulgaria} }
@inproceedings{ALSZ15, abstract = {Oblivious transfer (OT) is one of the most fundamental primitives in cryptography and is widely used in protocols for secure two-party and multi-party computation. As secure computation becomes more practical, the need for practical large scale oblivious transfer protocols is becoming more evident. Oblivious transfer extensions are protocols that enable a relatively small number of ``base-OTs'' to be utilized to compute a very large number of OTs at low cost. In the semi-honest setting, Ishai et al. (CRYPTO 2003) presented an OT extension protocol for which the cost of each OT (beyond the base-OTs) is just a few hash function operations. In the malicious setting, Nielsen et al. (CRYPTO 2012) presented an efficient OT extension protocol for the setting of active adversaries, that is secure in the random oracle model. In this work, we present an OT extension protocol for the setting of malicious adversaries that is more efficient and uses less communication than previous works. In addition, our protocol can be proven secure in both the random oracle model, and in the standard model with a type of correlation robustness. Given the importance of OT in many secure computation protocols, increasing the efficiency of OT extensions is another important step forward to making secure computation practical.}, title = {{More Efficient Oblivious Transfer Extensions with Security for Malicious Adversaries}}, author = {Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, booktitle = {34. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'15}, month = {April 26-30,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {9056}, pages = {673-701}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46800-5_26}, weburl = {https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/eurocrypt_2015/}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ALSZ15.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2015/061}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/OTExtension}}, rate = {$29.4\%$}, rank = {A*}, address = {Sofia, Bulgaria} }
@inproceedings{SHSSK15, abstract = {We introduce TinyGarble, a novel automated methodology based on powerful logic synthesis techniques for generating and optimizing compressed Boolean circuits used in secure computation, such as Yao's Garbled Circuit (GC) protocol. TinyGarble achieves an unprecedented level of compactness and scalability by using a sequential circuit description for GC. We introduce new libraries and transformations, such that our sequential circuits can be optimized and securely evaluated by interfacing with available garbling frameworks. The circuit compactness makes the memory footprint of the garbling operation fit in the processor cache, resulting in fewer cache misses and thereby less CPU cycles. Our proof-of-concept implementation of benchmark functions using TinyGarble demonstrates a high degree of compactness and scalability. We improve the results of existing automated tools for GC generation by orders of magnitude; for example, TinyGarble can compress the memory footprint required for 1024-bit multiplication by a factor of 4,172, while decreasing the number of non-XOR gates by 67\%. Moreover, with TinyGarble we are able to implement functions that have never been reported before, such as SHA-3. Finally, our sequential description enables us to design and realize a garbled processor, using the MIPS I instruction set, for private function evaluation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scalable emulation of a general purpose processor.}, title = {{TinyGarble: Highly Compressed and Scalable Sequential Garbled Circuits}}, author = {Ebrahim M. Songhori and Siam U. Hussain and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Farinaz Koushanfar}, booktitle = {36. {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy ({IEEE} S\&P'15)}, month = {May 18-20,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2015/index.html}, rate = {$13.5\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SHSSK15.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/SP.2015.32}, pages = {411-428}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Jose, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{PSSZ15, abstract = {Private Set Intersection (PSI) allows two parties to compute the intersection of private sets while revealing nothing more than the intersection itself. PSI needs to be applied to large data sets in scenarios such as measurement of ad conversion rates, data sharing, or contact discovery. Existing PSI protocols do not scale up well, and therefore some applications use insecure solutions instead.\\ We describe a new approach for designing PSI protocols based on permutation-based hashing, which enables to reduce the length of items mapped to bins while ensuring that no collisions occur. We denote this approach as Phasing, for Permutation-based Hashing Set Intersection. Phasing can dramatically improve the performance of PSI protocols whose overhead depends on the length of the representations of input items.\\ We apply Phasing to design a new approach for circuit-based PSI protocols. The resulting protocol is up to 5 times faster than the previously best Sort-Compare-Shuffle circuit of Huang et al. (NDSS 2012). We also apply Phasing to the OT-based PSI protocol of Pinkas et al. ({USENIX} Security 2014), which is the fastest PSI protocol to date. Together with additional improvements that reduce the computation complexity by a logarithmic factor, the resulting protocol improves run-time by a factor of up to 20 and can also have better communication overhead than the previously best PSI protocol in that respect. The new protocol is only moderately less efficient than an {\em insecure} PSI protocol that is currently used by real-world applications, and is therefore the first secure PSI protocol that is scalable to the demands and the constraints of current real-world settings.}, author = {Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Gil Segev and Michael Zohner}, title = {{Phasing: Private Set Intersection using Permutation-Based Hashing}}, booktitle = {24. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'15)}, month = {August 12-14,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {USENIX}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity15}, rate = {$15.7\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSSZ15.pdf}, pages = {515-530}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2015/634}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/PSI}}, rank = {A*}, address = {Washington, DC, USA} }
@inproceedings{KPRSSZ15, abstract = {Mining and analysis of digital data has the potential to provide improved quality of life and offer even life-saving insights. However, loss of privacy or secret information would be detrimental to these goals and inhibit widespread application. Traditional data protection measures tend to result in the formation of data silos, severely limiting the scope and yield of ``Big Data''. Technology such as privacy-preserving multi-party computation (MPC) and data de-identification can break these silos enabling privacy-preserving computation. However, currently available de-identification schemes tend to suffer from privacy/utility trade-offs, and MPC has found deployment only in niche applications. As the assurance and availability of hardware-based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) is increasing, we propose an alternative direction of using TEEs as ``neutral'' environments for efficient yet secure multi-party computation. To this end, we survey the current state of the art, propose a generic initial solution architecture and identify remaining challenges.}, author = {Patrick Koeberl and Vinay Phegade and Anand Rajan and Thomas Schneider and Steffen Schulz and Maria Zhdanova}, title = {{Time to Rethink: Trust Brokerage using Trusted Execution Environments}}, booktitle = {8. International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (TRUST'15)}, month = {August 24-26,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {9229}, pages = {181-190}, weburl = {http://www.ics.forth.gr/trust2015/}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-22846-4_11}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KPRSSZ15.pdf}, address = {Heraklion, Crete, Greece}, note = {Short paper} }
@inproceedings{DDKSSZ15, abstract = {In the recent years, secure computation has been the subject of intensive research, emerging from theory to practice. In order to make secure computation usable by non-experts, Fairplay ({USENIX} Security 2004) initiated a line of research in compilers that allow to automatically generate circuits from high-level descriptions of the functionality that is to be computed securely. Most recently, TinyGarble ({IEEE} S\&P 2015) demonstrated that it is natural to use existing hardware synthesis tools for this task.\\ In this work, we present how to use industrial-grade hardware synthesis tools to generate circuits that are not only optimized for size, but also for depth. These are required for secure computation protocols with non-constant round complexity. We compare a large variety of circuits generated by our toolchain with hand-optimized circuits and show reduction of depth by up to 14\%.\\ The main advantages of our approach are developing customized libraries of depth-optimized circuit constructions which we map to high-level functions and operators, and using existing libraries available in the industrial-grade logic synthesis tools which are heavily tested. In particular, we show how to easily obtain circuits for {IEEE} 754 compliant floating-point operations. We extend the open source ABY framework (NDSS 2015) to securely evaluate circuits generated with our toolchain and show between 0.5 to 21.4 times faster floating-point operations than previous protocols of Aliasgari et al. (NDSS 2013), even though our protocols work for two parties instead of three or more. As application we consider privacy-preserving proximity testing on Earth.}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Ghada Dessouky and Farinaz Koushanfar and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Shaza Zeitouni}, title = {{Automated Synthesis of Optimized Circuits for Secure Computation}}, booktitle = {22. {ACM} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'15)}, month = {October 12-16,}, year = {2015}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2015/}, rate = {$19.8\%$}, doi = {10.1145/2810103.2813678}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DDKSSZ15.pdf}, pages = {1504-1517}, rank = {A*}, address = {Denver, CO, USA} }
@inproceedings{KS16, abstract = {Universal circuits (UCs) can be programmed to evaluate any circuit of a given size $k$. They provide elegant solutions in various application scenarios, e.g. for private function evaluation (PFE) and for improving the flexibility of attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes. The optimal size of a universal circuit is proven to be $\Omega(k\log k)$. Valiant (STOC'76) proposed a size-optimized UC construction, which has not been put in practice ever since. The only implementation of universal circuits was provided by Kolesnikov and Schneider (FC'08), with size $\mathcal{O}(k\log^2 k)$.\\ In this paper, we refine the size of Valiant's UC and further improve the construction by (at least) $2k$. We show that due to recent optimizations and our improvements, it is the best solution to apply in the case for circuits with a constant number of inputs and outputs. When the number of inputs or outputs is linear in the number of gates, we propose a more efficient hybrid solution based on the two existing constructions. We validate the practicality of Valiant's UC, by giving an example implementation for PFE using these size-optimized UCs.}, title = {{Valiant's Universal Circuit is Practical}}, author = {\'Agnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {35. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'16}, month = {May 8-12,}, year = {2016}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {9665}, weburl = {http://ist.ac.at/eurocrypt2016/}, pages = {699-728}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2016/093}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/UC}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-49890-3_27}, rate = {$22.6\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KS16.pdf}, rank = {A*}, address = {Vienna, Austria} }
@inproceedings{SSGSSK16, abstract = {We present GarbledCPU, the first framework that realizes a hardware-based general purpose sequential processor for secure computation. Our MIPS-based implementation enables development of applications (functions) in a high-level language while performing secure function evaluation (SFE) using Yao's garbled circuit protocol in hardware. GarbledCPU provides three degrees of freedom for SFE which allow leveraging the trade-off between privacy and performance: public functions, private functions, and semi-private functions. We synthesize GarbledCPU on a Virtex-7 FPGA as a proof-of-concept implementation and evaluate it on various benchmarks including Hamming distance, private set intersection and AES. Our results indicate that our pipelined hardware framework outperforms the fastest available software implementation.}, title = {{GarbledCPU: A MIPS Processor for Secure Computation in Hardware}}, author = {Ebrahim M. Songhori and Shaza Zeitouni and Ghada Dessouky and Thomas Schneider and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Farinaz Koushanfar}, booktitle = {53. Design Automation Conference (DAC'16)}, month = {June 5-9,}, year = {2016}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://www.dac.com/content/53rd-dac}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SZDSSK16.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/2897937.2898027}, pages = {73:1-73:6}, rate = {$17.4\%$}, rank = {A}, address = {Austin, TX, USA} }
@inproceedings{CDCSS16, abstract = {The growing relevance of Internet eXchange Points (IXPs), where an increasing number of networks exchange routing information, poses fundamental questions regarding the privacy guarantees of confidential business information. To facilitate the exchange of routes among their members, IXPs provide Route Server (RS) services to dispatch the routes according to each member's export policies. Nowadays, to make use of RSes, these policies must be disclosed to the IXP. This state of affairs raises privacy concerns among network administrators and even deters some networks from subscribing to RS services. We design SIXPACK (which stands for “Securing Internet eXchange Points Against Curious onlooKers”), a RS service that leverages Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) techniques to keep export policies confidential, while maintaining the same functionalities as today's RSes. We assess the effectiveness and scalability of our system by evaluating our prototype implementation and using traces of data from one of the largest IXPs in the world.}, title = {{Towards Securing Internet eXchange Points Against Curious onlooKers}}, author = {Marco Chiesa and Daniel Demmler and Marco Canini and Michael Schapira and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {{ACM}, IRTF \& ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW'16)}, month = {July 16,}, year = {2016}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://irtf.org/anrw/2016/}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/CDCSS16.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/2959424.2959427}, pages = {32-34}, note = {Short paper}, address = {Berlin, Germany} }
@article{RSSSK17, abstract = {The Stable Matching (SM) algorithm has been deployed in many real-world scenarios including the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) and financial applications such as matching of suppliers and consumers in capital markets. Since these applications typically involve highly sensitive information such as the underlying preference lists, their current implementations rely on trusted third parties. This paper introduces the first provably secure and scalable implementation of SM based on Yao's garbled circuit protocol and Oblivious RAM (ORAM). Our scheme can securely compute a stable match for 8k pairs four orders of magnitude faster than the previously best known method. We achieve this by introducing a compact and efficient sub-linear size circuit. We even further decrease the computation cost by three orders of magnitude by proposing a novel technique to avoid unnecessary iterations in the SM algorithm. We evaluate our implementation for several problem sizes and plan to publish it as open-source.}, author = {M. Sadegh Riazi and Ebrahim M. Songhori and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Farinaz Koushanfar}, title = {{Toward Practical Secure Stable Matching}}, journal = {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)}, year = {2017}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, number = {1}, volume = {2017}, month = {January}, weburl = {https://petsymposium.org/2017/}, doi = {10.1515/popets-2017-0005}, pages = {62-78}, rate = {$37.9\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RSSSK17.pdf}, rank = {A}, address = {Minneapolis, MN, USA} }
@inproceedings{DKSSZZ17, abstract = {Secure two-party computation has witnessed significant efficiency improvements in the recent years. Current implementations of protocols with security against passive adversaries generate and process data much faster than it can be sent over the network, even with a single thread. This paper introduces novel methods to further reduce the communication bottleneck and round complexity of semi-honest secure two-party computation. Our new methodology creates a trade-off between communication and computation, and we show that the added computing cost for each party is still feasible and practicable in light of the new communication savings. We first improve communication for Boolean circuits with 2-input gates by factor 1.9x when evaluated with the protocol of Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW). As a further step, we change the conventional Boolean circuit representation from 2-input gates to multi-input/multi-output lookup tables (LUTs) which can be programmed to realize arbitrary functions. We construct two protocols for evaluating LUTs offering a trade-off between online communication and total communication. Our most efficient LUT-based protocol reduces the communication and round complexity by a factor 2-4x for several basic and complex operations. Our proposed scheme results in a significant overall runtime decrease of up to a factor of 3x on several benchmark functions.}, author = {Ghada Dessouky and Farinaz Koushanfar and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Shaza Zeitouni and Michael Zohner}, title = {{Pushing the Communication Barrier in Secure Computation using Lookup Tables}}, booktitle = {24. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'17)}, month = {February 26-March 1,}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Internet Society}, weburl = {http://www.internetsociety.org/events/ndss-symposium/ndss-symposium-2017}, rate = {$16.1\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DKSSZZ17.pdf}, doi = {10.14722/ndss.2017.23097}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2018/486}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/ABY}}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{NST17, abstract = {Secure two-party computation (S2PC) allows two parties to compute a function on their joint inputs while leaking only the output of the function. At TCC 2009 Orlandi and Nielsen proposed the LEGO protocol for maliciously secure 2PC based on cut-and-choose of Yao's garbled circuits at the gate level and showed that this is asymptotically more efficient than on the circuit level. Since then the LEGO approach has been improved upon in several theoretical works, but never implemented. In this paper we describe further concrete improvements and provide the first implementation of a protocol from the LEGO family. Our protocol has a constant number of rounds and is optimized for the offline/online setting with function-independent preprocessing. We have benchmarked our prototype and find that our protocol can compete with all existing implementations and that it is often more efficient. As an example, in a LAN setting we can evaluate an AES-128 circuit with online latency down to 1.13ms, while if evaluating 128 AES-128 circuits in parallel the amortized cost is 0.09 ms per AES-128. This online performance does not come at the price of offline inefficiency as we achieve comparable performance to previous, less general protocols, and significantly better if we ignore the cost of the function-independent preprocessing. Also, as our protocol has an optimal 2-round online phase it is significantly more efficient than previous protocols when considering a high latency network.}, author = {Jesper Buus Nielsen and Thomas Schneider and Roberto Trifiletti}, title = {{Constant Round Maliciously Secure 2PC with Function-Independent Preprocessing using LEGO}}, booktitle = {24. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'17)}, month = {February 26-March 1,}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Internet Society}, weburl = {http://www.internetsociety.org/events/ndss-symposium/ndss-symposium-2017}, rate = {$16.1\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/NST17.pdf}, doi = {10.14722/ndss.2017.23075}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA} }
@article{ADSSSSZ17, abstract = {The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) computes routes between the organizational networks that make up today's Internet. Unfortunately, BGP suffers from deficiencies, including slow convergence, security problems, a lack of innovation, and the leakage of sensitive information about domains' routing preferences. To overcome some of these problems, we revisit the idea of centralizing and using secure multi-party computation (MPC) for interdomain routing which was proposed by Gupta et al. ({ACM} HotNets'12). We implement two algorithms for interdomain routing with state-of-the-art MPC protocols. On an empirically derived dataset that approximates the topology of today's Internet (55809 nodes), our protocols take as little as 6s of topology-independent precomputation and only 3 s of online time. We show, moreover, that when our MPC approach is applied at country/region-level scale, runtimes can be as low as 0.17 s online time and 0.20 s pre-computation time. Our results motivate the MPC approach for interdomain routing and furthermore demonstrate that current MPC techniques are capable of efficiently tackling real-world problems at a large scale.}, author = {Gilad Asharov and Daniel Demmler and Michael Schapira and Thomas Schneider and Gil Segev and Scott Shenker and Michael Zohner}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving Interdomain Routing at Internet Scale}}, journal = {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)}, year = {2017}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, number = {3}, volume = {2017}, weburl = {https://petsymposium.org/2017}, pages = {143-163}, rate = {$18.6\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ADSSSSZ17.pdf}, doi = {10.1515/popets-2017-0033}, month = {July}, rank = {A}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2017/393}}, address = {Minneapolis, MN, USA} }
@inproceedings{DHS17, abstract = {While great effort has been put into securing the \emph{content} of messages transmitted over digital infrastructures, practical protection of \emph{metadata} is still an open research problem. Scalable mechanisms for protecting users' anonymity and hiding their social graph are needed.\\ One technique that we focus on in this work is private information retrieval (PIR), an active field of research that enables private querying of data from a public database without revealing which data has been requested and a fundamental building block for private communication. We introduce two significant improvements for the multi-server scheme RAID-PIR ({ACM} CCSW'14): precomputing queries using the \emph{Method of four Russians} and optimizing the database layout for parallel queries.\\ We then propose \emph{OnionPIR}, an anonymous messaging service as example application for PIR combined with onion routing that prevents the leakage of communication meta-data. By providing and evaluating a prototype, we show that OnionPIR is usable in practice. Based on our results, we conclude that it is possible to build and deploy such a service today, while its operating expenses are within the order of magnitude of those of traditional messaging services that leak metadata.}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Marco Holz and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{OnionPIR: Effective Protection of Sensitive Metadata in Online Communication Networks}}, booktitle = {15. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'17)}, month = {July 10-12,}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {10355}, pages = {599-619}, rate = {$22.8\%$}, weburl = {https://cy2sec.comm.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/acns2017/}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DHS17.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-61204-1_30}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/onionPIR}}, rank = {B}, address = {Kanazawa, Japan} }
@article{ALSZ17, abstract = {Oblivious transfer (OT) is one of the most fundamental primitives in cryptography and is widely used in protocols for secure two-party and multi-party computation. As secure computation becomes more practical, the need for practical large scale oblivious transfer protocols is becoming more evident. Oblivious transfer extensions are protocols that enable a relatively small number of ``base-OTs'' to be utilized to compute a very large number of OTs at low cost. In the semi-honest setting, Ishai et al. (CRYPTO 2003) presented an OT extension protocol for which the cost of each OT (beyond the base-OTs) is just a few hash function operations. In the malicious setting, Nielsen et al. (CRYPTO 2012) presented an efficient OT extension protocol for the setting of malicious adversaries, that is secure in a random oracle model.\\ In this work we improve OT extensions with respect to communication complexity, computation complexity, and scalability in the semi-honest, covert, and malicious model. Furthermore, we show how to modify our maliciously secure OT extension protocol to achieve security with respect to a version of correlation robustness instead of the random oracle. We also provide specific optimizations of OT extensions that are tailored to the use of OT in various secure computation protocols such as Yao's garbled circuits and the protocol of Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson, which reduce the communication complexity even further. We experimentally verify the efficiency gains of our protocols and optimizations.}, author = {Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{More Efficient Oblivious Transfer Extensions}}, journal = {Journal of Cryptology (JoC)}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s00145-016-9236-6}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ALSZ17.pdf}, weburl = {https://www.springer.com/journal/145}, number = {3}, volume = {30}, month = {July}, pages = {805-858}, rank = {A*}, note = {Updated version: \url{https://ia.cr/2016/602}} }
@article{KLSAP17, abstract = {Private set intersection (PSI) is a cryptographic technique that is applicable to many privacy-sensitive scenarios. For decades, researchers have been focusing on improving its efficiency in both communication and computation. However, most of the existing solutions are inefficient for an unequal number of inputs, which is common in conventional client-server settings.\\ In this paper, we analyze and optimize the efficiency of existing PSI protocols to support precomputation so that they can efficiently deal with such input sets. We transform four existing PSI protocols into the precomputation form such that in the setup phase the communication is linear only in the size of the larger input set, while in the online phase the communication is linear in the size of the smaller input set. We implement all four protocols and run experiments between two PCs and between a PC and a smartphone and give a systematic comparison of their performance. Our experiments show that a protocol based on securely evaluating a garbled AES circuit achieves the fastest setup time by several orders of magnitudes, and the fastest online time in the PC setting where AES-NI acceleration is available. In the mobile setting, the fastest online time is achieved by a protocol based on the Diffie-Hellman assumption.}, author = {\'Agnes Kiss and Jian Liu and Thomas Schneider and N. Asokan and Benny Pinkas}, title = {{Private Set Intersection for Unequal Set Sizes with Mobile Applications}}, journal = {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)}, year = {2017}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, number = {4}, volume = {2017}, weburl = {https://petsymposium.org/2017}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KLSAP17.pdf}, rate = {$21.7\%$}, pages = {177-197}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2017/670}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/MobilePSI}}, rank = {A}, month = {October}, doi = {10.1515/popets-2017-0044}, address = {Minneapolis, MN, USA} }
@inproceedings{DHSS17, abstract = {Medical research and treatments rely increasingly on genomic data. Queries on so-called variants are of high importance in, e.g., biomarker identification and general disease association studies. However, the human genome is a very sensitive piece of information that is worth protecting. By observing queries and responses to classical genomic databases, medical conditions can be inferred. The \emph{Beacon project} is an example of a public genomic querying service, which undermines the privacy of the querier as well as individuals in the database.\\ By secure outsourcing via secure multi-party computation (SMPC), we enable privacy-preserving genomic database queries that protect sensitive data contained in the queries and their respective responses. At the same time, we allow for multiple genomic databases to combine their datasets to achieve a much larger search space, without revealing the actual databases' contents to third parties. SMPC is generic and allows to apply further processing like aggregation to query results.\\ We measure the performance of our approach for realistic parameters and achieve convincingly fast runtimes that render our protocol applicable to real-world medical data integration settings. Our prototype implementation can process a private query with 5 genetic variant conditions against a person's exome with 100000 genomic variants in less than 180 ms online runtime, including additional range and equality checks for auxiliary data.}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Kay Hamacher and Thomas Schneider and Sebastian Stammler}, booktitle = {16. International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS'17)}, month = {November 30-December 2,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving Whole-Genome Variant Queries}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DHSS17.pdf}, weburl = {http://crypto.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/cans17/}, year = {2017}, volume = {11261}, pages = {1-22}, rank = {B}, rate = {$31.8\%$}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-02641-7_4}, address = {Hong Kong, China} }
@inproceedings{GKS17, abstract = {A universal circuit (UC) can be programmed to simulate any circuit up to a given size $n$ by specifying its program bits. UCs have several applications, including private function evaluation (PFE). The asymptotical lower bound for the size of a UC is proven to be $\Omega(n\log n)$. In fact, Valiant (STOC'76) provided two theoretical UC constructions using so-called 2-way and 4-way constructions, with sizes $~5n\log_2n$ and $4.75n\log_2n$, respectively. The 2-way UC has recently been brought into practice in concurrent and independent results by Kiss and Schneider (EUROCRYPT'16) and Lipmaa et al. (Eprint 2016/017). Moreover, the latter work generalized Valiant's construction to any $k$-way UC.\\ In this paper, we revisit Valiant's UC constructions and the recent results, and provide a modular and generic embedding algorithm for any $k$-way UC. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility for a more efficient UC based on a 3-way recursive strategy. We show with a counterexample that even though it is a promising approach, the 3-way UC does not yield an asymptotically better result than the 4-way UC. We propose a hybrid approach that combines the 2-way with the 4-way UC in order to minimize the size of the resulting UC. We elaborate on the concrete size of all discussed UC constructions and show that our hybrid UC yields on average 3.65\% improvement in size over the 2-way UC. We implement the 4-way UC in a modular manner based on our proposed embedding algorithm, and show that our methods for programming the UC can be generalized for any $k$-way construction.}, title = {{More Efficient Universal Circuit Constructions}}, author = {Daniel G\"unther and \'Agnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {23. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT'17}, month = {December 3-7,}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GKS17.pdf}, weburl = {https://asiacrypt.iacr.org/2017}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2017/798}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/UC}}, rank = {A}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-70697-9_16}, pages = {443-470}, volume = {10625}, rate = {$27.6\%$}, address = {Hong Kong, China} }
@inproceedings{CDCSS17, abstract = {Internet eXchange Points (IXPs) play an ever-growing role in Internet inter-connection. To facilitate the exchange of routes amongst their members, IXPs provide Route Server (RS) services to dispatch the routes according to each member's peering policies. Nowadays, to make use of RSes, these policies must be disclosed to the IXP. This poses fundamental questions regarding the privacy guarantees of route-computation on con dential business information. Indeed, as evidenced by interaction with IXP administrators and a survey of network operators, this state of a airs raises privacy concerns among network administrators and even deters some networks from subscribing to RS services. We design sixpack1, an RS service that leverages Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) to keep peering policies con dential, while extending, the functionalities of today's RSes. As SMPC is notoriously heavy in terms of communication and computation, our design and implementation of sixpack aims at moving computation outside of the SMPC without compromising the privacy guarantees. We assess the e ectiveness and scalability of our system by evaluating a prototype implementation using traces of data from one of the largest IXPs in the world. Our evaluation results indicate that sixpack can scale to support privacy-preserving route-computation, even at IXPs with many hundreds of member networks.}, title = {{SIXPACK: Securing Internet eXchange Points Against Curious onlooKers}}, author = {Marco Chiesa and Daniel Demmler and Marco Canini and Michael Schapira and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {13. International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT'17)}, month = {December 12-15,}, year = {2017}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://conferences2.sigcomm.org/co-next/2017}, rate = {$18.1\%$}, rank = {A}, pages = {120-133}, doi = {10.1145/3143361.3143362}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/CDCSS17.pdf}, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, note = {Code: \url{https://six-pack.bitbucket.io}} }
@article{PSZ18, abstract = {Private set intersection (PSI) allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets without revealing any information about items that are not in the intersection. It is one of the best studied applications of secure computation and many PSI protocols have been proposed. However, the variety of existing PSI protocols makes it difficult to identify the solution that performs best in a respective scenario, especially since they were not compared in the same setting. In addition, existing PSI protocols are several orders of magnitude slower than an insecure naive hashing solution which is used in practice.\\ In this work, we review the progress made on PSI protocols and give an overview of existing protocols in various security models. We then focus on PSI protocols that are secure against semi-honest adversaries and take advantage of the most recent efficiency improvements in OT extension and propose significant optimizations to previous PSI protocols and to suggest a new PSI protocol whose run-time is superior to that of existing protocols. We compare the performance of the protocols both theoretically and experimentally, by implementing all protocols on the same platform, give recommendations on which protocol to use in a particular setting, and evaluate the progress on PSI protocols by comparing them to the currently employed insecure naive hashing protocol. We demonstrate the feasibility of our new PSI protocol by processing two sets with a billion elements each.}, author = {Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner}, title = {{Scalable Private Set Intersection Based on OT Extension}}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS)}, year = {2018}, weburl = {http://tops.acm.org}, rank = {A}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSZ18.pdf}, note = {Preliminary version: \url{https://ia.cr/2016/930}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/JournalPSI}}, doi = {10.1145/3154794}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {7:1-7:35}, month = {January}, publisher = {ACM} }
@inproceedings{PSWW18, abstract = {While there has been a lot of progress in designing efficient custom protocols for computing Private Set Intersection (PSI), there has been less research on using generic Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols for this task. However, there are many variants of the set intersection functionality that are not addressed by the existing custom PSI solutions and are easy to compute with generic MPC protocols (e.g., comparing the cardinality of the intersection with a threshold or measuring ad conversion rates).\\ Generic PSI protocols work over circuits that compute the intersection. For sets of size $n$, the best known circuit constructions conduct $O(n \log n)$ or $O(n \log n / \log\log n)$ comparisons (Huang et al., NDSS'12 and Pinkas et al., {USENIX} Security'15). In this work, we propose new circuit-based protocols for computing \emph{variants of the intersection} with an almost linear number of comparisons. Our constructions are based on new variants of Cuckoo hashing in two dimensions.\\ We present an asymptotically efficient protocol as well as a protocol with better concrete efficiency. For the latter protocol, we determine the required sizes of tables and circuits experimentally, and show that the run-time is concretely better than that of existing constructions.\\ The protocol can be extended to a larger number of parties. The proof technique presented in the full version for analyzing Cuckoo hashing in two dimensions is new and can be generalized to analyzing standard Cuckoo hashing as well as other new variants of it.}, title = {{Efficient Circuit-Based PSI via Cuckoo Hashing}}, author = {Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Christian Weinert and Udi Wieder}, booktitle = {37. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'18}, month = {April 29-May 3,}, year = {2018}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {10822}, weburl = {https://eurocrypt.iacr.org/2018/}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2018/120}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/2DCH}}, rank = {A*}, rate = {$23.0\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSWW18.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-78372-7_5}, pages = {125-157}, address = {Tel Aviv, Israel} }
@inproceedings{RWTSSK18, abstract = {We present Chameleon, a novel hybrid (mixed-protocol) framework for secure function evaluation (SFE) which enables two parties to jointly compute a function without disclosing their private inputs. Chameleon combines the best aspects of generic SFE protocols with the ones that are based upon additive secret sharing. In particular, the framework performs linear operations in the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^l}$ using additively secret shared values and nonlinear operations using Yao's Garbled Circuits or the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson protocol. Chameleon departs from the common assumption of additive or linear secret sharing models where three or more parties need to communicate in the online phase: the framework allows two parties with private inputs to communicate in the online phase under the assumption of a third node generating correlated randomness in an offline phase. Almost all of the heavy cryptographic operations are precomputed in an offline phase which substantially reduces the communication overhead. Chameleon is both scalable and significantly more efficient than the ABY framework (NDSS'15) it is based on. Our framework supports signed fixed-point numbers. In particular, Chameleon's vector dot product of signed fixed-point numbers improves the efficiency of mining and classification of encrypted data for algorithms based upon heavy matrix multiplications. Our evaluation of Chameleon on a 5 layer convolutional deep neural network shows 133x and 4.2x faster executions than Microsoft CryptoNets (ICML'16) and MiniONN (CCS'17), respectively.}, author = {M. Sadegh Riazi and Christian Weinert and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Ebrahim M. Songhori and Thomas Schneider and Farinaz Koushanfar}, title = {{Chameleon: A Hybrid Secure Computation Framework for Machine Learning Applications}}, booktitle = {13. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'18)}, year = {2018}, month = {June 4-8,}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://asiaccs2018.org}, note = {Preliminary version: \url{https://ia.cr/2017/1164}}, rate = {$16.8\%$}, rank = {A}, pages = {707-721}, doi = {10.1145/3196494.3196522}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RWTSSK18.pdf}, address = {Songdo, South Korea} }
@inproceedings{TWSH18, abstract = {We present privacy-preserving solutions for \emph{Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)} based on \emph{Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC)}. Using SMPC, we protect the privacy of patients when medical institutes collaborate for computing statistics on genomic data in a distributed fashion. Previous solutions for this task lack efficiency and/or use inadequate algorithms that are of limited practical value. Concretely, we optimize and implement multiple algorithms for the $\chi^{2}$-, G-, and P-test in the ABY framework (Demmler et al., NDSS'15) and evaluate them in a distributed GWAS scenario.\\ Statistical tests generally require advanced mathematical operations. For operations that cannot be calculated in integer arithmetic, we make use of the existing {IEEE} 754 floating point arithmetic implementation in ABY (Demmler et al., CCS'15). To improve performance, we extend the mixed-protocol capabilities of ABY by optimizing and implementing the integer to floating point conversion protocols of Aliasgari et al.\ (NDSS'13), which may be of independent interest. Furthermore, we consider extended contingency tables for the $\chi^2$- and G-test that use codeword counts instead of counts for only two alleles, thereby allowing for advanced, realistic analyses. Finally, we consider an outsourcing scenario where two non-colluding semi-trusted third parties process secret-shared input data from multiple institutes.\\ Our extensive evaluation shows, compared to the prior art of Constable et al. (BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making'15), an improved run-time efficiency of the $\chi^{2}$-test by up to factor 37x. We additionally demonstrate practicality in scenarios with millions of participants and hundreds of collaborating institutes.}, author = {Oleksandr Tkachenko and Christian Weinert and Thomas Schneider and Kay Hamacher}, title = {{Large-Scale Privacy-Preserving Statistical Computations for Distributed Genome-Wide Association Studies}}, booktitle = {13. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'18)}, year = {2018}, month = {June 4-8,}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {http://asiaccs2018.org}, rate = {$16.8\%$}, rank = {A}, pages = {221-235}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/TWSH18.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3196494.3196541}, address = {Songdo, South Korea} }
@misc{ACCDSSSSZ18TPMPC, author = {Gilad Asharov and Marco Canini and Marco Chiesa and Daniel Demmler and Michael Schapira and Thomas Schneider and Gil Segev and Scott Shenker and Michael Zohner}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: Towards Practical Private Internet Routing using MPC}}, howpublished = {5. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC'18)}, year = {2018}, address = {Aarhus, Denmark}, weburl = {https://www.multipartycomputation.com/tpmpc-2018}, month = {May 28-31,} }
@inproceedings{RYTLJSL18, abstract = {The increasingly connected world magnifies the threats to users' location privacy. Encryption protocols offer solutions to privacy concerns, but they are computationally very demanding. A reduction of the bit-length of the Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements is required for a realistic, privacy-preserving positioning system based on fingerprinting. This paper studies the practical design of quantizers for RSS fingerprinting data and analyses the effect of the quantization on the positioning performance, with several real data sets and positioning algorithms. Our results show that 4-bit quantization deteriorate the accuracy compared to no-quantization case by only 20cm and that 1-bit approaches (i.e. proximity based positioning) are also feasible for certain applications.}, author = {Philipp Richter and Zheng Yang and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Helena Lepp\"akoski and Kimmo J\"arvinen and Thomas Schneider and Elena Simona Lohan}, title = {{Received Signal Strength Quantization for Secure Indoor Positioning via Fingerprinting}}, booktitle = {8. International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS'18)}, year = {2018}, month = {June 26-28,}, weburl = {http://www.icl-gnss.org/2018/}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RYTLJSL18.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/ICL-GNSS.2018.8440910}, pages = {1-6}, address = {Guimar\~aes, Portugal} }
@inproceedings{BFRSSW18, abstract = {With the advent of smart-home devices providing voice-based interfaces, such as Amazon Alexa or Apple Siri, voice data is constantly transferred to cloud services for automated speech recognition or speaker verification.\\ While this development enables intriguing new applications, it also poses significant risks: Voice data is highly sensitive since it contains biometric information of the speaker as well as the spoken words. This data may be abused if not protected properly, thus the security and privacy of billions of end-users is at stake.\\ We tackle this challenge by proposing an architecture, dubbed VoiceGuard, that efficiently protects the speech processing task inside a trusted execution environment (TEE). Our solution preserves the privacy of users while at the same time it does not require the service provider to reveal model parameters. Our architecture can be extended to enable user-specific models, such as feature transformations (including fMLLR), i-vectors, or model transformations (e.g., custom output layers). It also generalizes to secure on-premise solutions, allowing vendors to securely ship their models to customers.\\ We provide a proof-of-concept implementation and evaluate it on the Resource Management and WSJ speech recognition tasks isolated with Intel SGX, a widely available TEE implementation, demonstrating even real time processing capabilities.}, author = {Ferdinand Brasser and Tommaso Frassetto and Korbinian Riedhammer and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Christian Weinert}, title = {{VoiceGuard: Secure and Private Speech Processing}}, booktitle = {19. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH'18)}, year = {2018}, month = {September 2-6,}, weburl = {http://interspeech2018.org}, rank = {A}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFRSSW18.pdf}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFRSSW18Poster.pdf}, doi = {10.21437/Interspeech.2018-2032}, pages = {1303-1307}, publisher = {International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)}, rate = {$54\%$}, address = {Hyderabad, India} }
@inproceedings{JKSTY18, abstract = {In the last decade, location information became easily obtainable using off-the-shelf mobile devices. This gave a momentum to developing Location Based Services (LBSs) such as location proximity detection, which can be used to find friends or taxis nearby. LBSs can, however, be easily misused to track users, which draws attention to the need of protecting privacy of these users.\\ In this work, we address this issue by designing, implementing, and evaluating multiple algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Location Proximity (PPLP) that are based on different secure computation protocols. Our PPLP protocols are well-suited for different scenarios: for saving bandwidth, energy/computational power, or for faster runtimes. Furthermore, our algorithms have runtimes of a few milliseconds to hundreds of milliseconds and bandwidth of hundreds of bytes to one megabyte. In addition, the computationally most expensive parts of the PPLP computation can be precomputed in our protocols, such that the input-dependent online phase runs in just a few milliseconds.}, author = {Kimmo J\"arvinen and \'Agnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Zheng Yang}, title = {{Faster Privacy-Preserving Location Proximity Schemes}}, booktitle = {17. International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS'18)}, year = {2018}, month = {September 30-October 3,}, weburl = {http://cans2018.na.icar.cnr.it}, rank = {B}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {11124}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/JKSTY18.pdf}, pages = {3-22}, rate = {$32.9\%$}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-00434-7_1}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2018/694}}, address = {Naples, Italy} }
@misc{KSS18, author = {\'Agnes Kiss and Oliver Schick and Thomas Schneider}, howpublished = {27. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'18) Poster Session}, month = {August 15-17,}, title = {{POSTER: Web Application for Privacy-Preserving Scheduling}}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity18/poster-session}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS18.pdf}, year = {2018}, rank = {A*}, address = {Baltimore, MD, USA} }
@inproceedings{TS18, abstract = {Nowadays, genomic sequencing has become affordable for many people. Since more people let analyze their genome, more genome data gets collected. The good side of this is that analyses on this data become possible. However, this raises privacy concerns because the genomic data uniquely identify their owner, contain sensitive information about his/her risk for getting diseases, and even sensitive information about his/her family members.\\ In this paper, we introduce a highly efficient privacy-preserving protocol for Similar Sequence Queries (SSQs), which can be used for finding genetically similar individuals in an outsourced genomic database aggregated from data of multiple institutions. Our SSQ protocol is based on the edit distance approximation by Asharov et al. (PETS'18), which we extend to the outsourcing scenario. We also improve their protocol by using more efficient building blocks and achieve a 5-6x run-time improvement compared to their work in the two-party scenario.\\ Recently, Cheng et al. (ASIACCS'18) introduced protocols for outsourced SSQs that rely on homomorphic encryption. Our approach outperforms theirs by more than factor 20 000x in terms of run-time in the outsourcing scenario.}, author = {Oleksandr Tkachenko and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Towards Efficient Privacy-Preserving Similar Sequence Queries on Outsourced Genomic Databases}}, booktitle = {17. Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'18)}, month = {October 15,}, year = {2018}, publisher = {ACM}, rate = {$36.5\%$}, weburl = {https://wpes.tech}, pages = {71-75}, doi = {10.1145/3267323.3268956}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/TS18.pdf}, address = {Toronto, Canada}, note = {Short paper} }
@inproceedings{BDKKS18, abstract = {While secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a vibrant research topic and a multitude of practical MPC applications have been presented recently, their development is still a tedious task that requires expert knowledge. Previous works have made first steps in compiling high-level descriptions from various source descriptions into MPC protocols, but only looked at a limited set of protocols.\\ In this work we present HyCC, a tool-chain for automated compilation of ANSI C programs into hybrid protocols that efficiently and securely combine multiple MPC protocols with optimizing compilation, scheduling, and partitioning. As a result, our compiled protocols are able to achieve performance numbers that are comparable to hand-built solutions. For the MiniONN neural network (Liu et al., CCS 2017), our compiler improves performance of the resulting protocol by more than a factor of 3x. Thus, for the first time, highly efficient hybrid MPC becomes accessible for developers without cryptographic background.}, author = {Niklas B\"uscher and Daniel Demmler and Stefan Katzenbeisser and David Kretzmer and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{HyCC: Compilation of Hybrid Protocols for Practical Secure Computation}}, booktitle = {25. {ACM} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'18)}, month = {October 15-19,}, year = {2018}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2018/}, rate = {$16.6\%$}, rank = {A*}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BDKKS18.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3243734.3243786}, pages = {847-861}, note = {Code: \url{https://gitlab.com/securityengineering/HyCC}}, address = {Toronto, Canada} }
@article{KNLAS19, abstract = {Decision trees and random forests are widely used classifiers in machine learning. Service providers often host classification models in a cloud service and provide an interface for clients to use the model remotely. While the model is sensitive information of the server, the input query and prediction results are sensitive information of the client. This motivates the need for private decision tree evaluation, where the service provider does not learn the client's input and the client does not learn the model except for its size and the result.\\ In this work, we identify the three phases of private decision tree evaluation protocols: feature selection, comparison, and path evaluation. We systematize protocols for each of these phases to identify the best available instantiations using the two main paradigms for secure computation: garbling techniques and homomorphic encryption. There is a natural tradeoff between runtime and communication considering these two paradigms: garbling techniques use fast symmetric-key operations but require a large amount of communication, while homomorphic encryption is computationally heavy but requires little communication.\\ Our contributions are as follows: Firstly, we systematically review and analyse state-of-the-art protocols for the three phases of private decision tree evaluation. Our methodology allows us to identify novel combinations of these protocols that provide better tradeoffs than existing protocols. Thereafter, we empirically evaluate all combinations of these protocols by providing communication and runtime measures, and provide recommendations based on the identified concrete tradeoffs.}, author = {\'Agnes Kiss and Masoud Naderpour and Jian Liu and N. Asokan and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{SoK: Modular and Efficient Private Decision Tree Evaluation}}, journal = {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)}, year = {2019}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, number = {2}, volume = {2019}, pages = {187-208}, weburl = {https://petsymposium.org/2019/}, rank = {A}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2018/1099}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/PDTE}}, month = {April}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KNLAS19.pdf}, doi = {10.2478/popets-2019-0026}, rate = {$21.1\%$}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
@inproceedings{PSTY19, abstract = {We present a new protocol for computing a circuit which implements the private set intersection functionality (PSI). Using circuits for this task is advantageous over the usage of specific protocols for PSI, since many applications of PSI do not need to compute the intersection itself but rather functions based on the items in the intersection.\\ Our protocol is the \emph{first circuit-based PSI protocol to achieve linear communication complexity}. It is also concretely more efficient than all previous circuit-based PSI protocols. For example, for sets of size $2^{20}$ it improves the communication of the recent work of Pinkas et al. (EUROCRYPT'18) by more than 10 times, and improves the run time by a factor of 2.8x in the LAN setting, and by a factor of 5.8x in the WAN setting.\\ Our protocol is based on the usage of a protocol for computing oblivious programmable pseudo-random functions (OPPRF), and more specifically on our technique to amortize the cost of batching together multiple invocations of OPPRF. }, title = {{Efficient Circuit-Based PSI with Linear Communication}}, author = {Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Avishay Yanai}, booktitle = {38. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'19}, month = {May 19-23,}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, weburl = {https://eurocrypt.iacr.org/2019/}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2019/241}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/OPPRF-PSI}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-17659-4_5}, volume = {11478}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSTY19.pdf}, pages = {122-153}, rate = {$23.2\%$}, rank = {A*}, address = {Darmstadt, Germany} }
@inproceedings{JLLRSTY19, abstract = {In the last decade, we observed a constantly growing number of Location-Based Services (LBSs) used in indoor environments, such as for targeted advertising in shopping malls or finding nearby friends. Although privacy-preserving LBSs were addressed in the literature, there was a lack of attention to the problem of enhancing privacy of indoor localization, i.e., the process of obtaining the users' locations indoors and, thus, a prerequisite for any indoor LBS.\\ In this work we present PILOT, the first practically efficient solution for Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization (PPIL) that was obtained by a synergy of the research areas indoor localization and applied cryptography. We design, implement, and evaluate protocols for Wi-Fi fingerprint-based PPIL that rely on 4 different distance metrics. To save energy and network bandwidth for the mobile end devices in PPIL, we securely outsource the computations to two non-colluding semi-honest parties. Our solution mixes different secure two-party computation protocols and we design size- and depth-optimized circuits for PPIL. We construct efficient circuit building blocks that are of independent interest: Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) capable oblivious access to an array with low circuit depth and selection of the $k$-Nearest Neighbors with small circuit size. Additionally, we reduce Received Signal Strength (RSS) values from 8 bits to 4 bits without any significant accuracy reduction. Our most efficient PPIL protocol is 553x faster than that of Li et al. (INFOCOM'14) and 500x faster than that of Ziegeldorf et al. (WiSec'14). Our implementation on commodity hardware has practical run-times of less than 1 second even for the most accurate distance metrics that we consider, and it can process more than half a million PPIL queries per day.}, title = {{PILOT: Practical Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization using OuTsourcing}}, author = {Kimmo J\"arvinen and Helena Lepp\"akoski and Elena Simona Lohan and Philipp Richter and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Zheng Yang}, booktitle = {4. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS\&P'19)}, month = {June 17-19,}, year = {2019}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/EuroSP2019/}, rate = {$20.0\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/JLLRSTY19.pdf}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, pages = {448-463}, doi = {10.1109/EuroSP.2019.00040} }
@inproceedings{ST19, author = {Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko}, title = {{EPISODE: Efficient Privacy-PreservIng Similar Sequence Queries on Outsourced Genomic DatabasEs}}, abstract = {Nowadays, genomic sequencing has become much more affordable for many people and, thus, many people own their genomic data in a digital format. Having paid for genomic sequencing, they want to make use of their data for different tasks that are possible only using genomics, and they share their data with third parties to achieve these tasks, e.g., to find their relatives in a genomic database. As a consequence, more genomic data get collected worldwide. The upside of the data collection is that unique analyses on these data become possible. However, this raises privacy concerns because the genomic data uniquely identify their owner, contain sensitive data about his/her risk for getting particular diseases, and even sensitive information about his/her family members.\\ In this paper, we introduce EPISODE - a highly efficient privacy-preserving protocol for Similar Sequence Queries (SSQs), which can be used for finding genetically similar individuals in an outsourced genomic database, i.e., securely aggregated from data of multiple institutions. Our SSQ protocol is based on the edit distance approximation by Asharov et al. (PETS'18), which we further optimize and extend to the outsourcing scenario. We improve their protocol by using more efficient building blocks and achieve a 5-6$\times$ run-time improvement compared to their work in the same two-party scenario.\\ Recently, Cheng et al. (ASIACCS'18) introduced protocols for outsourced SSQs that rely on homomorphic encryption. Our new protocol outperforms theirs by more than factor 24000$\times$ in terms of run-time in the same setting and guarantees the same level of security. In addition, we show that our algorithm scales for practical database sizes by querying a database that contains up to a million short sequences within a few minutes, and a database with hundreds of whole-genome sequences containing 75 million alleles each within a few hours.}, booktitle = {14. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'19)}, year = {2019}, month = {July 7-12,}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://asiaccs2019.blogs.auckland.ac.nz}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ST19.pdf}, rank = {A}, address = {Auckland, New Zealand}, doi = {10.1145/3321705.3329800}, pages = {315-327}, rate = {$17.1\%$}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/029}} }
@inproceedings{KSS19, abstract = {Event scheduling applications such as Doodle allow for very limited privacy protection. Even if the participants are anonymous, their inputs are revealed to the poll administrator and the application server. There exist privacy-enhanced scheduling services (e.g., Kellermann and B\"ohme, CSE'09), but they require heavy computation and communication on the client's side, leak information to the participants or poll administrator, and allow only for a restricted scheduling functionality.\\ In this work, we present a privacy-preserving scheduling system based on secure two-party computation, that allows to schedule meetings between a large number of participants efficiently, without requiring any participant to reveal its availability pattern or other sensitive information to any other participant, server, or even the poll administrator. The protocol allows for various functional extensions and requires the client to perform very little work when securely submitting its inputs. Our protocol is secure against semi-honest non-colluding servers and malicious participants.}, title = {{Web Application for Privacy-Preserving Scheduling using Secure Computation}}, author = {\'Agnes Kiss and Oliver Schick and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {16. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT'19)}, month = {July 26-28,}, year = {2019}, weburl = {http://www.secrypt.icete.org}, rank = {B}, note = {Short paper. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/scheduling}}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS19.pdf}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KSS19Poster.pdf}, pages = {456-463}, doi = {10.5220/0007947704560463}, rate = {$31.5\%$}, publisher = {SciTePress} }
@inproceedings{KRSSW19, abstract = {Mobile messengers like WhatsApp perform contact discovery by uploading the user's entire address book to the service provider. This allows the service provider to determine which of the user's contacts are registered to the messaging service. However, such a procedure poses significant privacy risks and legal challenges. As we find, even messengers with privacy in mind currently do not deploy proper mechanisms to perform contact discovery privately.\\ The most promising approaches addressing this problem revolve around private set intersection (PSI) protocols. Unfortunately, even in a weak security model where clients are assumed to follow the protocol honestly, previous protocols and implementations turned out to be far from practical when used at scale. This is due to their high computation and/or communication complexity as well as lacking optimization for mobile devices. In our work, we remove most obstacles for large-scale global deployment by significantly improving two promising protocols by Kiss et al. (PoPETS'17) while also allowing for malicious clients.\\ Concretely, we present novel precomputation techniques for correlated oblivious transfers (reducing the online communication by factor $2$x), Cuckoo filter compression (with a compression ratio of $\approx 70\%$), as well as $4.3$x smaller Cuckoo filter updates. In a protocol performing oblivious PRF evaluations via garbled circuits, we replace AES as the evaluated PRF with a variant of LowMC (Albrecht et al., EUROCRYPT'15) for which we determine optimal parameters, thereby reducing the communication by factor $8.2$x. Furthermore, we implement both protocols with security against malicious clients in C/C++ and utilize the ARM Cryptography Extensions available in most recent smartphones. Compared to previous smartphone implementations, this yields a performance improvement of factor $\numprint{1000}$x for circuit evaluations. The online phase of our fastest protocol takes only $2.92s$ measured on a real WiFi connection (6.53s on LTE) to check $\numprint{1024}$ client contacts against a large-scale database with $2^{28}$ entries. As a proof-of-concept, we integrate our protocols in the client application of the open-source messenger Signal.}, title = {{Mobile Private Contact Discovery at Scale}}, author = {Daniel Kales and Christian Rechberger and Thomas Schneider and Matthias Senker and Christian Weinert}, booktitle = {28. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'19)}, month = {August 14-16,}, year = {2019}, publisher = {USENIX}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity19}, rank = {A*}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KRSSW19.pdf}, note = {Website: \url{https://contact-discovery.github.io}. Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2019/517}. Code: \url{https://github.com/contact-discovery}}, address = {Santa Clara, CA, USA}, pages = {1447-1464}, rate = {$16.2\%$} }
@inproceedings{NPT+19, abstract = {In many voice biometrics applications there is a requirement to preserve privacy, not least because of the recently enforced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Though progress in bringing privacy preservation to voice biometrics is lagging behind developments in other biometrics communities, recent years have seen rapid progress, with secure computation mechanisms such as homomorphic encryption being applied successfully to speaker recognition. Even so, the computational overhead incurred by processing speech data in the encrypted domain is substantial. While still tolerable for single biometric comparisons, most state-of-the-art systems perform some form of cohort-based score normalisation, requiring many thousands of biometric comparisons. The computational overhead is then prohibitive, meaning that one must accept either degraded performance (no score normalisation) or potential for privacy violations. This paper proposes the first computationally feasible approach to privacy-preserving cohort score normalisation. Our solution is a cohort pruning scheme based on secure multi-party computation which enables privacy-preserving score normalisation using probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) comparisons. The solution operates upon binary voice representations. While the binarisation is lossy in biometric rank-1 performance, it supports computationally-feasible biometric rank-n comparisons in the encrypted domain.}, author = {Andreas Nautsch and Jose Patino and Amos Treiber and Themos Stafylakis and Petr Mizera and Massimiliano Todisco and Thomas Schneider and Nicholas Evans}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving Speaker Recognition with Cohort Score Normalisation}}, booktitle = {20. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH'19)}, year = {2019}, month = {September 15-19,}, weburl = {https://www.interspeech2019.org}, rank = {A}, address = {Graz, Austria}, publisher = {International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/NPTSMTSE19.pdf}, doi = {10.21437/Interspeech.2019-2638}, pages = {2868-2872}, rate = {$49.3\%$}, note = {Online: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.03454}} }
@inproceedings{RSS19, abstract = {An important characteristic of recent MPC protocols is an input independent preprocessing phase in which most computations are offloaded, which greatly reduces the execution overhead of the online phase where parties provide their inputs. For a very efficient evaluation of arithmetic circuits in an information-theoretic online phase, the MPC protocols consume Beaver multiplication triples generated in the preprocessing phase. Triple generation is generally the most expensive part of the protocol, and improving its efficiency is the aim of our work.\\ We specifically focus on computation over rings of the form $\mathbb{Z}_{2^{\ell}}$ in the semi-honest model and the two-party setting, for which an Oblivious Transfer (OT)-based protocol is currently the best solution. To improve upon this method, we propose a protocol based on RLWE-based Additive Homomorphic Encryption. Our experiments show that our protocol is more scalable, and it outperforms the OT-based protocol in most cases. For example, we improve communication by up to 6.9x and runtime by up to 3.6x for 64-bit triple generation.}, author = {Deevashwer Rathee and Thomas Schneider and K. K. Shukla}, title = {{Improved Multiplication Triple Generation over Rings via RLWE-Based AHE}}, year = {2019}, booktitle = {18. International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS'19)}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {11829}, month = {October 25-27,}, weburl = {http://cans2019.cn}, rank = {B}, pages = {347-359}, address = {Fuzhou, China}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-31578-8_19}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RSS19.pdf}, rate = {$52.7\%$}, note = {Short paper. Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2019/577}} }
@article{NJT+19, abstract = {Speech recordings are a rich source of personal, sensitive data that can be used to support a plethora of diverse applications, from health profiling to biometric recognition. It is therefore essential that speech recordings are adequately protected so that they cannot be misused. Such protection, in the form of privacy-preserving technologies, is required to ensure that: (i) the biometric profiles of a given individual (e.g., across different biometric service operators) are unlinkable; (ii) leaked, encrypted biometric information is irreversible, and that (iii) biometric references are renewable. Whereas many privacy-preserving technologies have been developed for other biometric characteristics, very few solutions have been proposed to protect privacy in the case of speech signals. Despite privacy preservation this is now being mandated by recent European and international data protection regulations. With the aim of fostering progress and collaboration between researchers in the speech, biometrics and applied cryptography communities, this survey article provides an introduction to the field, starting with a legal perspective on privacy preservation in the case of speech data. It then establishes the requirements for effective privacy preservation, reviews generic cryptography-based solutions, followed by specific techniques that are applicable to speaker characterisation (biometric applications) and speech characterisation (non-biometric applications). Glancing at non-biometrics, methods are presented to avoid function creep, preventing the exploitation of biometric information, e.g., to single out an identity in speech-assisted health care via speaker characterisation. In promoting harmonised research, the article also outlines common, empirical evaluation metrics for the assessment of privacy-preserving technologies for speech data.}, author = {Andreas Nautsch and Abelino Jim\'enez and Amos Treiber and Jascha Kolberg and Catherine Jasserand and Els Kindt and H\'ector Delgado and Massimiliano Todisco and Mohamed Amine Hmani and Aymen Mtibaa and Mohammed Ahmed Abdelraheem and Alberto Abad and Francisco Teixeira and Driss Matrouf and Marta Gomez-Barrero and Dijana Petrovska-Delacr\'etaz and G\'erard Chollet and Nicholas Evans and Thomas Schneider and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Bonastre and Bhiksha Raj and Isabel Trancoso and Christoph Busch}, title = {{Preserving Privacy in Speaker and Speech Characterisation}}, journal = {Computer Speech and Language (CSL)}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Elsevier}, month = {November,}, weburl = {https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computer-speech-and-language}, rank = {A}, doi = {10.1016/j.csl.2019.06.001}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/NJTKHMAATMGPCESBRTB19.pdf}, number = {58}, volume = {2019}, pages = {441-480} }
@inproceedings{FKSW19, abstract = {Secure function evaluation (SFE) allows two parties to jointly evaluate a publicly known function without revealing their respective inputs. SFE can be realized via well-known cryptographic protocols, such as Yao's garbled circuits (GC) and the protocol of Goldreich, Micali, and Wigderson (GMW), which obliviously evaluate a Boolean circuit representation of the function. Unfortunately, even with the most recent optimizations that touch known lower bounds, these protocols incur an impractical high communication overhead.\\ In this work, we efficiently realize SFE by evaluating the function in a trusted execution environment (TEE), concretely the widely available Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). We address the unresolved issue of countless software side-channel vulnerabilities in a unique way, namely by evaluating Boolean circuits – as used by cryptographic SFE protocols – inside an Intel SGX enclave. This way, all possible paths of the function are executed and all memory accesses are guaranteed to be independent of the actual input data.\\ The communication of our protocol depends only on the number of inputs and outputs (it is optimal up to an additive constant), but not on the circuit size (in contrast to Yao's GC and the GMW protocol). Furthermore, we are the first to also address efficient private function evaluation (PFE) via TEEs, where one of the parties provides a function that represents intellectual property and is computed obliviously on the other party's input. For realizing PFE, we securely evaluate universal circuits (UCs) that can be programmed via input bits to emulate any function up to a given size.\\ We provide a prototype implementation of our SFE and PFE protocols based on Intel SGX. We empirically compare its performance to the ABY framework (Demmler et al., NDSS'15) that provides state-of-the-art implementations of Yao's GC and the GMW protocol as well as an adapter for evaluating UCs. For PFE with a UC emulating a circuit with 10 000 gates (representing, e.g., a secret function to calculate individual car insurance rates), we improve the run-time by factor 2.3x over Yao's GC and by at least two orders of magnitude over the GMW protocol in a high-latency Internet setting. The communication is reduced by factors 106x and 131x compared to Yao's GC and the GMW protocol, respectively.}, author = {Susanne Felsen and \'Agnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider and Christian Weinert}, title = {{Secure and Private Function Evaluation with Intel SGX}}, booktitle = {10. {ACM} Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW'19)}, year = {2019}, month = {November 11,}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {London, UK}, weburl = {https://ccsw.io/2019}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/FKSW19.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3338466.3358919}, pages = {165-181}, rate = {$37.5\%$} }
@inproceedings{RST19, abstract = {Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) is a growing paradigm in the Machine Learning (ML) landscape. More and more ML models are being uploaded to the cloud and made accessible from all over the world. Creating good ML models, however, can be expensive and the used data is often sensitive. Recently, Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) protocols for MLaaS have been proposed, which protect sensitive user data and ML models at the expense of substantially higher computation and communication than plain- text evaluation.\\ In this paper, we show that for a subset of ML models used in MLaaS, namely Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Support Vector Regression Machines (SVRs) which have found many applications to classifying multimedia data such as texts and images, it is possible for adversaries to passively extract the private models even if they are protected by SMPC, using known and newly devised model extraction attacks. We show that our attacks are not only theoretically possible but also practically feasible and cheap, which makes them lucrative to financially motivated attackers such as competitors or customers. We perform model extraction attacks on the homomorphic encryption-based protocol for privacy-preserving SVR-based indoor localization by Zhang et al. (International Work- shop on Security 2016). We show that it is possible to extract a highly accurate model using \emph{only $854$ queries} with the estimated cost of \$0.09 on the Amazon ML platform, and our attack would take \emph{only $7$ minutes} over the Internet. Also, we perform our model extraction attacks on SVM and SVR models trained on publicly available state-of-the-art ML datasets.}, author = {Robert Nikolai Reith and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko}, title = {{Efficiently Stealing your Machine Learning Models}}, booktitle = {18. Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'19)}, month = {November 11,}, year = {2019}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://wpes.tech}, address = {London, UK}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RST19.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3338498.3358646}, pages = {198-210}, rate = {$20.9\%$} }
@inproceedings{GKSS19, abstract = {Private Function Evaluation (PFE) allows two parties to jointly compute a private function provided by one party on the secret input of the other party. However, in many applications it is not required to hide the whole function, which is called Semi-Private Function Evaluation (SPFE). In this work, we develop a framework for SPFE which allows to split a function into public and private parts. We show the practicability of using SPFE in a real world scenario by developing a car insurance application for computing user-specific tariffs. We evaluate the performance of our SPFE framework on this concrete example which results in a circuit consisting of 377,032 AND gates which improves over PFE by a factor of 9x.}, author = {Daniel G\"unther and \'Agnes Kiss and Lukas Scheidel and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {26. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'19) Posters/Demos}, month = {November 11-15,}, title = {{POSTER: Framework for Semi-Private Function Evaluation with Application to Secure Insurance Rate Calculation}}, weburl = {https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2019/index.php/call-for/call-for-posters/}, year = {2019}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GKSS19.pdf}, rank = {A*}, rate = {67.2\%}, address = {London, UK}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GKSS19Poster.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3319535.3363251}, pages = {2541-2543}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/spfe-framework}} }
@misc{BBB+19, abstract = {With the advent of mobile and smart-home devices such as Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant providing voice-based interfaces, voice data is commonly transferred to corresponding cloud services. This is necessary to quickly and accurately perform tasks like automatic speaker verification (ASV) and speech recognition (ASR) that heavily rely on machine learning.\\ While enabling intriguing new applications, this development also poses significant risks: Voice data is highly sensitive since it contains biometric information of the speaker as well as the spoken words. Thus, the security and privacy of billions of end-users is at stake if voice data is not protected properly. When developing privacy-preserving solutions to mitigate such risks, it is also important to keep in mind that the involved machine learning models represent intellectual property of the service providers and therefore must not be revealed to users.\\ The contribution of our work is three-fold: First, we present an efficient architecture for privacy-preserving ASV via outsourced secure two-party computation (STPC). Compared to existing solutions based on homomorphic encryption (HE), the verification process is 4,000x faster, while retaining a high verification accuracy and guaranteeing unlinkability, irreversibility, and renewability of stored biometric data.\\ Since cryptographic secure computation protocols currently do not scale to more involved tasks like ASR, we then present VoiceGuard, an architecture that efficiently protects speech processing inside a trusted execution environment (TEE). We provide a proof-of-concept implementation and evaluate it on speech recognition tasks isolated with Intel SGX, a widely available TEE implementation, demonstrating even real time processing capabilities.\\ Finally, we present Offline Model Guard (OMG) to enable privacy- preserving speech processing on the predominant mobile computing platform ARM even in offline scenarios. Beyond relying on the Intel SGX equivalent ARM TrustZone, we employ the security architecture SANCTUARY (NDSS'19) for strict hardware-enforced isolation from all other system components. Our prototype implementation performs privacy-preserving keyword recognition using TensorFlow Lite in real time.}, author = {Sebastian P. Bayerl and Ferdinand Brasser and Christoph Busch and Tommaso Frassetto and Patrick Jauernig and Jascha Kolberg and Andreas Nautsch and Korbinian Riedhammer and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Emmanuel Stapf and Amos Treiber and Christian Weinert}, title = {{POSTER: Privacy-Preserving Speech Processing via STPC and TEEs (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {2. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CCS'19)}, weburl = {https://ppml-workshop.github.io/ppml/}, rate = {$55.0\%$}, year = {2019}, month = {November 15,}, address = {London, UK}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BBB+19Poster.pdf}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BBB+19.pdf} }
@article{TNKSB19, abstract = {The usage of biometric recognition has become prevalent in various verification processes, ranging from unlocking mobile devices to verifying bank transactions. Automatic speaker verification (ASV) allows an individual to verify its identity towards an online service provider by comparing freshly sampled speech data to reference information stored on the service provider's server. Due to the sensitive nature of biometric data, the storage and usage thereof is subject to recent EU regulations introduced as means to protect the privacy of individuals enrolled in an automatic biometric verification system. Stored biometric data need to be unlinkable, irreversible, and renewable to satisfy international standards. Preserving privacy in ASV is also important because, contrary to other biometric characteristics such as fingerprints, speech data can be used to infer a lot of sensitive information about the data subject. As a result, some architectures have been proposed to enable privacy-preserving ASV in the encrypted domain. Recently, homomorphic encryption (HE) was proposed to protect both subject features and vendor models in an embedding-based ASV. This architecture improves on previous privacy-preserving ASV by using (probabilistic) embeddings (i-vectors) and by additionally protecting the vendor's model. However, the usage of HE comes with a rather heavy overhead and significantly slows down the verification process.\\ In this work, we align the cryptographic notion of outsourced secure two-party computation to embedding-based ASV. Our architecture protects biometric information in ASV and can also be used for any automatic biometric verification task. We show that unlinkability, irreversibility, and renewability are granted. Compared to the HE solution, our architecture results in considerably lower communication and computation overhead. Our architecture has been implemented and is experimentally evaluated on the NIST i-vector challenge 2014 using the cosine distance and log-likelihood ratio (LLR) scores from probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) and two-covariance (2Cov) comparators. The results show that verification accuracy is retained while efficiency is improved. For instance, a PLDA verification with an embedding dimension of 200 takes about 77 milliseconds over a LAN. This is an improvement of more than 3000× over the HE-based solution and shows that privacy of subject and vendor data can be preserved in ASV while retaining practical verification times. Moreover, our system is secure against malicious client devices.}, author = {Amos Treiber and Andreas Nautsch and Jascha Kolberg and Thomas Schneider and Christoph Busch}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving PLDA Speaker Verification using Outsourced Secure Computation}}, journal = {Speech Communication}, month = {November,}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Elsevier}, weburl = {https://www.journals.elsevier.com/speech-communication}, rank = {B}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/TNKSB19.pdf}, doi = {10.1016/j.specom.2019.09.004}, volume = {114}, pages = {60-71}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/PrivateASV}} }
@article{ST20, abstract = {Privacy-preserving scalar product (PPSP) protocols are an important building block for secure computation tasks in various applications. Lu et al. (TPDS'13) introduced a PPSP protocol that does not rely on cryptographic assumptions and that is used in a wide range of publications to date. In this comment paper, we show that Lu et al.'s protocol is insecure and should not be used. We describe specific attacks against it and, using impossibility results of Impagliazzo and Rudich (STOC'89), show that it is inherently insecure and cannot be fixed without relying on at least some cryptographic assumptions.}, author = {Thomas Schneider and Amos Treiber}, title = {{A Comment on Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocols as proposed in ``SPOC''}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)}, year = {2020}, month = {March,}, volume = {31}, number = {3}, weburl = {https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/td}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/ST20.pdf}, rank = {A*}, pages = {543-546}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/TPDS.2019.2939313}, note = {Full version: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.04862}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/SPOCattack}} }
@inproceedings{BFJRSSSW20, abstract = {Performing machine learning tasks in mobile applications yields a challenging conflict of interest: highly sensitive client information (e.g., speech data) should remain private while also the intellectual property of service providers (e.g., model parameters) must be protected. Cryptographic techniques offer secure solutions for this, but have an unacceptable overhead and moreover require frequent network interaction.\\ In this work, we design a practically efficient hardware-based solution. Specifically, we build Offline Model Guard (OMG) to enable privacy-preserving machine learning on the pre- dominant mobile computing platform ARM - even in offline scenarios. By leveraging a trusted execution environment for strict hardware-enforced isolation from other system components, OMG guarantees privacy of client data, secrecy of provided models, and integrity of processing algorithms. Our prototype implementation on an ARM HiKey 960 development board performs privacy-preserving keyword recognition using TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers in real time.}, author = {Sebastian P. Bayerl and Tommaso Frassetto and Patrick Jauernig and Korbinian Riedhammer and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Emmanuel Stapf and Christian Weinert}, title = {{Offline Model Guard: Secure and Private ML on Mobile Devices}}, booktitle = {23. Design, Automation \& Test in Europe Conference \& Exhibition (DATE'20)}, year = {2020}, month = {March 9-13,}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Grenoble, France}, weburl = {https://www.date-conference.com}, rank = {B}, rate = {$26\%$}, pages = {460-465}, doi = {10.23919/DATE48585.2020.9116560}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BFJRSSSW20.pdf}, note = {Online: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.02351}} }
@article{AGKS20, abstract = {A universal circuit (UC) can be programmed to simulate any circuit up to a given size $n$ by specifying its program inputs. It provides elegant solutions in various application scenarios, e.g., for private function evaluation (PFE) and for improving the flexibility of attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes. The asymptotic lower bound for the size of a UC is $\Omega(n\log n)$ and Valiant (STOC'76) provided two theoretical constructions, the so-called 2-way and 4-way UCs (i.e., recursive constructions with 2 and 4 substructures), with asymptotic sizes ${\sim}5n\log_2n$ and ${\sim}4.75n\log_2n$, respectively.\\ In this article, we present and extend our results published in (Kiss and Schneider, EUROCRYPT'16) and (G\"unther et al., ASIACRYPT'17). We validate the practicality of Valiant's UCs, by realizing the 2-way and 4-way UCs in our modular open-source implementations. We also provide an example implementation for PFE using these size-optimized UCs. We propose a 2/4-hybrid approach that combines the 2-way with the 4-way UC in order to minimize the size of the resulting UC. We realize that the bottleneck in universal circuit generation and programming becomes the memory consumption of the program since the whole structure of size $\mathcal{O}(n\log n)$ is handled by the algorithms in memory.\\ In this work, we overcome this by designing novel scalable algorithms for the UC generation and programming. Both algorithms use only $\mathcal{O}(n)$ memory at any point in time. We prove the practicality of our scalable design with a scalable proof-of-concept implementation for generating Valiant's 4-way UC. We note that this can be extended to work with optimized building blocks analogously. Moreover, we substantially improve the size of our UCs by including and implementing the recent optimization of Zhao et al. (ASIACRYPT'19) that reduces the asymptotic size of the 4-way UC to ${\sim}4.5n\log_2n$. Furthermore, we include their optimization in the implementation of our 2/4-hybrid UC which yields the smallest UC construction known so far.}, author = {Masaud Y. Alhassan and Daniel G\"unther and \'Agnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Efficient and Scalable Universal Circuits}}, journal = {Journal of Cryptology (JoC)}, number = {3}, volume = {33}, pages = {1216-1271}, year = {2020}, month = {April 8,}, publisher = {Springer}, rank = {A*}, note = {Preliminary version: \url{https://ia.cr/2019/348}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/UC}}, doi = {10.1007/s00145-020-09346-z}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/AGKS20.pdf}, weburl = {http://link.springer.com/journal/145} }
@article{JKSTY20, abstract = {In the last decade, location information became easily obtainable using off-the-shelf mobile devices. This gave a momentum to developing Location Based Services (LBSs) such as location proximity detection, which can be used to find friends or taxis nearby. LBSs can, however, be easily misused to track users, which draws attention to the need of protecting privacy of these users.\\ In this work, we address this issue by designing, implementing, and evaluating multiple algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Location Proximity (PPLP) that are based on different secure computation protocols. Our PPLP protocols support both circle and polygon range queries and have runtimes from a few to some hundreds of milliseconds and bandwidth requirements from a few hundreds of bytes to one megabyte. Consequently, they are well-suited for different scenarios and offer faster runtimes and savings in bandwidth and computational power as well as security improvements compared to previous PPLP schemes. In addition, the computationally most expensive parts of the PPLP computation can be precomputed in our protocols, such that the input-dependent online phase runs in just a few milliseconds.}, author = {Kimmo J\"arvinen and \'Agnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Zheng Yang}, title = {{Faster Privacy-Preserving Location Proximity Schemes for Circles and Polygons}}, journal = {IET Information Security}, year = {2020}, month = {May,}, publisher = {IET}, weburl = {https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/iet-ifs}, rank = {C}, doi = {10.1049/iet-ifs.2019.0125}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {254-265}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/JKSTY20.pdf} }
@misc{TMWSK20TPMPC, author = {Amos Treiber and Alejandro Molina and Christian Weinert and Thomas Schneider and Kristian Kersting}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: CryptoSPN: Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning beyond Neural Networks (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {7. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC'20)}, year = {2020}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://www.multipartycomputation.com/tpmpc-2020}, month = {June 4,} }
@misc{Cammarota+20, title = {{Trustworthy AI Inference Systems: An Industry Research View}}, author = {Rosario Cammarota and Matthias Schunter and Anand Rajan and Fabian Boemer and \'Agnes Kiss and Amos Treiber and Christian Weinert and Thomas Schneider and Emmanuel Stapf and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Daniel Demmler and Huili Chen and Siam Umar Hussain and Sadegh Riazi and Farinaz Koushanfar and Saransh Gupta and Tajan Simunic Rosing and Kamalika Chaudhuri and Hamid Nejatollahi and Nikil Dutt and Mohsen Imani and Kim Laine and Anuj Dubey and Aydin Aysu and Fateme Sadat Hosseini and Chengmo Yang and Eric Wallace and Pamela Norton}, year = {2020}, month = {August 10,}, howpublished = {arXiv:2008.04449}, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2008.04449}, note = {\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.04449}} }
@misc{TMWSK20PPML, author = {Amos Treiber and Alejandro Molina and Christian Weinert and Thomas Schneider and Kristian Kersting}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: CryptoSPN: Expanding PPML beyond Neural Networks (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {2. Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CRYPTO'20)}, year = {2020}, weburl = {https://crypto-ppml.github.io/2020/}, month = {August 16,} }
@misc{BCDSY20PPMLCRYPTO, author = {Fabian Boemer and Rosario Cammarota and Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{MP2ML: A Mixed-Protocol Machine Learning Framework for Private Inference (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {2. Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CRYPTO'20)}, year = {2020}, weburl = {https://crypto-ppml.github.io/2020/}, month = {August 16,} }
@inproceedings{BCDSY20, abstract = {Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) has many applications, from medical image classification and anomaly detection to financial analysis. nGraph-HE enables data scientists to perform private inference of deep learning (DL) models trained using popular frameworks such as TensorFlow. nGraph-HE computes linear layers using the CKKS homomorphic encryption (HE) scheme. The non-polynomial activation functions, such as MaxPool and ReLU, are evaluated in the clear by the data owner who obtains the intermediate feature maps. This leaks the feature maps to the data owner from which it may be possible to deduce the DL model weights. As a result, such protocols may not be suitable for deployment, especially when the DL model is intellectual property.\\ In this work, we present MP2ML, a machine learning framework which integrates nGraph-HE and the secure two-party computation framework ABY, to overcome the limitations of leaking the intermediate feature maps to the data owner. We introduce a novel scheme for the conversion between CKKS and secure multi-party computation to execute DL inference while maintaining the privacy of both the input data and model weights. MP2ML is compatible with popular DL frameworks such as TensorFlow that can infer pre-trained neural networks with native ReLU activations. We benchmark MP2ML on the CryptoNets network with ReLU activations, on which it achieves a throughput of 33.3 images/s and an accuracy of 98.6\%. This throughput matches the previous state-of-the-art work, even though our protocol is more accurate and scalable.}, author = {Fabian Boemer and Rosario Cammarota and Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{MP2ML: A Mixed-Protocol Machine Learning Framework for Private Inference}}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {15. International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'20)}, month = {August 25-28,}, rank = {B}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://www.ares-conference.eu}, rate = {$21.3\%$}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCDSY20.pdf}, doi = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3407023.3407045}, pages = {14:1-14:10}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/721}. Code: \url{https://github.com/IntelAI/he-transformer}} }
@inproceedings{TMWSK20, abstract = {AI algorithms, and machine learning (ML) techniques in particular, are increasingly important to individuals' lives, but have caused a range of privacy concerns addressed by, e.g., the European GDPR. Using cryptographic techniques, it is possible to perform inference tasks remotely on sensitive client data in a privacy-preserving way: the server learns nothing about the input data and the model predictions, while the client learns nothing about the ML model (which is often considered intellectual property and might contain traces of sensitive data). While such privacy-preserving solutions are relatively efficient, they are mostly targeted at neural networks, can degrade the predictive accuracy, and usually reveal the network's topology. Furthermore, existing solutions are not readily accessible to ML experts, as prototype implementations are not well-integrated into ML frameworks and require extensive cryptographic knowledge.\\ In this paper, we present CryptoSPN, a framework for privacy- preserving inference of sum-product networks (SPNs). SPNs are a tractable probabilistic graphical model that allows a range of exact inference queries in linear time. Specifically, we show how to efficiently perform SPN inference via secure multi-party computation (SMPC) without accuracy degradation while hiding sensitive client and training information with provable security guarantees. Next to foundations, CryptoSPN encompasses tools to easily transform existing SPNs into privacy-preserving executables. Our empirical results demonstrate that CryptoSPN achieves highly efficient and accurate inference in the order of seconds for medium-sized SPNs.}, author = {Amos Treiber and Alejandro Molina and Christian Weinert and Thomas Schneider and Kristian Kersting}, title = {{CryptoSPN: Privacy-Preserving Sum-Product Network Inference}}, booktitle = {24. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'20)}, year = {2020}, month = {August 29-September 5,}, publisher = {IOS Press}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://ecai2020.eu}, note = {Online: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00801}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/CryptoSPN}}, rank = {A}, rate = {$26.8\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/TMWSK20.pdf}, doi = {10.3233/FAIA200313}, pages = {1946-1953} }
@inproceedings{HKRS20, abstract = {Private function evaluation (PFE) allows to obliviously evaluate a private function on private inputs. PFE has several applications such as privacy-preserving credit checking and user-specific insurance tariffs. Recently, PFE protocols based on universal circuits (UCs), that have an inevitable superlinear overhead, have been investigated thoroughly. Specialized public key-based protocols with linear complexity were believed to be less efficient than UC-based approaches.\\ In this paper, we take another look at the linear-complexity PFE protocol by Katz and Malka (ASIACRYPT'11): We propose several optimizations and split the protocol in different phases that depend on the function and inputs respectively. We show that HE-based PFE is practical when instantiated with state-of-the-art ECC and RLWE-based homomorphic encryption. Our most efficient implementation outperforms the most recent UC-based PFE implementation of Alhassan et al. (JoC'20) in communication for all circuit sizes and in computation starting from circuits of a few thousand gates already.}, author = {Marco Holz and \'Agnes Kiss and Deevashwer Rathee and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Linear-Complexity Private Function Evaluation is Practical}}, booktitle = {25. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'20)}, year = {2020}, month = {September 14-18,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, rank = {A}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://www.surrey.ac.uk/esorics-2020}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/853}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/linearPFE}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HKRS20.pdf}, pages = {401-420}, volume = {12309}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-59013-0_20}, rate = {$19.7\%$} }
@inproceedings{BDFKSSTZ20, abstract = {Secret sharing-based distributed storage systems are one approach to provide long-term protection of data even against quantum computing. Confidentiality is provided because the shares of data are renewed periodically while integrity is provided by commitment schemes. However, this solution is prohibitively costly and impractical: share renewal requires an information-theoretically secure channel between any two nodes and long-term confidential commitment schemes are computationally impractical for large files. In this paper, we present SAFE, a secret sharing-based long-term secure distributed storage system that leverages a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to overcome the above limitations. Share generation and renewal are performed inside the TEE and the shares are securely distributed to the storage servers. We prototype SAFE protocols using a TEE instantiation, and show their efficiency, even for large files, compared to existing schemes.}, author = {Johannes Buchmann and Ghada Dessouky and Tommaso Frassetto and \'Agnes Kiss and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Giulia Traverso and Shaza Zeitouni}, title = {{SAFE: A Secure and Efficient Long-Term Distributed Storage System}}, booktitle = {8. {ACM} International Workshop on Security in Blockchain and Cloud Computing (SBC@ASIACCS'20)}, year = {2020}, month = {October 6,}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://conference.cs.cityu.edu.hk/asiaccsscc/}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/690}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BDFKSSTZ20.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3384942.3406868}, pages = {8-13}, rate = {$44.4\%$} }
@inproceedings{BDKKKRSS20, abstract = {Secure multi-party computation has been extensively studied in the past years and has reached a level that is considered practical for several applications. The techniques developed thus far have been steadily optimized for performance and were shown to be secure in the classical setting, but are not known to be secure against quantum adversaries.\\ In this work, we start to pave the way for secure two-party computation in a quantum world where the adversary has access to a quantum computer. We show that post-quantum secure two-party computation has comparable efficiency to their classical counterparts. For this, we develop a lattice-based OT protocol which we use to implement a post-quantum secure variant of Yao's famous garbled circuits (GC) protocol (FOCS'82). Along with the OT protocol, we show that the oblivious transfer extension protocol of Ishai et al. (CRYPTO'03), which allows running many OTs using mainly symmetric cryptography, is post-quantum secure. To support these results, we prove that Yao's GC protocol achieves post-quantum security if the underlying building blocks do.}, author = {Niklas B\"uscher and Daniel Demmler and Nikolaos P. Karvelas and Stefan Katzenbeisser and Juliane Kr\"amer and Deevashwer Rathee and Thomas Schneider and Patrick Struck}, title = {{Secure Two-Party Computation in a Quantum World}}, booktitle = {18. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'20)}, year = {2020}, month = {October 19-22,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, rank = {B}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://sites.google.com/di.uniroma1.it/ACNS2020/}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/411}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/pq-mpc}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BDKKKRSS20.pdf}, pages = {461-480}, volume = {12146}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-57808-4_23}, rate = {$21.5\%$} }
@inproceedings{BCDSY20PPMLP, abstract = {We present an extended abstract of MP2ML, a machine learning framework which integrates Intel nGraph-HE, a homomorphic encryption (HE) framework, and the secure two-party computation framework ABY, to enable data scientists to perform private inference of deep learning (DL) models trained using popular frame- works such as TensorFlow at the push of a button. We benchmark MP2ML on the CryptoNets network with ReLU activations, on which it achieves a throughput of 33.3 images/s and an accuracy of 98.6\%. This throughput matches the previous state-of-the-art frameworks.}, author = {Fabian Boemer and Rosario Cammarota and Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{MP2ML: A Mixed-Protocol Machine Learning Framework for Private Inference (Extended Abstract)}}, booktitle = {Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Practice Workshop (PPMLP@CCS'20)}, weburl = {https://sci-workshops.alipay.com/CCS2020}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {2020}, month = {November 9,}, note = {Short paper}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCDSY20PPMLP.pdf}, address = {Virtual Event}, pages = {43-45}, rate = {$47.1\%$}, doi = {10.1145/3411501.3419425} }
@inproceedings{TMWSK20PPMLP, abstract = {The ubiquitous deployment of machine learning (ML) technologies has certainly improved many applications but also raised challenging privacy concerns, as sensitive client data is usually processed remotely at the discretion of a service provider. Therefore, privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) aims at providing privacy using techniques such as secure multi-party computation (SMPC).\\ Recent years have seen a rapid influx of cryptographic frameworks that steadily improve performance as well as usability, pushing PPML towards practice. However, as it is mainly driven by the crypto community, the PPML toolkit so far is mostly restricted to well-known neural networks (NNs). Unfortunately, deep probabilistic models rising in the ML community that can deal with a wide range of probabilistic queries and offer tractability guarantees are severely underrepresented. Due to a lack of interdisciplinary collaboration, PPML is missing such important trends, ultimately hindering the adoption of privacy technology.\\ In this work, we introduce CryptoSPN, a framework for privacy-preserving inference of sum-product networks (SPNs) to significantly expand the PPML toolkit beyond NNs. SPNs are deep probabilistic models at the sweet-spot between expressivity and tractability, allowing for a range of exact queries in linear time. In an interdisciplinary effort, we combine techniques from both ML and crypto to allow for efficient, privacy-preserving SPN inference via SMPC.\\ We provide CryptoSPN as open source and seamlessly integrate it into the SPFlow library (Molina et al., arXiv 2019) for practical use by ML experts. Our evaluation on a broad range of SPNs demonstrates that CryptoSPN achieves highly efficient and accurate inference within seconds for medium-sized SPNs.}, author = {Amos Treiber and Alejandro Molina and Christian Weinert and Thomas Schneider and Kristian Kersting}, title = {{CryptoSPN: Expanding PPML beyond Neural Networks (Extended Abstract)}}, booktitle = {Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Practice Workshop (PPMLP@CCS'20)}, weburl = {https://sci-workshops.alipay.com/CCS2020}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/TMWSK20PPMLP.pdf}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {2020}, month = {November 9,}, address = {Virtual Event}, note = {Full paper}, doi = {10.1145/3411501.3419417}, rate = {$23.5\%$ for full papers}, pages = {9-14} }
@inproceedings{PPMLP20Keynote, author = {Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Engineering Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Protocols}}, abstract = {Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) protocols allow to privately evaluate or even train machine learning (ML) models on sensitive data while simultaneously protecting the data and the model. So far, most of these protocols were built and optimized by hand, which requires expert knowledge in cryptography and also a thorough understanding of the ML models. Moreover, the design space is very large as there are many technologies that can even be combined with several trade-offs. Examples for the underlying cryptographic building blocks include homomorphic encryption (HE) where computation typically is the bottleneck, and secure multi-party computation protocols (MPC) that rely mostly on symmetric key cryptography where communication is often the bottleneck.\\ In this keynote, I will describe our research towards engineering practical PPML protocols that protect models and data. First of all, there is no point in designing PPML protocols for too simple models such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) or Support Vector Regression Machines (SVRs), because they can be stolen easily [WPES'19] and hence do not benefit from protection. Complex models can be protected and evaluated in real-time using Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) which we demonstrated for speech recognition using Intel SGX [INTERSPEECH'18] and for keyword recognition using ARM TrustZone [DATE'20] as respective commercial TEE technologies. Our goal is to build tools for non-experts in cryptography to automatically generate highly optimized mixed PPML protocols given a high-level specification in a ML framework like TensorFlow. Towards this, we have built tools to automatically generate optimized mixed protocols that combine HE and different MPC protocols [CCS'10,NDSS'15,CCS'18]. Such mixed protocols can for example be used for the efficient privacy-preserving evaluation of decision trees [ESORICS'09,TIFS'11,PoPETs'19] and neural networks [ICISC'08,TIFS'11,ASIACCS'18]. The first PPML protocols for these ML classifiers were proposed long before the current hype on PPML started [ICISC'08,ESORICS'09,TIFS'11]. We already have first results for compiling high-level ML specifications via our tools into mixed protocols for neural networks (from TensorFlow) [ARES'20] and sum-product networks (from SPFlow) [ECAI'20], and I will conclude with major open challenges.}, booktitle = {Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Practice Workshop (PPMLP@CCS'20)}, weburl = {https://sci-workshops.alipay.com/CCS2020}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {2020}, month = {November 9,}, note = {Keynote}, doi = {10.1145/3411501.3418607}, address = {Virtual Event}, pages = {3-4}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PPMLP20Keynote.pdf} }
@misc{BCDSY20PPMLNeurIPS, author = {Fabian Boemer and Rosario Cammarota and Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{POSTER: MP2ML: A Mixed-Protocol Machine Learning Framework for Private Inference (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@NeurIPS'20)}, weburl = {https://ppml-workshop.github.io}, year = {2020}, month = {December 11,}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@inproceedings{MSSWWW20, abstract = {Cache side channels constitute a persistent threat to crypto implementations. In particular, block ciphers are prone to attacks when implemented with a simple lookup-table approach. Implementing crypto as software evaluations of circuits avoids this threat but is very costly.\\ We propose an approach that combines program analysis and circuit compilation to support the selective hardening of regular C implementations against cache side channels. We implement this approach in our toolchain RiCaSi. RiCaSi avoids unnecessary complexity and overhead if it can derive sufficiently strong security guarantees for the original implementation. If necessary, RiCaSi produces a circuit-based, hardened implementation. For this, it leverages established circuit-compilation technology from the area of secure computation. A final program analysis step ensures that the hardening is, indeed, effective.}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Lukas Scheidel and Thomas Schneider and Alexandra Weber and Christian Weinert and Tim Wei{\ss}mantel}, title = {{RiCaSi: Rigorous Cache Side channel mitigation via selective circuit compilation}}, booktitle = {19. International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS'20)}, month = {December 14-16,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, weburl = {https://cans2020.at}, year = {2020}, rank = {B}, address = {Virtual Event}, volume = {12579}, pages = {505-525}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-65411-5_25}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/MSSWWW20.pdf}, rate = {$25.4\%$} }
@misc{GHJMPSS20, author = {Daniel G\"unther and Marco Holz and Benjamin Judkewitz and Helen M\"ollering and Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving Epidemiological Modeling on Mobile Graphs}}, howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2020/1546}, year = {2020}, month = {December 11,}, note = {\url{https://ia.cr/2020/1546}} }
@inproceedings{KMSY21abstract, author = {Hannah Keller and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, booktitle = {32. Kryptotag (crypto day matters)}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f\"ur Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO}, month = {January 15,}, title = {{Privacy-Preserving Clustering (Abstract)}}, url = {https://dl.gi.de/bitstream/handle/20.500.12116/34824/CryptoDayMatters32-42-Keller.pdf}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.18420/cdm-2021-32-42}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@inproceedings{HWSDS21, abstract = {Our study of three popular mobile messengers (WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram) shows that, contrary to expectations, large-scale crawling attacks are (still) possible. Using an accurate database of mobile phone number prefixes and very few resources, we have queried 10\% of US mobile phone numbers for WhatsApp and 100\% for Signal. For Telegram we find that its API exposes a wide range of sensitive information, even about numbers not registered with the service. We present interesting (cross-messenger) usage statistics, which also reveal that very few users change the default privacy settings. Regarding mitigations, we propose novel techniques to significantly limit the feasibility of our crawling attacks, especially a new incremental contact discovery scheme that strictly improves over Signal's current approach.\\ Furthermore, we show that currently deployed hashing-based contact discovery protocols are severely broken by comparing three methods for efficient hash reversal of mobile phone numbers. For this, we also propose a significantly improved rainbow table construction for non-uniformly distributed inputs that is of independent interest.}, author = {Christoph Hagen and Christian Weinert and Christoph Sendner and Alexandra Dmitrienko and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{All the Numbers are US: Large-Scale Abuse of Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers}}, booktitle = {28. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'21)}, year = {2021}, month = {February 21-24,}, publisher = {Internet Society}, rank = {A*}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://www.ndss-symposium.org/ndss2021/}, note = {Website: \url{https://contact-discovery.github.io}. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/1119}. Code: \url{https://github.com/contact-discovery}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HWSDS21.pdf}, rate = {$15.2\%$}, doi = {10.14722/ndss.2021.23159} }
@inproceedings{FMMMMNRSSYZ21, abstract = {Federated learning (FL) is an emerging distributed machine learning paradigm which addresses critical data privacy issues in machine learning by enabling clients, using an aggregation server (aggregator), to jointly train a global model without revealing their training data. Thereby, it improves not only privacy but is also efficient as it uses the computation power and data of potentially millions of clients for training in parallel.\\ However, FL is vulnerable to so-called inference attacks by malicious aggregators which can infer information about clients’ data from their model updates. Secure aggregation restricts the central aggregator to only learn the summation or average of the updates of clients. Unfortunately, existing protocols for secure aggregation for FL suffer from high communication, computation, and many communication rounds.\\ In this work, we present SAFELearn, a generic design for efficient private FL systems that protects against inference attacks that have to analyze individual clients' model updates using secure aggregation. It is flexibly adaptable to the efficiency and security requirements of various FL applications and can be instantiated with MPC or FHE. In contrast to previous works, we only need 2 rounds of communication in each training iteration, do not use any expensive cryptographic primitives on clients, tolerate dropouts, and do not rely on a trusted third party. We implement and benchmark an instantiation of our generic design with secure two-party computation. Our implementation aggregates 500 models with more than 300K parameters in less than 0.5 seconds.}, author = {Hossein Fereidooni and Samuel Marchal and Markus Miettinen and Azalia Mirhoseini and Helen M\"ollering and Thien Duc Nguyen and Phillip Rieger and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame and Shaza Zeitouni}, title = {{SAFELearn: Secure Aggregation for private FEderated Learning}}, booktitle = {4. Deep Learning and Security Workshop (DLS'21)}, month = {May 27,}, year = {2021}, pages = {56-62}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Virtual Event}, rate = {$40\%$}, doi = {10.1109/SPW53761.2021.00017}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2021/SPW2021/dls_website/}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/FMMMMNRSSYZ21.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/386}} }
@inproceedings{BCEMOS21, abstract = {Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning technique that outputs clusters containing similar data items. In this work, we investigate privacy-preserving density-based clustering which is, for example, used in financial analytics and medical diagnosis. When (multiple) data owners collaborate or outsource the computation, privacy concerns arise. To address this problem, we design, implement, and evaluate the first practical and fully private density-based clustering scheme based on secure two-party computation. Our protocol privately executes the DBSCAN algorithm without disclosing any information (including the number and size of clusters). It can be used for private clustering between two parties as well as for private outsourcing of an arbitrary number of data owners to two non-colluding servers. Our implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm privately clusters data sets with 400 elements in 7 minutes on commodity hardware. Thereby, it flexibly determines the number of required clusters and is insensitive to outliers, while being only factor 19x slower than today's fastest private K-means protocol (Mohassel et al., PETS'20) which can only be used for specific data sets. We then show how to transfer our newly designed protocol to related clustering algorithms by introducing a private approximation of the TRACLUS algorithm for trajectory clustering which has interesting real-world applications like financial time series forecasts and the investigation of the spread of a disease like COVID-19.}, author = {Beyza Bozdemir and S\'ebastien Canard and Orhan Ermis and Helen M\"ollering and Melek \"Onen and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Privacy-preserving Density-Based Clustering}}, booktitle = {16. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'21)}, month = {June 7-11,}, year = {2021}, publisher = {ACM}, rate = {$18.9\%$}, rank = {A}, address = {Virtual Event}, weburl = {https://asiaccs2021.comp.polyu.edu.hk}, doi = {10.1145/3433210.3453104}, pages = {658-671}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCEMOS21.pdf}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/612}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/ppDBSCAN}} }
@inproceedings{HSTWY21, abstract = {Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows multiple parties to securely evaluate a public function on their private inputs. The field has steadily moved forward and real-world applications have become practical. However, MPC implementations are often hand-built and require cryptographic knowledge. Thus, special compilers like HyCC (B\"uscher et al., CCS'18) have been developed, which automatically compile high-level programs to combinations of Boolean and arithmetic circuits required for mixed-protocol (hybrid) MPC. In this work, we explore the advantages of extending MPC compilers with an intermediate representation (IR) as commonly used in modern compiler infrastructures. For this, we extend HyCC with a graph-based IR that facilitates the implementation of well-known algorithms from compiler design as well as further MPC-specific optimizations. We demonstrate the benefits by implementing arithmetic decomposition based on our new IR that automatically extracts arithmetic expressions and then compiles them into separate circuits. For a line intersection algorithm, we require 40\% less run-time and improve total communication by a factor of 3x compared to regular HyCC when securely evaluating the corresponding circuit with the hybrid MPC framework ABY (Demmler et al., NDSS'15).}, author = {Tim Heldmann and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Christian Weinert and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{LLVM-Based Circuit Compilation for Practical Secure Computation}}, booktitle = {19. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'21)}, year = {2021}, month = {June 21-24,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {12727}, pages = {99-121}, rank = {B}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HSTWY21.pdf}, address = {Virtual Event}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-78375-4_5}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/797}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/LLVM}}, weburl = {http://sulab-sever.u-aizu.ac.jp/ACNS2021/}, rate = {$19.9\%$} }
@inproceedings{HHSSW21demo, abstract = {Apple's file-sharing service AirDrop leaks phone numbers and email addresses by exchanging vulnerable hash values of the user's own contact identifiers during the authentication handshake with nearby devices. In a paper presented at USENIX Security'21, we theoretically describe two attacks to exploit these vulnerabilities and propose \enquote{PrivateDrop} as a privacy-preserving drop-in replacement for Apple's AirDrop protocol based on private set intersection.\\ In this demo, we show how these vulnerabilities are efficiently exploitable via Wi-Fi and physical proximity to a target. Privacy and security implications include the possibility of conducting advanced spear phishing attacks or deploying multiple \enquote{collector} devices in order to build databases that map contact identifiers to specific locations. For our proof-of-concept, we leverage a custom rainbow table construction to reverse SHA-256 hashes of phone numbers in a matter of milliseconds. We discuss the trade-off between success rate and storage requirements of the rainbow table and, after following responsible disclosure with Apple, we publish our proof-of-concept implementation as \enquote{AirCollect} on GitHub.}, author = {Alexander Heinrich and Matthias Hollick and Thomas Schneider and Milan Stute and Christian Weinert}, title = {{DEMO: AirCollect: Efficiently Recovering Hashed Phone Numbers Leaked via Apple AirDrop}}, booktitle = {14. ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec'21) Demo}, month = {June 28-July 2,}, weburl = {https://sites.nyuad.nyu.edu/wisec21/call-for-posters-and-demos/}, year = {2021}, publisher = {ACM}, rate = {78.6\%}, address = {Virtual Event}, note = {Website: \url{https://privatedrop.github.io}. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/893}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/aircollect}}, doi = {10.1145/3448300.3468252}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HHSSW21Demo.pdf}, pages = {371-373} }
@inproceedings{DKSSW21, abstract = {Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows multiple parties to securely evaluate a public function on their private inputs. The field has steadily moved forward and real-world applications have become practical. However, MPC implementations are often hand-built and require cryptographic knowledge. Thus, special compilers like HyCC (B\"uscher et al., CCS'18) have been developed, which automatically compile high-level programs to combinations of Boolean and arithmetic circuits required for mixed-protocol (hybrid) MPC. In this work, we explore the advantages of extending MPC compilers with an intermediate representation (IR) as commonly used in modern compiler infrastructures. For this, we extend HyCC with a graph-based IR that facilitates the implementation of well-known algorithms from compiler design as well as further MPC-specific optimizations. We demonstrate the benefits by implementing arithmetic decomposition based on our new IR that automatically extracts arithmetic expressions and then compiles them into separate circuits. For a line intersection algorithm, we require 40\% less run-time and improve total communication by a factor of 3x compared to regular HyCC when securely evaluating the corresponding circuit with the hybrid MPC framework ABY (Demmler et al., NDSS'15).}, title = {{Improved Circuit Compilation for Hybrid MPC via Compiler Intermediate Representation}}, author = {Daniel Demmler and Stefan Katzenbeisser and Thomas Schneider and Tom Schuster and Christian Weinert}, booktitle = {18. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT'21)}, month = {July 6-8,}, year = {2021}, weburl = {http://www.secrypt.org}, rank = {B}, note = {Short paper. Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/521}}, address = {Virtual Event}, publisher = {SciTePress}, pages = {444-451}, doi = {10.5220/0010540504440451}, rate = {$35.6\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DKSSW21.pdf} }
@inproceedings{KMSY21, abstract = {In many machine learning applications, training data consists of sensitive information from multiple sources. Privacy-preserving machine learning using secure computation enables multiple parties to compute on their joint data without disclosing their inputs to each other. In this work, we focus on clustering, an unsupervised machine learning technique that partitions data into groups. Previous works on privacy-preserving clustering often leak information and focus on the k-means algorithm, which provides only limited clustering quality and flexibility. Additionally, the number of clusters k must be known in advance. We analyze several prominent clustering algorithms’ capabilities and their compatibility with secure computation techniques to create an efficient, fully privacy-preserving clustering implementation superior to k-means. We find affinity propagation to be the most promising candidate and securely implement it using various multi-party computation techniques. Privacy-preserving affinity propagation does not require any input parameters and consists of operations that are relatively efficient with secure computation. We consider passive security as well as active security with an honest and dishonest majority. We offer the first comparison of privacy-preserving clustering between these scenarios, enabling an understanding of the exact trade-offs between them. Based on the clustering quality and the computational and communication costs, privacy-preserving affinity propagation offers a good trade-off between quality and efficiency for practical privacy-preserving clustering.}, title = {{Balancing Quality and Efficiency in Private Clustering with Affinity Propagation}}, author = {Hannah Keller and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, booktitle = {18. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT'21)}, month = {July 6-8,}, year = {2021}, weburl = {http://www.secrypt.org}, rank = {B}, address = {Virtual Event}, publisher = {SciTePress}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/825}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/ppAffinityPropagation}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KMSY21.pdf}, pages = {173-184}, doi = {10.5220/0010547801730184}, rate = {$18.4\%$ for full papers} }
@article{HMSY21, abstract = {Clustering is a popular unsupervised machine learning technique that groups similar input elements into clusters. It is used in many areas ranging from business analysis to health care. In many of these applications, sensitive information is clustered that should not be leaked. Moreover, nowadays it is often required to combine data from multiple sources to increase the quality of the analysis as well as to outsource complex computation to powerful cloud servers. This calls for efficient privacy-preserving clustering. In this work, we systematically analyze the state-of-the-art in privacy-preserving clustering. We implement and benchmark today's four most efficient fully private clustering protocols by Cheon et al. (SAC'19), Meng et al. (ArXiv'19), Mohassel et al. (PETS'20), and Bozdemir et al. (ASIACCS'21) with respect to communication, computation, and clustering quality. We compare them, assess their limitations for a practical use in real-world applications, and conclude with open challenges.}, author = {Aditya Hegde and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{SoK: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Clustering}}, journal = {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)}, year = {2021}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, weburl = {https://petsymposium.org/2021/}, rank = {A}, month = {July}, number = {4}, volume = {2021}, address = {Virtual Event}, rate = {$19.5\%$}, pages = {225-248}, doi = {10.2478/popets-2021-0068}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HMSY21.pdf}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/809}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/SoK_ppClustering}} }
@inproceedings{PSSY21, abstract = {Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) allows a set of mutually distrusting parties to jointly evaluate a function on their private inputs while maintaining input privacy. In this work, we improve semi-honest secure two-party computation (2PC) over rings, with a focus on the efficiency of the online phase.\\ We propose an efficient mixed-protocol framework, outperforming the state-of-the-art 2PC framework of ABY. Moreover, we extend our techniques to multi-input multiplication gates without inflating the online communication, i.e., it remains independent of the fan-in. Along the way, we construct efficient protocols for several primitives such as scalar product, matrix multiplication, comparison, maxpool, and equality testing. The online communication of our scalar product is two ring elements irrespective of the vector dimension, which is a feature achieved for the first time in the 2PC literature.\\ The practicality of our new set of protocols is showcased with four applications: i) AES S-box, ii) Circuit-based Private Set Intersection, iii) Biometric Matching, and iv) Privacy-preserving Machine Learning (PPML). Most notably, for PPML, we implement and benchmark training and inference of Logistic Regression and Neural Networks over LAN and WAN networks. For training, we improve online runtime (both for LAN and WAN) over SecureML (Mohassel et al., IEEE S\&P'17) in the range 1.5x-6.1x, while for inference, the improvements are in the range of 2.5x-754.3x.}, author = {Arpita Patra and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{ABY2.0: Improved Mixed-Protocol Secure Two-Party Computation}}, booktitle = {30. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'21)}, year = {2021}, month = {August 11-13,}, publisher = {USENIX}, rank = {A*}, address = {Virtual Event}, pages = {2165-2182}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSSY21.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/1225}}, rate = {$19\%$} }
@inproceedings{HHSSW21, abstract = {Apple's offline file-sharing service AirDrop is integrated into more than 1.5 billion end-user devices worldwide. We discovered two design flaws in the underlying protocol that allow attackers to learn the phone numbers and email addresses of both sender and receiver devices. As a remediation, we study the applicability of private set intersection (PSI) to mutual authentication, which is similar to contact discovery in mobile messengers. We propose a novel optimized PSI-based protocol called PrivateDrop that addresses the specific challenges of offline resource-constrained operation and integrates seamlessly into the current AirDrop protocol stack. Using our native PrivateDrop implementation for iOS and macOS, we experimentally demonstrate that PrivateDrop preserves AirDrop's exemplary user experience with an authentication delay well below one second. We responsibly disclosed our findings to Apple and open-sourced our PrivateDrop implementation.}, author = {Alexander Heinrich and Matthias Hollick and Thomas Schneider and Milan Stute and Christian Weinert}, title = {{PrivateDrop: Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Apple AirDrop}}, booktitle = {30. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'21)}, year = {2021}, month = {August 11-13,}, publisher = {USENIX}, rank = {A*}, address = {Virtual Event}, pages = {3577-3594}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HHSSW21.pdf}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21}, note = {Website: \url{https://privatedrop.github.io}. Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/481}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/privatedrop}}, rate = {$19\%$} }
@misc{PSSY21PPMLCRYPTO, author = {Arpita Patra and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{ABY2.0: Improved Mixed-Protocol Secure Two-Party Computation with Applications to Privacy Preserving Machine Learning (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {3. Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CRYPTO'21)}, year = {2021}, weburl = {https://crypto-ppml.github.io/2021/}, month = {August 15,} }
@misc{HHSSW21FOPI, author = {Alexander Heinrich and Matthias Hollick and Thomas Schneider and Milan Stute and Christian Weinert}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: Breaking and Fixing Contact Identifier-Based Mutual Authentication in Apple AirDrop}}, howpublished = {Future of {PI} Workshop: Challenges and Perspectives of Personal Identification (FoPI@EuroS\&P'21)}, year = {2021}, month = {September 6,}, weburl = {https://futureofpi.github.io/2021/} }
@inproceedings{BKMS21, author = {Timm Birka and Tobias Kussel and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{An Efficient and Practical Privacy-Preserving Kidney Exchange Problem Protocol (Abstract)}}, booktitle = {33. Kryptotag (crypto day matters)}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f\"ur Informatik e.V. / FG KRYPTO}, month = {September 17,}, year = {2021}, address = {Virtual Event}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BKMS21.pdf}, doi = {10.18420/cdm-2021-33-31} }
@inproceedings{GSW21, abstract = {Private Information Retrieval (PIR) allows a client to request entries from a public database held by k servers without revealing any information about the requested data to the servers. PIR is classified into two classes: (i) Multi-server PIR protocols where the request is split among $k \ge 2$ non-colluding servers, and Single-server PIR protocols where exactly k=1 server holds the database while the query is protected via certain computational hardness assumptions. Devet \& Goldberg (PETS'14) showed that both can be combined into one recursive PIR protocol in order to improve the communication complexity. Their hybrid PIR protocol is instantiated with the multi-server PIR protocol of Goldberg (S&P'07) and the single-server PIR protocol by Melchar \& Gaborit (WEWoRC'07), resulting in online request runtime speedups and guaranteeing at least partial privacy if the multi-server PIR servers do in fact collude.\\ In this work we show that the hybrid PIR protocol by Devet \& Goldberg still has practical relevance by designing a hybrid approach using the state-of-the-art multi-server protocol CIP-PIR (G\"{u}nther et al., ePrint'21/823) and the single-server protocol SealPIR (Angel et al., S\&P'18). Our novel hybrid PIR protocol massively improves the linear communication complexity of CIP-PIR and obtains the strong property of client-independent preprocessing, which allow batch-preprocessing among multiple clients without the clients being involved. We implement and benchmark our protocol and get speedups of $\approx 4.36\times$ over the original implementation of Devet & Goldberg (8 GiB DB), speedups of $\approx 26.08\times$ (8 GiB DB) over CIP-PIR, and speedups of $\approx 11.16\times$ over SealPIR (1 GiB DB).}, author = {Daniel G\"unther and Thomas Schneider and Felix Wiegand}, booktitle = {28. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'21) Posters/Demos}, title = {{POSTER: Revisiting Hybrid Private Information Retrieval}}, weburl = {https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2021/call-for-posters.html}, year = {2021}, month = {November 15-19,}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A*}, address = {Virtual Event}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GSW21.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3460120.3485346}, pages = {2408-2410}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/HybridPIR}} }
@misc{PSSY21PPML, author = {Arpita Patra and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{POSTER: ABY2.0: New Efficient Primitives for 2PC with Applications to Privacy Preserving Machine Learning (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {4. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CCS'21)}, weburl = {https://ppml-workshop.github.io/}, year = {2021}, month = {November 19,}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@misc{HMSY21PPML, author = {Aditya Hegde and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{POSTER: SoK: Privacy-Preserving Clustering (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {4. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CCS'21)}, weburl = {https://ppml-workshop.github.io/}, year = {2021}, month = {November 19,}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@misc{KMSY21PPML, author = {Hannah Keller and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{POSTER: Balancing Quality and Efficiency in Private Clustering with Affinity Propagation (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {4. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML@CCS'21)}, weburl = {https://ppml-workshop.github.io/}, year = {2021}, month = {November 19,}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@inproceedings{MSY21, abstract = {Due to standardization, AES is today’s most widely used block cipher. Its security is well-studied and hardware acceleration is available on a variety of platforms. Following the success of the Intel AES New Instructions (AES-NI), support for Vectorized AES (VAES) has been added in 2018 and already shown to be useful to accelerate many implementations of AES-based algorithms where the order of AES evaluations is fixed a priori.\\ In our work, we focus on using VAES to accelerate the computation in secure multi-party computation protocols and applications. For some MPC building blocks, such as OT extension, the AES operations are independent and known a priori and hence can be easily parallelized, similar to the original paper on VAES by Drucker et al. (ITNG’19). We evaluate the performance impact of using VAES in the AES-CTR implementations used in Microsoft CrypTFlow2, and the EMP-OT library which we accelerate by up to 24\%.\\ The more complex case that we study for the first time in our paper are dependent AES calls that are not fixed yet in advance and hence cannot be parallelized manually. This is the case for garbling schemes. To get optimal efficiency from the hardware, enough independent calls need to be combined for each batch of AES executions. We identify such batches using a deferred execution technique paired with early execution to reduce non-locality issues and more static techniques using circuit depth and explicit gate independence. We present a performance and a modularity-focused technique to compute the AES operations efficiently while also immediately using the results and preparing the inputs. Using these techniques, we achieve a performance improvement via VAES of up to 244\% for the ABY framework and of up to 28\% for the EMP-AGMPC framework. By implementing several garbling schemes from the literature using VAES acceleration, we obtain a 171\% better performance for ABY.}, author = {Jean-Pierre M\"unch and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{VASA: Vector AES Instructions for Security Applications}}, booktitle = {37. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'21)}, month = {December 6-10,}, year = {2021}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Austin, TX, USA}, weburl = {https://www.acsac.org/2021}, pages = {131-145}, rank = {A}, doi = {10.1145/3485832.3485897}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/MSY21.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/1493}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/VASA}}, rate = {$21.0\%$} }
@misc{HMSY21PriMLNeurIPS, author = {Aditya Hegde and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: SoK: Privacy-Preserving Clustering (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {Privacy in Machine Learning Workshop (PriML@NeurIPS'21)}, weburl = {https://priml2021.github.io/}, year = {2021}, month = {December 14,}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@misc{PSSY21PriMLNeurIPS, author = {Arpita Patra and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{POSTER: ABY2.0: New Efficient Primitives for STPC with Applications to Privacy in Machine Learning (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {Privacy in Machine Learning Workshop (PriML@NeurIPS'21)}, weburl = {https://priml2021.github.io/}, year = {2021}, month = {December 14,}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@misc{BCS21PriMLNeurIPS, author = {Lennart Braun and Rosario Cammarota and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{POSTER: A Generic Hybrid 2PC Framework with Application to Private Inference of Unmodified Neural Networks (Extended Abstract)}}, howpublished = {Privacy in Machine Learning Workshop (PriML@NeurIPS'21)}, weburl = {https://priml2021.github.io/}, year = {2021}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCS21PriMLNeurIPS.pdf}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BCS21PriMLNeurIPSPoster.pdf}, month = {December 14,}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/MOTION2NX}}, address = {Virtual Event} }
@inproceedings{PSSY21HOST, abstract = {Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) allows to securely compute on private data. To make MPC practical, logic synthesis can be used to automatically translate a description of the function to be computed securely into optimized and error-free boolean circuits. TinyGMW (Demmler et al., CCS'15) used industry-grade hardware synthesis tools (DC, Yosys) to generate depth-optimized circuits for MPC. To evaluate their optimized circuits, they used the ABY framework (Demmler et al., NDSS'15) for secure two-party computation. The recent ABY2.0 framework (Patra et al., USENIX Security'21) presented round-efficient constructions using multi-input AND gates and improved over ABY by at least 6× in online communication for 4-input AND gate evaluation.\\ In this work, we propose SynCirc, an efficient hardware synthesis framework designed for MPC applications. Our framework is based on Verilog and the open-source tool Yosys-ABC. It provides custom libraries and new constraints that accommodate multi-input AND gates. With this, we improve over TinyGMW by up to 3x in multiplicative depth with a corresponding improvement in online round complexity. Moreover, we provide efficient realizations of several new building blocks including comparison, multiplexers, and equality check. For these building blocks, we achieve improvements in multiplicative depth/online rounds between 22.3\% and 66.7\%. With these improvements, our framework makes multi-round MPC better-suited for high-latency networks such as the Internet. With respect to the look-up table based approach of Dessouky et al. (NDSS'17), our framework improves the online communication by 1.3x −18x.}, author = {Arpita Patra and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{SynCirc: Efficient Synthesis of Depth-Optimized Circuits for Secure Computation}}, booktitle = {14. IEEE International Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST'21)}, year = {2022}, month = {June 27-30,}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Washington D.C., USA}, weburl = {http://www.hostsymposium.org}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PSSY21HOST.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/1153}}, rate = {$23\%$}, doi = {10.1109/HOST49136.2021.9702293}, pages = {147-157} }
@article{BDST22, abstract = {We present MOTION, an efficient and generic open-source framework for mixed-protocol secure multi-party computation (MPC). MOTION is built in a user-friendly, modular, and extensible way, intended to be used as a tool in MPC research and to increase adoption of MPC protocols in practice. Our framework incorporates several important engineering decisions such as full communication serialization, which enables MPC over arbitrary messaging interfaces and removes the need of owning network sockets. MOTION also incorporates several performance optimizations that improve the communication complexity and latency, e.g., \( 2\times \) better online round complexity of precomputed correlated Oblivious Transfer (OT). \\ We instantiate our framework with protocols for N parties and security against up to \( N-1 \) passive corruptions: the MPC protocols of Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW) in its arithmetic and Boolean version and OT-based BMR (Ben-Efraim et al., CCS’16), as well as novel and highly efficient conversions between them, including a non-interactive conversion from BMR to arithmetic GMW. \\ MOTION is highly efficient, which we demonstrate in our experiments. Compared to secure evaluation of AES-128 with \( N=3 \) parties in a high-latency network with OT-based BMR, we achieve a 16 \( \times \) better throughput of 16 AES evaluations per second using BMR. With this, we show that BMR is much more competitive than previously assumed. For ( N=3 ) parties and full-threshold protocols in a LAN, MOTION is \( 10\times \) - \( 18\times \) faster than the previous best passively secure implementation from the MP-SPDZ framework, and \( 190\times \) - \( 586\times \) faster than the actively secure SCALE-MAMBA framework. Finally, we show that our framework is highly efficient for privacy-preserving neural network inference.}, author = {Lennart Braun and Daniel Demmler and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko}, title = {{MOTION -- A Framework for Mixed-Protocol Multi-Party Computation}}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS)}, year = {2022}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2020/1137}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/MOTION}}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, month = {March 4,}, pages = {8:1-8:35}, doi = {10.1145/3490390}, weburl = {https://dl.acm.org/journal/tops}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BDST22.pdf} }
@misc{KKMSTY22RWC, author = {Seny Kamara and Abdelkarim Kati and Tarik Moataz and Thomas Schneider and Amos Treiber and Michael Yonli}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: All about that Data: Towards a Practical Assessment of Attacks on Encrypted Search}}, howpublished = {Real World Crypto Symposium (RWC'22)}, year = {2022}, weburl = {https://rwc.iacr.org/2022/}, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {April 13-15,}, rate = {$33.3\%$}, talkurl = {https://iacr.org/submit/files/slides/2022/rwc/rwc2022/13/slides.pdf}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KKMSTY22RWC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{KKMSTY22, abstract = {An encrypted search algorithm (ESA) allows a user to encrypt its data while preserving the ability to search over it. As all practical solutions leak some information, cryptanalysis plays an important role in the area of encrypted search. Starting with the work of Islam et al. (NDSS'12), many attacks have been proposed that exploit different leakage profiles under various assumptions. While these attacks improve our understanding of leakage, it can sometimes be difficult to draw definite conclusions about their practical performance. This is due to several reasons, including a lack of open-source implementations (which are needed to reproduce results), empirical evaluations that are conducted on restricted datasets, and in some cases reliance on relatively strong assumptions that can significantly affect accuracy.\\ In this work, we address these limitations. First, we design and implement LEAKER, an open-source framework that evaluates the major leakage attacks against any dataset and that we hope will serve the community as a common way to evaluate leakage attacks. We identify new real-world datasets that capture different use cases for ESAs and, for the first time, include real-world user queries. Finally, we use LEAKER to systematically evaluate known attacks on our datasets, uncovering sometimes unexpected properties that increase or diminish accuracy. Our evaluation shows that some attacks work better on real-world data than previously thought and that others perform worse.}, author = {Seny Kamara and Abdelkarim Kati and Tarik Moataz and Thomas Schneider and Amos Treiber and Michael Yonli}, title = {{SoK: Cryptanalysis of Encrypted Search with LEAKER -- A framework for LEakage AttacK Evaluation on Real-World data}}, booktitle = {7. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS\&P'22)}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/EuroSP2022/}, address = {Genoa, Italy}, year = {2022}, month = {June 6-10,}, pages = {90-108}, rate = {$30.0\%$}, doi = {10.1109/EuroSP53844.2022.00014}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KKMSTY22.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/1035}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/LEAKER}} }
@inproceedings{BNS22, abstract = {Fingerprinting is a commonly used technique to provide accurate localization for indoor areas, where global navigation satellite systems, such as GPS and Galileo, cannot function or are not precise enough. Although fingerprint-based indoor localization has gained wide popularity, existing solutions that preserve privacy either rely on non-colluding servers or have high communication which hinder deployment.\\ In this work we present FAPRIL, a privacy-preserving indoor localization scheme, which takes advantage of the latest secure two-party computation protocol improvements. We can split our scheme into two parts: an input independent setup phase and an online phase. We concentrate on optimizing the online phase for mobile clients who run on a mobile data plan and observe that recurring operands allow to optimize the total communication overhead even further. Our observation can be generalized, e.g., to improve multiplication of Arithmetic secret shared matrices. We implement FAPRIL on mobile devices and our benchmarks over a simulated LTE network show that the online phase of a private localization takes under 0.15 seconds with less than 0.20 megabytes of communication even for large buildings. The setup phase, which can be pre-computed, depends heavily on the setting but stays in the range 0.28 - 4.14 seconds and 0.69 - 16.00 megabytes per localization query. The round complexity of FAPRIL is constant for both phases.}, title = {{FAPRIL: Towards Faster Privacy-Preserving Fingerprint-Based Localization}}, author = {Christopher van der Beets and Raine Nieminen and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {19. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT'22)}, month = {July 11-13,}, year = {2022}, weburl = {https://secrypt.scitevents.org}, rank = {B}, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, publisher = {SciTePress}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BNS22.pdf}, doi = {10.5220/0011263500003283}, pages = {108-120}, rate = {$18.6\%$ for full papers}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/564}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/ppIndoorLocalization}} }
@inproceedings{CHHS22, abstract = {With the large amount of data generated nowadays, analysis of this data has become eminent. Since a vast amount of this data is private, it is also important that the analysis is done in a secure manner. Comparison-based functions are commonly used in data analysis. These functions use the comparison operation as the basis. Secure computation of such functions have been discussed for median by Aggarwal et al. (EUROCRYPT'04) and for convex hull by Shelat and Venkitasubramaniam (ASIACRYPT'15).\\ In this paper, we present a generic protocol for the secure computation of comparison-based functions. In order to scale to a large number of participants, we propose this protocol in a star topology with an aim to reduce the communication complexity. We also present a protocol for one specific comparison-based function, the $k^{th}$ ranked element. The construction of one of our protocols leaks some intermediate values but does not reveal information about an individual party's inputs. We demonstrate that our protocol offers better performance than the protocol for $k^{th}$ ranked element by Tueno et. al. (FC'20) by providing an implementation.}, title = {{Comparison-Based MPC in Star Topology}}, author = {Gowri R Chandran and Carmit Hazay and Robin Hundt and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {19. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT'22)}, month = {July 11-13,}, year = {2022}, weburl = {https://secrypt.scitevents.org}, rank = {B}, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, publisher = {SciTePress}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/CHHS22.pdf}, doi = {10.5220/0011144100003283}, pages = {69-82}, rate = {$18.6\%$ for full papers}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/574}} }
@inproceedings{NRCYMFMMMZKSS22, abstract = {Federated Learning (FL) is a collaborative machine learning approach allowing participants to jointly train a model without having to share their private, potentially sensitive local datasets with others. Despite its benefits, FL is vulnerable to so-called \emph{backdoor attacks}, in which an adversary injects manipulated model updates into the federated model aggregation process so that the resulting model will provide targeted false predictions for specific adversary-chosen inputs. Proposed defenses against backdoor attacks based on detecting and filtering out malicious model updates consider only very specific and limited attacker models, whereas defenses based on differential privacy-inspired noise injection significantly deteriorate the benign performance of the aggregated model. To address these deficiencies, we introduce FLAME, a defense framework that estimates the sufficient amount of noise to be injected to ensure the elimination of backdoors. To minimize the required amount of noise, FLAME uses a model clustering and weight clipping approach. This ensures that FLAME can maintain the benign performance of the aggregated model while effectively eliminating adversarial backdoors. Our evaluation of FLAME on several datasets stemming from application areas including image classification, word prediction, and IoT intrusion detection demonstrates that FLAME removes backdoors effectively with a negligible impact on the benign performance of the models.}, author = {Thien Duc Nguyen and Phillip Rieger and Huili Chen and Hossein Yalame and Helen M\"ollering and Hossein Fereidooni and Samuel Marchal and Markus Miettinen and Azalia Mirhoseini and Shaza Zeitouni and Farinaz Koushanfar and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{FLAME: Taming Backdoors in Federated Learning}}, booktitle = {31. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'22)}, year = {2022}, month = {August 10-12,}, publisher = {USENIX}, rank = {A*}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity22}, address = {Boston, MA, USA}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/NRCYMFMMMZKSS22.pdf}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/025}}, pages = {1415-1432}, rate = {$18.1\%$} }
@inproceedings{GHPS22, abstract = {Multi-Server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is a cryptographic protocol that allows a client to securely query a database entry from $n \geq 2$ servers of which less than $t$ can collude, s.t. the servers learn no information about the query. Highly efficient PIR could be used for large-scale applications like \emph{Compromised Credential Checking} (C3) (USENIX Security'19), which allows users to check whether their credentials have been leaked in a data breach. However, state-of-the art PIR schemes are not efficient enough for fast online responses at this scale.\\ In this work, we introduce \emph{Client-Independent Preprocessing} (CIP) PIR that moves $(t-1)/n$ of the online computation to a local, client independent, preprocessing phase suitable for efficient batch precomputations. The online performance of CIP-PIR improves linearly with the number of servers $n$. We show that large-scale applications like C3 with PIR are practical by implementing our CIP-PIR scheme using a parallelized CPU implementation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multi-server PIR scheme whose preprocessing phase is completely independent of the client, and where online performance simultaneously improves with the number of servers $n$. In addition, we accelerate for the first time the huge amount of XOR operations in multi-server PIR with GPUs. Our GPU-based CIP-PIR achieves an improvement up to factor $2.1\times$ over our CPU-based implementation for $n=2$ servers, and enables a client to query an entry in a 25 GB database within less than 1 second.}, author = {Daniel G\"unther and Maurice Heymann and Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{GPU-Accelerated PIR with Client-Independent Preprocessing for Large-Scale Applications}}, booktitle = {31. {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security'22)}, year = {2022}, month = {August 10-12,}, publisher = {USENIX}, rank = {A*}, weburl = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity22}, address = {Boston, MA, USA}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2021/823}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/cip-pir}}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GHPS22.pdf}, pages = {1759-1776}, rate = {$18.1\%$} }
@article{BHKMS22, abstract = {Background: The kidney exchange problem (KEP) addresses the matching of patients in need for a replacement organ with compatible living donors. Ideally many medical institutions should participate in a matching program to increase the chance for successful matches. However, to fulfill legal requirements current systems use complicated policy-based data protection mechanisms that effectively exclude smaller medical facilities to participate. Employing secure multi-party computation (MPC) techniques provides a technical way to satisfy data protection requirements for highly sensitive personal health information while simultaneously reducing the regulatory burdens.\\ Results: We have designed, implemented, and benchmarked SPIKE, a secure MPC-based privacy-preserving KEP protocol which computes a locally optimal solution by finding matching donor-recipient pairs in a graph structure. SPIKE matches $40$ pairs in cycles of length $2$ in less than $4$ min and outperforms the previous state-of-the-art protocol by a factor of $400\times$ in runtime while providing medically more robust solutions.\\ Conclusions: We show how to solve the KEP in a robust and privacy-preserving manner achieving significantly more practical performance than the current state-of-the-art (Breuer et al., WPES'20 and CODASPY'22). The usage of MPC techniques fulfills many data protection requirements on a technical level, allowing smaller health care providers to directly participate in a kidney exchange with reduced legal processes. As sensitive data are not leaving the institutions’ network boundaries, the patient data underlie a higher level of protection than in the currently employed (centralized) systems. Furthermore, due to reduced legal barriers, the proposed decentralized system might be simpler to implement in a transnational, intereuropean setting with mixed (national) data protecion laws.}, author = {Timm Birka and Kay Hamacher and Tobias Kussel and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{SPIKE: Secure and Private Investigation of the Kidney Exchange problem}}, journal = {BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making}, weburl = {https://bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com}, month = {September 22,}, year = {2022}, rank = {B}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BHKMS22.pdf}, doi = {10.1186/s12911-022-01994-4}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, pages = {253}, note = {Online: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09937}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/PPKE}} }
@inproceedings{HKST22, abstract = {Due to the significant drop in prices for genome sequencing in the last decade, genome databases were constantly growing. This enabled genome analyses such as Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) that study associations between a gene and a disease and allow to improve medical treatment. However, GWAS fails at the analysis of complex diseases caused by non-linear gene-gene interactions such as sporadic breast cancer or type 2 diabetes. Epistasis Analysis (EA) is a more powerful approach that complements GWAS and considers non-linear interactions between multiple parts of the genome and environment.\\ Statistical genome analyses require large, well-curated genomic datasets, which are difficult to obtain. Hence, the aggregation of multiple databases is often necessary, but the sharing of genomic data raises severe privacy concerns and is subject to extensive regulations (e.g., GDPR or HIPAA), requiring further privacy protection for collaborative analyses.\\ Although there has been work on private GWAS, there was a lack of attention to Private EA (PEA). In this work, we design the first secure and accurate PEA protocol, with security against passive adversaries.\\ Our efficient PEA protocol consists of two subprotocols: (1) (optional) feature selection for filtering noisy features to reduce the input size for better efficiency and (2) finding relevant associations. For feature selection, we design two protocols based on Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) for Relief-F and TuRF. For finding associations, we design an MPC protocol for Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR).\\ Our private MDR protocol is based on two novel, efficient building blocks, arithmetic greater than and arithmetic swap, which may be of independent interest. This approach omits the need for expensive conversions between sharing types in private MDR and reduces the communication by two orders of magnitude compared to a naïve design using garbled circuits. Our private MDR protocol runs in (extrapolated) three days on a practical database with 10,000 features for all two mutually combined features, i.e., considering about 50 million combinations.}, author = {Kay Hamacher and Tobias Kussel and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko}, title = {{PEA: Practical Private Epistasis Analysis using MPC}}, booktitle = {27. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'22)}, year = {2022}, month = {September 26-30,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {13556}, pages = {320-339}, rank = {A}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-17143-7_16}, rate = {$18.5\%$}, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HKST22.pdf}, weburl = {https://esorics2022.compute.dtu.dk}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/1185}} }
@inproceedings{TMSS22, abstract = {Pushes for increased power of Law Enforcement (LE) for data retention and centralized storage result in legal challenges with data protection law and courts—and possible violations of the right to privacy. This is motivated by a desire for better cooperation and exchange between LE Agencies (LEAs), which is difficult due to data protection regulations, was identified as a main factor of major public security failures, and is a frequent criticism of LE.\\ Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is often seen as a technological means to solve privacy conflicts where actors want to exchange and analyze data that needs to be protected due to data protection laws. In this interdisciplinary work, we investigate the problem of private information exchange between LEAs from both a legal and technical angle. We give a legal analysis of secret-sharing based MPC techniques in general and, as a particular application scenario, consider the case of matching LE databases for lawful information exchange between LEAs. We propose a system for lawful information exchange between LEAs using MPC and private set intersection and show its feasibility by giving a legal analysis for data protection and a technical analysis for workload complexity. Towards practicality, we present insights from qualitative feedback gathered within exchanges with a major European LEA.}, author = {Amos Treiber and Dirk M\"ullmann and Thomas Schneider and Indra {Spiecker genannt D\"ohmann}}, title = {{Data Protection Law and Multi-Party Computation: Applications to Information Exchange between Law Enforcement Agencies}}, booktitle = {21. Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'22)}, month = {November 7,}, year = {2022}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/TMSS22.pdf}, weburl = {https://arc.encs.concordia.ca/wpes22/}, address = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, rate = {$20.3\%$ for full papers}, doi = {10.1145/3559613.3563192}, pages = {69-82}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/1242}} }
@inproceedings{BBKSM22, abstract = {Privacy-preserving protocols for matchings on general graphs can be used for applications such as online dating, bartering, or kidney donor exchange. In addition, they can act as a building block for more complex protocols. While privacy-preserving protocols for matchings on bipartite graphs are a well-researched topic, the case of general graphs has experienced significantly less attention so far. We address this gap by providing the first privacy-preserving protocol for maximum weight matching on general graphs. To maximize the scalability of our approach, we compute an $1/2$-approximation instead of an exact solution. For $N$ nodes, our protocol requires $O(N \log N)$ rounds, $O(N^3)$ communication, and runs in only 12.5~minutes for $N=400$.}, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Malte Breuer and Andreas Klinger and Thomas Schneider and Ulrike Meyer}, title = {{Secure Maximum Weight Matching Approximation on General Graphs}}, booktitle = {21. Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'22)}, month = {November 7,}, year = {2022}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://arc.encs.concordia.ca/wpes22/}, address = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, rate = {$33.9\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BBKSM22.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3559613.3563209}, pages = {83-87}, note = {Short paper. Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/1173}} }
@inproceedings{GHJMPSS22Poster, abstract = {Over the last two years, governments all over the world have used a variety of containment measures to control the spread of COVID-19, such as contact tracing, social distance regulations, and curfews. Epidemiological simulations are commonly used to assess the impact of those policies before they are implemented in actuality. Unfortunately, their predictive accuracy is hampered by the scarcity of relevant empirical data, concretely detailed social contact graphs. As this data is inherently privacy-critical, there is an urgent need for a method to perform powerful epidemiological simulations on real-world contact graphs without disclosing sensitive information.\\ In this work, we present RIPPLE, a privacy-preserving epidemiological modeling framework that enables the execution of a wide range of standard epidemiological models for any infectious disease on a population’s most recent real contact graph while keeping all contact information private locally on the participants’ devices. Our theoretical constructs are supported by a proof-of-concept implementation in which we show that a 2-week simulation over a population of half a million can be finished in 7 minutes with each participant consuming less than 50 KB of data.}, author = {Daniel G\"unther and Marco Holz and Benjamin Judkewitz and Helen M\"ollering and Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh}, title = {{POSTER: Privacy-Preserving Epidemiological Modeling on Mobile Graphs}}, booktitle = {29. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'22) Posters/Demos}, month = {November 7-11,}, weburl = {https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2022/call-for/call-for-posters.html}, year = {2022}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A*}, address = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GHJMPSS22Poster.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3548606.3563497}, pages = {3351-3353} }
@inproceedings{BSSY22Poster, abstract = {In this paper, we revisit the problem of secure shuffling in a three-server setting with an honest majority. We begin with the recent work of Araki. et al. (CCS’21) and use precomputation to improve the communication and round complexity of the online phase of their shuffle protocol. Our simple yet effective shuffling method is not limited to three parties and can be used in a variety of situations. Furthermore, the design of our solution allows for fine tuning to achieve improved efficiency based on the underlying application's parameters. Our protocols are initially presented with semi-honest security and then extended to support malicious corruption.}, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{POSTER: Efficient Three-Party Shuffling Using Precomputation}}, booktitle = {29. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'22) Posters/Demos}, month = {November 7-11,}, weburl = {https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2022/call-for/call-for-posters.html}, year = {2022}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A*}, address = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BSSY22.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3548606.3563511}, pages = {3331-3333} }
@article{SSY23, abstract = {Liu et al. (DOI 10.1109/TIFS.2021.3108434) recently proposed a privacy-enhanced framework named PEFL to efficiently detect poisoning behaviours in Federated Learning (FL) using homomorphic encryption. In this article, we show that PEFL does not preserve privacy. In particular, we illustrate that PEFL reveals the entire gradient vector of all users in clear to one of the participating entities, thereby violating privacy. Furthermore, we clearly show that an immediate fix for this issue is still insufficient to achieve privacy by pointing out multiple flaws in the proposed system.}, author = {Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{Comments on ``Privacy-Enhanced Federated Learning Against Poisoning Adversaries''}}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)}, weburl = {http://www.signalprocessingsociety.org/publications/periodicals/forensics/}, publisher = {IEEE}, rank = {A}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SSY23.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2023.3238544}, month = {January 20,}, year = {2023}, pages = {1407-1409}, volume = {18}, notes = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/1504}} }
@article{HWSDS23, abstract = {Contact discovery allows users of mobile messengers to conveniently connect with people in their address book. In this work, we demonstrate that severe privacy issues exist in currently deployed contact discovery methods and propose suitable mitigations.\\ Our study of three popular messengers (WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram) shows that large-scale crawling attacks are (still) possible. Using an accurate database of mobile phone number prefixes and very few resources, we queried 10\% of US mobile phone numbers for WhatsApp and 100\% for Signal. For Telegram we find that its API exposes a wide range of sensitive information, even about numbers not registered with the service. We present interesting (cross-messenger) usage statistics, which also reveal that very few users change the default privacy settings.\\ Furthermore, we demonstrate that currently deployed hashing-based contact discovery protocols are severely broken by comparing three methods for efficient hash reversal. Most notably, we show that with the password cracking tool ``JTR'' we can iterate through the entire world-wide mobile phone number space in 150s on a consumer-grade GPU. We also propose a significantly improved rainbow table construction for non-uniformly distributed input domains that is of independent interest.\\ Regarding mitigations, we most notably propose two novel rate-limiting schemes: our incremental contact discovery for services without server-side contact storage strictly improves over Signal's current approach while being compatible with private set intersection, whereas our differential scheme allows even stricter rate limits at the overhead for service providers to store a small constant-size state that does not reveal any contact information.}, author = {Christoph Hagen and Christian Weinert and Christoph Sendner and Alexandra Dmitrienko and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers: Low-Cost Attacks, Quantitative Analyses, and Efficient Mitigations}}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS)}, month = {February,}, year = {2023}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HWSDS23.pdf}, weburl = {https://dl.acm.org/journal/tops}, doi = {10.1145/3546191}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/875}. Code: \url{https://github.com/contact-discovery}}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, pages = {1-44} }
@misc{MSSWWY23, title = {{WW-FL: Secure and Private Large-Scale Federated Learning}}, author = {Felix Marx and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Tobias Wehrle and Christian Weinert and Hossein Yalame}, year = {2023}, month = {February 20,}, howpublished = {arXiv:2302.09904}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2302.09904}, note = {\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.09904}} }
@misc{SYY23Poster, author = {Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame and Michael Yonli}, title = {{POSTER: Towards Mixed Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption}}, howpublished = {2. Annual FHE.org Conference on Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE.org'23) Poster Session}, year = {2023}, month = {March 26,}, address = {Tokyo, Japan}, weburl = {https://fhe.org/conferences/conference-2023/home} }
@misc{BSSY23_short, title = {{Is Everyone Equally Trustworthy in Practice? (Short Talk)}}, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, howpublished = {44. {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy ({IEEE} S\&P'23) Short Talk}, month = {May 22-25,}, year = {2023}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2023/program-shorttalks.html}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA} }
@misc{CNSS23_short, title = {{PrivMail: A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Secure Emails (Short Talk)}}, author = {Gowri R Chandran and Raine Nieminen and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh}, howpublished = {44. {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy ({IEEE} S\&P'23) Short Talk}, month = {May 22-25,}, year = {2023}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2023/program-shorttalks.html}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA} }
@inproceedings{BHSSY23, abstract = {The concept of using Lookup Tables (LUTs) instead of Boolean circuits is well-known and been widely applied in a variety of applications, including FPGAs, image processing, and database management systems. In cryptography, using such LUTs instead of conventional gates like AND and XOR results in more compact circuits and has been shown to substantially improve online performance when evaluated with secure multi-party computation. Several recent works on secure floating-point computations and privacy-preserving machine learning inference rely heavily on existing LUT techniques. However, they suffer from either large overhead in the setup phase or subpar online performance.\\ We propose FLUTE, a novel protocol for secure LUT evaluation with good setup and online performance. In a two-party setting, we show that FLUTE matches or even outperforms the online performance of all prior approaches, while being competitive in terms of overall performance with the best prior LUT protocols. In addition, we provide an open-source implementation of FLUTE written in the Rust programming language, and implementations of the Boolean secure two-party computation protocols of ABY2.0 and silent OT. We find that FLUTE outperforms the state of the art by two orders of magnitude in the online phase while retaining similar overall communication.}, title = {{FLUTE: Fast and Secure Lookup Table Evaluations}}, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Robin Hundt and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, booktitle = {44. {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy ({IEEE S\&P'23})}, month = {May 22-25,}, year = {2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2023/index.html}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BHSSY23.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/SP46215.2023.10179345}, pages = {515-533}, rate = {$17.0\%$}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/499}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/FLUTE}} }
@inproceedings{GMSSWY23, abstract = {Federated learning (FL) has gained widespread popularity in a variety of industries due to its ability to locally train models on devices while preserving privacy. However, FL systems are susceptible to i) privacy inference attacks and ii) poisoning attacks, which can compromise the system by corrupt actors. Despite a significant amount of work being done to tackle these attacks individually, the combination of these two attacks has received limited attention in the research community.\\ To address this gap, we introduce SAFEFL, a secure multiparty computation (MPC)-based framework designed to assess the efficacy of FL techniques in addressing both privacy inference and poisoning attacks. The heart of the SAFEFL framework is a communicator interface that enables PyTorch-based implementations to utilize the well-established MP-SPDZ framework, which implements various MPC protocols. The goal of SAFEFL is to facilitate the development of more efficient FL systems that can effectively address privacy inference and poisoning attacks.}, author = {Till Gehlhar and Felix Marx and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Tobias Wehrle and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{SafeFL: MPC-Friendly Framework for Private and Robust Federated Learning}}, booktitle = {6. Deep Learning Security and Privacy Workshop (DLSP'23)}, month = {May 25,}, year = {2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, weburl = {https://dls2023.ieee-security.org}, doi = {10.1109/SPW59333.2023.00012}, pages = {69-76}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/GMSSWY23.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/555}} }
@article{RKGSR23, abstract = {Cyberspace is a fragile construct threatened by malicious cyber operations of different actors, with vulnerabilities in IT hardware and software forming the basis for such activities, thus also posing a threat to global IT security. Advancements in the field of artificial intelligence accelerate this development, either with artificial intelligence enabled cyber weapons, automated cyber defense measures, or artificial intelligence-based threat and vulnerability detection. Especially state actors, with their long-term strategic security interests, often stockpile such knowledge of vulnerabilities and exploits to enable their military or intelligence service cyberspace operations. While treaties and regulations to limit these developments and to enhance global IT security by disclosing vulnerabilities are currently being discussed on the international level, these efforts are hindered by state concerns about the disclosure of unique knowledge and about giving up tactical advantages. This leads to a situation where multiple states are likely to stockpile at least some identical exploits, with technical measures to enable a depletion process for these stockpiles that preserve state secrecy interests and consider the special constraints of interacting states as well as the requirements within such environments being non-existent. This paper proposes such a privacy-preserving approach that allows multiple state parties to privately compare their stock of vulnerabilities and exploits to check for items that occur in multiple stockpiles without revealing them so that their disclosure can be considered. We call our system EXTRUST and show that it is scalable and can withstand several attack scenarios. Beyond the intergovernmental setting, EXTRUST can also be used for other zero-trust use cases, such as bug-bounty programs.}, author = {Thomas Reinhold and Philipp K\"uhn and Daniel G\"unther and Thomas Schneider and Christian Reuter}, title = {{ExTRUST: Reducing Exploit Stockpiles with a Privacy-Preserving Depletion System for Inter-State Relationships}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society}, month = {May 29,}, year = {2023}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, pages = {158-170}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/aboutJournal.jsp?punumber=8566059}, doi = {10.1109/TTS.2023.3280356}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RKGSR23.pdf}, note = {Online: \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00589}} }
@misc{BHKST23TPMPC, author = {Lennart Braun and Moritz Huppert and Nora Khayata and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: FUSE -- Flexible File Format and Intermediate Representation for Secure Multi-Party Computation}}, howpublished = {9. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC'23)}, address = {Aarhus, Denmark}, year = {2023}, weburl = {https://www.multipartycomputation.com/tpmpc-2023}, month = {June 8-9,} }
@inproceedings{SYY23, abstract = {This paper presents Griffin, an extension of the mixed-scheme single-key homomorphic encryption framework Pegasus (Lu et al., IEEE S\&P'21) to a Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption (MKHE) scheme with applications to secure computation. MKHE is a generalized notion of Homomorphic Encryption (HE) that allows for operations on ciphertexts encrypted under different keys. However, an efficient approach to evaluate both polynomial and non-polynomial functions on encrypted data in MKHE has not yet been developed, hindering the deployment of HE to real-life applications. Griffin addresses this challenge by introducing a method for transforming between MKHE ciphertexts of different schemes. The practicality of Griffin is demonstrated through benchmarks with multiple applications, including the sorting of sixty four 45-bit fixed point numbers with a precision of 7 bits in 21 minutes, and evaluating arbitrary functions with a one-time setup communication of 1.4 GB per party and 2.34 MB per ciphertext. Moreover, Griffin could compute the maximum of two numbers in 3.2 seconds, a 2x improvement over existing MKHE approaches that rely on a single scheme.}, title = {{Griffin: Towards Mixed Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption}}, author = {Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame and Michael Yonli}, booktitle = {20. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT'23)}, month = {July 10-12,}, year = {2023}, weburl = {http://www.secrypt.org}, rank = {B}, address = {Rome, Italy}, publisher = {SciTePress}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SYY23.pdf}, pages = {147-158}, doi = {10.5220/0012090200003555}, rate = {$13.0\%$ for full papers}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/654}} }
@inproceedings{BHKST23, abstract = {Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is continuously becoming more and more practical. Many optimizations have been introduced, making MPC protocols more suitable for solving real-world problems. However, the MPC protocols and optimizations are usually implemented as a standalone proof of concept or in an MPC framework and are tightly coupled with special-purpose circuit formats, such as Bristol Format. This makes it very hard and time-consuming to re-use algorithmic advances and implemented applications in a different context. Developing generic algorithmic optimizations is exceptionally hard because the available MPC tools and formats are not generic and do not provide the necessary infrastructure. \\ In this paper, we present FUSE: A Framework for Unifying and Optimizing Secure Multi-Party Computation Implementations with Efficient Circuit Storage. FUSE provides a flexible intermediate representation (FUSE IR) that can be used across different platforms and in different programming languages, including C/C++, Java, Rust, and Python. We aim at making MPC tools more interoperable, removing the tight coupling between high-level compilers for MPC and specific MPC protocol engines, thus driving knowledge transfer. Our framework is inspired by the widely known LLVM compiler framework. FUSE is portable, extensible, and it provides implementation-agnostic optimizations. \\ As frontends, we implement HyCC (CCS’18), the Bristol circuit format, and MOTION (TOPS’22), meaning that these can be automatically converted to FUSE IR. We implement several generic optimization passes, such as automatic subgraph replacement and vectorization, to showcase the utility and efficiency of our framework. Finally, we implement as backends MOTION and MP-SPDZ (CCS’20), so that FUSE IR can be run by these frameworks in an MPC protocol, as well as other useful backends for JSON output and the DOT language for graph visualization. With FUSE, it is possible to use any implemented frontend with any implemented backend and vice-versa. FUSE IR is not only efficient to work on and much more generic than any other format so far - supporting, e.g., function calls, hybrid MPC protocols as well as user-defined building blocks, and annotations - while maintaining backwards-compatibility, but also compact, with smaller storage size than even minimalistic formats such as Bristol already for a few hundred operations.}, author = {Lennart Braun and Moritz Huppert and Nora Khayata and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko}, title = {{FUSE -- Flexible File Format and Intermediate Representation for Secure Multi-Party Computation}}, booktitle = {18. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'23)}, month = {July 10-14,}, year = {2023}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, weburl = {https://asiaccs2023.org}, doi = {10.1145/3579856.3590340}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BHKST23.pdf}, pages = {649-663}, rate = {$17.3\%$}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/563}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/FUSE}} }
@article{NS23, abstract = {Garbled circuits are a fundamental cryptographic primitive that allows two or more parties to securely evaluate an arbitrary Boolean circuit without revealing any information beyond the output using a constant number of communication rounds. Garbled circuits have been introduced by Yao (FOCS'86) and generalized to the multi-party setting by Beaver, Micali and Rogaway (STOC'90). Since then, several works have improved their efficiency by providing different garbling schemes and several implementations exist. Starting with the seminal Fairplay compiler (USENIX Security'04), several implementation frameworks decoupled the task of compiling the function to be evaluated into a Boolean circuit from the engine that securely evaluates that circuit, e.g., using a secure two-party computation protocol based on garbled circuits. In this paper, we show that this decoupling of circuit generation and evaluation allows a subtle attack on several prominent garbling schemes. It occurs when violating the implicit assumption on the circuit that gates have different input wires which is most often not explicitly specified in the respective papers. The affected garbling schemes use separate calls to a deterministic encryption function for the left and right input wire of a gate to derive pseudo-random encryption pads that are XORed together. When a circuit contains a gate where the left and right input wire are the same, these two per-wire encryption pads cancel out and we demonstrate that this can result in a complete break of privacy. We show how the vulnerable garbling schemes can be fixed easily.}, author = {Raine Nieminen and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Breaking and Fixing Garbled Circuits when a Gate has Duplicate Input Wires}}, journal = {Journal of Cryptology (JoC)}, year = {2023}, publisher = {Springer}, weburl = {https://www.springer.com/journal/145}, rank = {A*}, doi = {10.1007/s00145-023-09472-4}, volume = {36}, number = {4}, month = {August 3,}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/NS23.pdf}, note = {Part of Topical Collection on Computing on Encrypted Data. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/530}} }
@inproceedings{HSW23, abstract = {Mobile contact discovery is a convenience feature of messengers such as WhatsApp or Telegram that helps users to identify which of their existing contacts are registered with the service. Unfortunately, the contact discovery implementation of many popular messengers massively violates the users' privacy as demonstrated by Hagen et al. (NDSS'21, ACM TOPS'23). Unbalanced private set intersection (PSI) protocols are a promising cryptographic solution to realize mobile private contact discovery, however, state-of-the-art protocols do not scale to real-world database sizes with billions of registered users in terms of communication and/or computation overhead.\\ In our work, we make significant steps towards truly practical large-scale mobile private contact discovery. For this, we combine and substantially optimize the unbalanced PSI protocol of Kales et al. (USENIX Security'19) and the private information retrieval (PIR) protocol of Kogan and Corrigan-Gibbs (USENIX Security'21). Our resulting protocol has a total communication overhead that is sublinear in the size of the server’s user database and also has sublinear online runtimes. We optimize our protocol by introducing database partitioning and efficient scheduling of user queries. To handle realistic change rates of databases and contact lists, we propose and evaluate different possibilities for efficient updates. We implement our protocol on smartphones and measure online runtimes of less than 2 s to query up to 1024 contacts from a database with more than two billion entries. Furthermore, we achieve a reduction in setup communication up to factor 32 $\times$ compared to state-of-the-art mobile private contact discovery protocols.}, author = {Laura Hetz and Thomas Schneider and Christian Weinert}, title = {{Scaling Mobile Private Contact Discovery to Billions of Users}}, booktitle = {28. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'23)}, year = {2023}, month = {September 25-29,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, rank = {A}, address = {The Hague, The Netherlands}, weburl = {https://esorics2023.org}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HSW23.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/758}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/disco}}, volume = {14344}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-50594-2_23}, rate = {$19.5\%$}, pages = {455-476} }
@inproceedings{CNSS23, abstract = {Emails have improved our workplace efficiency and communication. However, they are often processed unencrypted by mail servers, leaving them open to data breaches on a single service provider. Public-key based solutions for end-to-end secured email, such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), are available but are not widely adopted due to usability obstacles and also hinder processing of encrypted emails. \\ We propose PrivMail, a novel approach to secure emails using secret sharing methods. Our framework utilizes Secure Multi-Party Computation techniques to relay emails through multiple service providers, thereby preventing any of them from accessing the content in plaintext. Additionally, PrivMail supports private server-side email processing similar to IMAP SEARCH, and eliminates the need for cryptographic certificates, resulting in better usability than public-key based solutions. An important aspect of our framework is its capability to enable third-party searches on user emails while maintaining the privacy of both the email and the query used to conduct the search. \\ To evaluate our solution, we benchmarked transfer and search operations using the Enron Email Dataset and demonstrate that PrivMail is an effective solution for enhancing email security.}, author = {Gowri R Chandran and Raine Nieminen and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh}, title = {{PrivMail: A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Secure Emails}}, booktitle = {28. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'23)}, year = {2023}, month = {September 25-29,}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, rank = {A}, address = {The Hague, The Netherlands}, weburl = {https://esorics2023.org}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/1294}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/PrivMail}}, volume = {14345}, pages = {145-165}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-51476-0_8}, rate = {$19.5\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/CNSS23.pdf} }
@inproceedings{CLRS23, abstract = {The problem of finding the $k^{th}$ Ranked Element (KRE) is of particular interest in collaborative studies for financial and medical agencies alike. Many of the applications of KRE deal with sensitive information that needs to be protected. The protocol by Chandran et al. (SECRYPT'22) considers a model where multiple parties hold datasets with many elements and wish to compute the $k^{th}$ element of their joint dataset. In their model, all participating parties interact with a central party in a star network topology. However, they leak some intermediate information to the central party.\\ In this work we use differential privacy techniques to hide this leakage. We use the Laplace mechanism for introducing differentially private noise and use sigmoid scaling to improve the accuracy of the protocol. We show that our modifications have only a small impact on the accuracy. We also give experimental performance results and compare our work to the previous works on KRE.}, author = {Gowri R Chandran and Philipp-Florens Lehwalder and Leandro Rometsch and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{POSTER: Secure and Differentially Private K-th Ranked Element}}, booktitle = {30. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'23) Posters/Demos}, month = {November 26-30,}, weburl = {https://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2023/call-for-posters.html}, year = {2023}, pages = {3624-3626}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A*}, rate = {$47.4\%$}, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, doi = {10.1145/3576915.3624392}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/CLRS23.pdf}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/dp-KRE}} }
@inproceedings{DST23, abstract = {The well-defined information leakage of Encrypted Search Algorithms (ESAs) is predominantly analyzed by crafting so-called leak- age attacks. These attacks utilize adversarially known auxiliary data and the observed leakage to attack an ESA instance built on a user’s data. Known-data attacks require the auxiliary data to be a subset of the user’s data. In contrast, sampled-data attacks merely rely on auxiliary data that is, in some sense, statistically close to the user’s data and hence reflect a much more realistic attack scenario where the auxiliary data stems from a publicly available data source instead of the private user’s data.\\ Unfortunately, it is unclear what “statistically close” means in the context of sampled-data attacks. This leaves open how to measure whether data is close enough for attacks to become a considerable threat. Furthermore, sampled-data attacks have so far not been evaluated in the more realistic attack scenario where the auxiliary data stems from a source different to the one emulating the user’s data. Instead, auxiliary and user data have been emulated with data from one source being split into distinct training and testing sets. This leaves open whether and how well attacks work in the mentioned attack scenario with data from different sources.\\ In this work, we address these open questions by providing a measurable metric for statistical closeness in encrypted keyword search. Using real-world data, we show a clear exponential relation between our metric and attack performance. We uncover new data that are intuitively similar yet stem from different sources. We discover that said data are not “close enough” for sampled-data attacks to perform well. Furthermore, we provide a re-evaluation of sampled-data keyword attacks with varying evaluation parameters and uncover that some evaluation choices can significantly affect evaluation results.}, author = {Dominique Dittert and Thomas Schneider and Amos Treiber}, title = {{Too Close for Comfort? Measuring Success of Sampled-Data Leakage Attacks Against Encrypted Search}}, booktitle = {15. {ACM} Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW'23)}, month = {November 26,}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DST23.pdf}, year = {2023}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://ccsw.io}, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, pages = {3-15}, rate = {$50.0\%$}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/1465}}, doi = {10.1145/3605763.3625243} }
@inproceedings{DGSSWY23, abstract = {A Universal Circuit~(UC) is a Boolean circuit of size~$\Theta(n \log n)$ that can simulate any Boolean function up to a certain size~$n$. Valiant (STOC'76) provided the first two UC constructions of asymptotic sizes $\sim5 n\log n$ and $\sim4.75 n\log n$, and today's most efficient construction of Liu et al.~(CRYPTO'21) has size~$\sim3n\log n$. Evaluating a public UC with a secure Multi-Party Computation~(MPC) protocol allows efficient Private Function Evaluation~(PFE), where a private function is evaluated on private data.\\ Previously, most UC constructions have only been developed for circuits consisting of 2-input gates. In this work, we generalize UCs to simulate circuits consisting of ($\rho \rightarrow \omega$)-Lookup Tables (LUTs) that map $\rho$ input bits to $\omega$ output bits. Our LUT-based UC (LUC) construction has an asymptotic size of $1.5\rho\omega n \log \omega n$ and improves the size of the UC over the best previous UC construction of Liu et al. (CRYPTO'21) by factors 1.12$\times$ - $2.18\times$ for common functions. Our results show that the greatest size improvement is achieved for $\rho=3$ inputs, and it decreases for $\rho>3$.\\ Furthermore, we introduce Varying Universal Circuits (VUCs), which reduce circuit size at the expense of leaking the number of inputs $\rho$ and outputs $\omega$ of each LUT. Our benchmarks demonstrate that VUCs can improve over the size of the LUC construction by a factor of up to $1.45\times$.}, author = {Yann Disser and Daniel G\"unther and Thomas Schneider and Maximilian Stillger and Arthur Wigandt and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{Breaking the Size Barrier: Universal Circuits meet Lookup Tables}}, booktitle = {29. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT'23}, rate = {$28.2\%$}, month = {December 4-8,}, pages = {3-37}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {14438}, weburl = {https://asiacrypt.iacr.org/2023/}, address = {Guangzhou, China}, rank = {A}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-99-8721-4_1}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DGSSWY23}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2022/1652}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/LUC}} }
@inproceedings{BMPSSTVWYY24, abstract = {Secure aggregation is commonly used in federated learning (FL) to alleviate privacy concerns related to the central aggregator seeing all parameter updates in the clear. Unfortunately, most existing secure aggregation schemes ignore two critical orthogonal research directions that aim to (i) significantly reduce client-server communication and (ii) mitigate the impact of malicious clients. However, both of these additional properties are essential to facilitate cross-device FL with thousands or even millions of (mobile) participants.\\ In this paper, we unite both research directions by introducing ScionFL, the first secure aggregation framework for FL that operates efficiently on quantized inputs and simultaneously provides robustness against malicious clients. Our framework leverages novel multi-party computation MPC techniques and supports multiple linear (1-bit) quantization schemes, including ones that utilize the randomized Hadamard transform and Kashin's representation. \\ Our theoretical results are supported by extensive evaluations. We show that with no overhead for clients and moderate overhead for the server compared to transferring and processing quantized updates in plaintext, we obtain comparable accuracy for standard FL benchmarks. Moreover, we demonstrate the robustness of our framework against state-of-the-art poisoning attacks.}, author = {Yaniv Ben-Itzhak and Helen M\"ollering and Benny Pinkas and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Shay Vargaftik and Christian Weinert and Hossein Yalame and Avishay Yanai}, title = {{ScionFL: Secure Quantized Aggregation for Federated Learning}}, booktitle = {2. IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML'24)}, year = {2024}, month = {April 9-11,}, address = {Toronto, Canada}, publisher = {IEEE}, rate = {$21.5\%$}, weburl = {https://satml.org}, pages = {490-511}, doi = {10.1109/SaTML59370.2024.00031}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BMPSSTVWYY24.pdf}, note = {\textbf{Runner-up Distinguished Paper Award.} Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/652}} }
@inproceedings{PZMZS24, abstract = {The advent of transformers has brought about significant advancements in traditional machine learning tasks. However, their pervasive deployment has raised concerns about the potential leakage of sensitive information during inference. Existing approaches using secure multiparty computation (MPC) face limitations when applied to transformers due to the extensive model size and resource-intensive matrix-matrix multiplications. In this paper, we present BOLT, a privacy-preserving inference framework for transformer models that supports efficient matrix multiplications and nonlinear computations. Combined with our novel machine learning optimizations, BOLT reduces the communication cost by 10.91$\times$. Our evaluation on diverse datasets demonstrates that BOLT maintains comparable accuracy to floating-point models and achieves 4.8-9.5$\times$ faster inference across various network settings compared to the state-of-the-art system.}, title = {{BOLT: Privacy-Preserving, Accurate and Efficient Inference for Transformers}}, author = {Qi Pang and Jinhao Zhu and Helen M\"ollering and Wenting Zheng and Thomas Schneider}, booktitle = {45. {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy ({IEEE} S\&P'24)}, month = {May 20-23,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2024/index.html}, rank = {A*}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, pages = {4753-4771}, rate = {$17.8\%$}, doi = {10.1109/SP54263.2024.00130}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/PZMZS24.pdf}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/1893}} }
@inproceedings{BSSSY24, abstract = {Secure multi-party computation (MPC) enables (joint) computations on sensitive data while maintaining privacy. In real-world scenarios, asymmetric trust assumptions are often most realistic, where one somewhat trustworthy entity interacts with smaller clients. We generalize previous two-party computation (2PC) protocols like MUSE (USENIX Security'21) and SIMC (USENIX Security'22) to the three-party setting (3PC) with one malicious party, avoiding the performance limitations of dishonest-majority inherent to 2PC.\\ We introduce two protocols, Auxiliator and Socium, in a machine learning (ML) friendly design with a fast online phase and novel verification techniques in the setup phase. These protocols bridge the gap between prior 3PC approaches that considered either fully semi-honest or malicious settings. Auxiliator enhances the semi-honest two-party setting with a malicious helper, significantly improving communication by at least two orders of magnitude. Socium extends the client-malicious setting with one malicious client and a semi-honest server, achieving substantial communication improvement by at least one order of magnitude compared to SIMC.\\ Besides an implementation of our new protocols, we provide the first open-source implementation of the semi-honest 3PC protocol ASTRA (CCSW'19) and a variant of the malicious 3PC protocol SWIFT (USENIX Security'21).}, title = {{Don't Eject the Impostor: Fast Three-Party Computation With a Known Cheater}}, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Oliver Schick and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, booktitle = {45. {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy ({IEEE} S\&P'24)}, month = {May 20-23,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {IEEE}, weburl = {https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2024/index.html}, rank = {A*}, pages = {503-522}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BSSSY24.pdf}, rate = {$17.8\%$}, doi = {10.1109/SP54263.2024.00164}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/1744}} }
@misc{HKS24TPMPC, author = {Robin Hundt and Nora Khayata and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: SEEC: Memory Safety Meets Efficiency in Secure Two-Party Computation}}, howpublished = {10. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC'24)}, year = {2024}, address = {Darmstadt, Germany}, weburl = {https://www.multipartycomputation.com/tpmpc-2024}, notes = {Video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXrDlz9wyic}}, month = {June 3-6,} }
@inproceedings{MSSSWY24, abstract = {Cache side-channels are a major threat to cryptographic implementations, particularly block ciphers. Traditional manual hardening methods transform block ciphers into Boolean circuits, a practice refined since the late 90s. The only existing automatic approach based on Boolean circuits achieves security but suffers from performance issues. This paper examines the use of Lookup Tables (LUTs) for automatic hardening of block ciphers against cache side-channel attacks. We present a novel method combining LUT-based synthesis with quantitative static analysis in our HyCaMi framework. Applied to seven block cipher implementations, HyCaMi shows significant improvement in efficiency, being 9.5$\times$ more efficient than previous methods, while effectively protecting against cache side-channel attacks. Additionally, for the first time, we explore balancing speed with security by adjusting LUT sizes, providing faster performance with slightly reduced leakage guarantees, suitable for scenarios where absolute security and speed must be balanced.}, title = {{HyCaMi: High-Level Synthesis for Cache Side Mitigation}}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Joachim Schmidt and Thomas Schneider and Maximilian Stillger and Tim Wei{\ss}mantel and Hossein Yalame}, booktitle = {61. Design Automation Conference (DAC'24)}, month = {June 23-27,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://www.dac.com}, rank = {A}, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3649329.3657394}, pages = {323:1-223:6}, rate = {$23\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/MSSSWY24.pdf}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/HyCaMi}. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/533}} }
@inproceedings{RCSSS24, abstract = {Analyzing user data while protecting the privacy of individuals remains a big challenge. Trusted execution environments (TEEs) are a possible solution as they protect processes and Virtual Machines (VMs) against malicious hosts. However, TEEs can leak access patterns to code and to the data being processed. Furthermore, when data is stored in a TEE database, the data volume required to answer a query is another unwanted side channel that contains sensitive information. Both types of information leaks, access patterns and volume patterns, allow for database reconstruction attacks.\\ In this paper, we present Menhir, an oblivious TEE database that hides access patterns with ORAM guarantees and volume patterns through differential privacy. The database allows range and point queries with SQL-like WHERE-clauses. It builds on the state-of-the-art oblivious AVL tree construction Oblix (S\&P'18), which by itself does not protect against volume leakage. We show how volume leakage can be exploited in range queries and improve the construction to mitigate this type of attack. We prove the correctness and obliviousness of Menhir. Our evaluation shows that our approach is feasible and scales well with the number of rows and columns in the database.}, author = {Leonie Reichert and Gowri R Chandran and Phillipp Schoppmann and Thomas Schneider and Bj\"orn Scheuermann}, title = {{Menhir: An Oblivious Database with Protection against Access and Volume Pattern Leakage}}, booktitle = {19. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'24)}, month = {July 1-5,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A}, address = {Singapore}, weburl = {https://asiaccs2024.sutd.edu.sg}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/RCSSS24.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3634737.3657005}, rate = {$19.4\%$}, pages = {1675-1690}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/556}. Code: \url{https://github.com/ReichertL/Menhir}} }
@inproceedings{KMSTZ24, abstract = {While secure multi-party computation (MPC) protects the privacy of inputs and intermediate values of a computation, differential privacy (DP) ensures that the output itself does not reveal too much about individual inputs. For this purpose, MPC can be used to generate noise and add this noise to the output. However, securely generating and adding this noise is a challenge considering real-world implementations on finite-precision computers, since many DP mechanisms guarantee privacy only when noise is sampled from continuous distributions requiring infinite precision. We introduce efficient MPC protocols that securely realize noise sampling for several plaintext DP mechanisms that are secure against existing precision-based attacks: the discrete Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms, the snapping mechanism, and the integer-scaling Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms. Due to their inherent trade-offs, the favorable mechanism for a specific application depends on the available computation resources, type of function evaluated, and desired $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP guarantee. The benchmarks of our protocols implemented in the state-of-the-art MPC framework MOTION (Braun et al., TOPS’22) demonstrate highly efficient online runtimes of less than 32 ms/query and down to about 1ms/query with batching in the two-party setting. Also the respective offline phases are practical, requiring only 51 ms to 5.6 seconds/query depending on the batch size.}, author = {Hannah Keller and Helen M\"ollering and Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko and Liang Zhao}, title = {{Secure Noise Sampling for DP in MPC with Finite Precision}}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {19. International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'24)}, month = {July 30 - August 2,}, rank = {B}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, weburl = {https://www.ares-conference.eu}, rate = {$20.5\%$}, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {25:1-25:12}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/KMSTZ24.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3664476.3664490}, note = {Full version: \url{https://ia.cr/2023/1594}} }
@inproceedings{DDKYSA24, abstract = {The success of machine learning (ML) has been accompanied by increased concerns about its trustworthiness. Several jurisdictions are preparing ML regulatory frameworks. One such concern is ensuring that model training data has desirable distributional properties for certain sensitive attributes. For example, draft regulations indicate that model trainers are required to show that training datasets have specific distributional properties, such as reflecting the diversity of the population. We propose the novel notion of ML property attestation allowing a prover (e.g., model trainer) to demonstrate relevant properties of an ML model to a verifier (e.g., a customer) while preserving the confidentiality of sensitive data. We focus on the attestation of distributional properties of training data without revealing the data. We present an effective hybrid property attestation combining property inference with cryptographic mechanisms.}, author = {Vasisht Duddu and Anudeep Das and Nora Khayata and Hossein Yalame and Thomas Schneider and N. Asokan}, title = {{Attesting Distributional Properties of Training Data for Machine Learning}}, year = {2024}, month = {September 16-20,}, booktitle = {29. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'24)}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {14982}, rank = {A}, pages = {3-23}, rate = {$16.1\%$}, address = {Bydgoszcz, Poland}, weburl = {https://esorics2024.org}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-70879-4_1}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/DDKYSA24.pdf}, note = {Full version: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.09552}. Code: \url{https://github.com/ssg-research/distribution-attestation}} }
@inproceedings{SBHS24, abstract = {Am 12. April 2024 wurde das Gesetz \"uber die Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf den Geschlechtseintrag (SBGG) im Bundestag beschlossen. Trans*, intergeschlechtliche und nicht-bin\"are Personen k\"onnen ab dem 1. November 2024 ohne entw\"urdigende Verfahren ihren Vornamen und Geschlechtseintrag beim Standesamt durch Eigenerkl\"arung \"andern. Zur Weiterverfolgbarkeit des Individuums nach Namens\"anderung war zwischenzeitlich eine automatisierte Datenweitergabe an Sicherheitsbeh\"orden vorgesehen. Die entsprechende Vorschrift wurde in den Ausschussberatungen ersatzlos gestrichen. Zur Begr\"undung daf\"ur wurde die Vereinheitlichung mit dem sonstigen Namensrecht angef\"uhrt, nicht aber Datenschutzbedenken. Die urspr\"unglich in \§~13~Abs.~5~SBGG-Regierungsentwurf~(RegE) geplante Regelung k\"onnte jedoch in einer geplanten Reform des Namens\"anderungsgesetzes erneut aufgegriffen werden, woraus sich berechtigte Sorgen bzgl. \"Uberwachung, Datenschutz und Diskriminierung ergeben. Diesen kann mit einer auf Multi-Party Computation basierenden L\"osung begegnet werden, welche eine datensparsame Handhabung erm\"oglicht. Dieser Beitrag betrachtet datensparsame beh\"ordliche Datenabgleiche zu Nachverfolgbarkeitszwecken am Beispiel des nunmehr verworfenen \§~13~Abs.~5~SBGG-RegE aus interdisziplin\"ar rechtlich-kryptographischer Sicht.}, author = {Linda Seyda and Andreas Br\"uggemann and Gerrit Hornung and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Multi-Party Computation als Instrument zur Umsetzung datenschutzkonformer beh\"ordlicher Datenabgleiche: Eine interdisziplin\"are Analyse am Beispiel der Diskussionen um das Gesetz zur Selbstbestimmung \"uber den Geschlechtseintrag}}, booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2024, Workshop Recht und Technik: Datenschutz im Diskurs (RuT'24)}, month = {September 26,}, year = {2024}, address = {Wiesbaden, Germany}, publisher = {GI}, series = {LNI}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/SBHS24.pdf}, weburl = {https://www.uni-saarland.de/lehrstuhl/sorge/forschung/workshopskonferenzen/recht-und-technik-2024.html}, doi = {10.18420/inf2024_11}, pages = {153-167} }
@inproceedings{CDELRS24, abstract = {Nowadays, the problem of point-to-point encryption is solved by the wide adaptation of protocols like TLS. However, challenges persist for End-to-End Encryption (E2EE). Current E2EE solutions, such as PGP and secure messengers like Signal, suffer from issues like 1) low usability, 2) small user base, 3) dependence on central service providers, and 4) susceptibility to backdoors. Concerns over legally mandated backdoors are rising as the US and EU are proposing new surveillance regulations requiring chat monitoring. We present a new E2EE solution called Encrypted MultiChannel Communication (EMC$^2$), based on $n$-out-of-$n$ secret sharing. EMC$^2$ splits messages into multiple secret shares and sends them through independent channels. We show that multiple independent channels exist between users and EMC$^2$ provides E2EE with no single point of trust, no setup, and is understandable by the general public. Our solution complements existing tools and strengthens the case against legally enforced backdoors by demonstrating their ineffectiveness.}, author = {Gowri R Chandran and Kilian Demuth and Kasra Edalatnejad and Sebastian Linsner and Christian Reuter and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{Encrypted MultiChannel Communication (EMC2): Johnny should use Secret Sharing}}, booktitle = {23. Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'24)}, month = {October 14,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://cseapps.case.edu/wpes2024/}, rate = {$50.0\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/CDELRS24.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3689943.3695051}, address = {Salt Lake City, USA}, pages = {34-39}, note = {Short paper. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/1407}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/emc2}} }
@inproceedings{EKST24, abstract = {Encrypted Search Algorithms (ESAs) are a technique to encrypt data while the user can still search over it. ESAs can protect privacy and ensure security of sensitive data stored on a remote storage. Originally, ESAs were used in the context of documents that consist of keywords. The user encrypts the documents, sends them to a remote server and is still able to search for keywords, without exposing information about the plaintext. The idea of ESAs has also been applied to relational databases, where queries (similar to SQL statements) can be privately executed on an encrypted database. But just as traditional schemes for Keyword-ESAs, also Relational-ESAs have the drawback of exposing some information, called leakage. Leakage attacks have been proposed in the literature that use this information together with auxiliary information to learn details about the plaintext. However, these leakage attacks have overwhelmingly been designed for and applied to Keyword-ESAs and not Relational-ESAs.\\ In this work, we review the suitability of major leakage attacks against ESAs in the relational setting by adapting them accordingly. We perform extensive re-evaluations of the attacks on various relational datasets with different properties. \\ Our evaluations show that major attacks can work against Relational-ESAs in the known-data setting. However, the attack performance differs between datasets, exploited patterns, and attacks.}, author = {Patrick Ehrler and Abdelkarim Kati and Thomas Schneider and Amos Treiber}, title = {{Evaluating Leakage Attacks Against Relational Encrypted Search}}, booktitle = {16. {ACM} Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW'24)}, month = {October 18,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {ACM}, weburl = {https://ccsw.io}, address = {Salt Lake City, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3689938.3694776}, rate = {$41.2\%$}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/EKST24.pdf}, pages = {15-28}, note = {Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/1525}} }
@misc{HKS24Poster, author = {Robin William Hundt and Nora Khayata and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{POSTER: SEEC -- Memory Safety Meets Efficiency in Secure Two-Party Computation}}, howpublished = {40. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'24) Poster Session}, month = {December 9-13,}, year = {2024}, address = {Waikiki, Hawaii, USA}, weburl = {https://www.acsac.org/2024}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HKS24Abstract.pdf}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/HKS24Poster.pdf}, note = {Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/SEEC}}, rank = {A} }
@misc{BGS24Poster, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Tamino Goldan and Thomas Schneider}, title = {{POSTER: PrivForm -- A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Online Forms}}, howpublished = {40. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'24) Poster Session}, month = {December 9-13,}, year = {2024}, address = {Waikiki, Hawaii, USA}, weburl = {https://www.acsac.org/2024}, url = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BGS24Abstract.pdf}, posterurl = {https://encrypto.de/papers/BGS24Poster.pdf}, rank = {A} }
@inproceedings{GSSY24, abstract = {In modern business to customer interactions, handling private or confidential data is essential. Private Function Evaluation (PFE) protocols ensure the privacy of both the customers’ input data and the business’ function evaluated on it which is often sensitive intellectual property (IP). However, fully hiding the function in PFE results in high performance overhead. Semi-Private Function Evaluation (SPFE) is a generalization of PFE to only partially hide the function, whereas specific non-critical components remain public. Our paper introduces a novel framework designed to make SPFE accessible to non-experts and practical for real-world deployments.\\ To achieve this, we improve on previous SPFE solutions in two aspects. First, we enhance the developer experience by leveraging High-Level Synthesis (HLS), making our tool more user-friendly than previous SPFE frameworks. Second, we achieve a 2$\times$ speedup compared to the previous state-of-the-art through more efficient underlying constructions and the usage of Lookup Tables (LUTs).\\ We evaluate the performance of our framework in terms of communication and runtime efficiency. Our final implementation is available as an open-source project, aiming to bridge the gap between advanced cryptographic protocols and their practical application in industry scenarios.}, author = {Daniel G\"unther and Joachim Schmidt and Thomas Schneider and Hossein Yalame}, title = {{FLUENT: A Tool for Efficient Mixed-Protocol Semi-Private Function Evaluation}}, booktitle = {40. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'24)}, month = {December 9-13,}, year = {2024}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Waikiki, Hawaii, USA}, weburl = {https://www.acsac.org/2024}, rank = {A}, note = {To appear. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/1561}. Code: \url{https://encrypto.de/code/FLUENT}} }
@misc{BSSY25TPMPC, title = {{CONTRIBUTED TALK: Don't Eject the Impostor -- Honest-Majority {MPC} with Fixed Malicious Parties}}, author = {Andreas Br\"uggemann and Oliver Schick and Thomas Schneider and Ajith Suresh and Hossein Yalame}, howpublished = {11. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC'25)}, year = {2025}, address = {Bangalore, India}, weburl = {https://www.multipartycomputation.com/tpmpc-2025}, month = {March 3-6,} }
@inproceedings{CSSW25, author = {Gowri R Chandran and Thomas Schneider and Maximilian Stillger and Christian Weinert}, title = {{Concretely Efficient Private Set Union via Circuit-Based PSI}}, booktitle = {20. {ACM} {ASIA} Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'25)}, month = {August 25-29,}, year = {2025}, publisher = {ACM}, rank = {A}, address = {Ha Noi, Vietnam}, weburl = {https://asiaccs2025.hust.edu.vn}, note = {To appear. Online: \url{https://ia.cr/2024/1494}} }